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Status Replies posted by DemonGoddess

  1. Objects to Eurovision Song Contest by watching Lord of the Rings...

  2. News headline of the day (and it's LEGIT!) Japanese man, 22, cooks his own genitals and serves them up to paying guests at a dinner party

  3. My older sister is the laid back type. Until you bring up the price of gas. Then she could make Satan cry.

  4. Everquest or Skyrim? How should I spend my night destressing?

  5. i lost a review. :-( on a story i've not updated for ages. Why would someone come back to it just to delete a review?

  6. i lost a review. :-( on a story i've not updated for ages. Why would someone come back to it just to delete a review?

  7. Spent the day trolling through internet archives about the Cooks Source copyright infringment debacle. I will say this... WOW! And I thought some of our HoS denizens had big brass ones! They pale in the shadow of Judith Griggs...

  8. My car is trying to kill me. First it has to go to the shop for the transmission slipping, then on the way to my parents so we can get it there... It decides to overheat for no reason that can be seen. Fluids all check out, no pressure on the system. Then the speedometer goes out and the fuel gage goes... So rest of ride all nice and roasty to try and cool the damn thing down with emergency blinkers on. I'm ready to shoot it now.

  9. Hubby is home from surgery! We are discussing a possible fic for ME3. My man is my muse!

  10. Happy Mother's Day as appropriate! ::grins::

  11. http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/videolinks/thatguywiththeglasses/specials/35137-live-action-fanfic-lay-your-head-down-darling Dear god. THIS is what happens when real people read real-person-fiction about them! I don't know if I should be ashamed that real person fanfics this bad exists or to start wrting them myself!
  12. And just when you think plagiarists can't get dumber? This one takes the cake!....http://hetalia.livejournal.com/12128071.html

  13. I'm quite sure that somewhere there's a village that needs pillaging. I'll be taking applications if you know of a likely candidate.

  14. Happy birthday to me, etc.

  15. I have my precious back!

  16. Now I remember why I never wanted a deviantart. I was excited to use an art forum to exchange ideas and feedback and what did I get? A bunch of elitist trolls who calls anyone who follows the etiquette rules a "n00b", throw foul insults at anyone who asks them to be polite and generally stomp all over anyone trying to have an honest to god discussion. There were good people buried under there somewhere I'm sure, but heavens above! Does that place not even have moderators?

  17. my grandma is responding to the cemo so that is good news, off to do hw then i am going to try to update...

  18. Still here, swear it. Life is a little hectic right now but I promise I'm still typing away a little every day.

  19. I haven't been on in a while... I miss the brown.

  20. Feels like I should start planting flowers - so nice, sunny and warm!

  21. just got a call from my aunt about my grandma, she has shrunken colon, she is hallucinating because of her meds, and has the phenomena..mom is crying and i am starting to worry

  22. Second day here and I've already made a huge fool of myself! GOD!

  23. I finally tried blue cheese for the first time tonight. Sweet dancing jesus that's awful!


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