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Status Replies posted by DemonGoddess

  1. 5 hours in an emergency ward! A new personal record! At least it ended with us FINALLY finding a good doctor and saying that he wouldn't leave hospital this time without his jaw being sorted out PROPERLY.

  2. wait ages for a review. then two come along at once

  3. When is dad going to realise he's now weak and unsteady on his feet? Going face first into the driveway might mean a broken jaw now. It just doesn't get any better...

  4. I've been neglecting my knitting.

  5. Is it possible to OD on chocolate? Nah!

  6. Happy Birthday to me! Yay!

  7. SK says I'm awesome *cheeky grins*

  8. WOOT I AM 27 TODAY!!! XD! sadly i gotta do 4-5 page paper and go to class in the morning

  9. Can't figure out how to publish... I'm sad :(

  10. Wintry mix, my ass. That's snow falling!

  11. Seeing my dad look better today than he has in many weeks can't help but give me some encouragement.

  12. I don't have a mind.

  13. New season of Merlin, excited!!!

  14. *dons the face mask, yet again, and wonders what the fuck happened to Neko's immune system!* WTF!!

  15. Is a bad influence apparently...

  16. starting my baking tonight

  17. starting my baking tonight

  18. Annoying that my cat can sleep but I can't

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