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Status Replies posted by DemonGoddess

  1. 2013 Creative Pay-It-Forward: The first five people to comment on this status will receive from me, sometime in this calendar year, a gift -- perhaps a book, music, or something creative -- a surprise. There will likely be no advance notice, and it will happen at a time that I select. (aboard included)

  2. So, it's after midnight now. Thank god that shitty year is finally over. And here's hoping this one is better.

  3. Today the world lost an amazing woman. RIP Grandma K., I hope I can be as brave and smart as you. You are loved and missed <3

  4. Happy Birthday, Apollo

  5. Solid fecking sheet of ice in front of my house

  6. Merry Christmas, yule and whatever the heck you celebrate! :D

  7. It's my Birthday, sooooo, another roaund of dwinks for the poople at AFF!

  8. Merry XXX=mas y'all and a happy New Year!

  9. currently wondering as to the sanity of the members of congress

  10. This will be the first Christmas since dad died, and it's right on target to be just as hideously depressing and god-awful as the last one. I would like to put in a request for someone to shoot me in the head please.

  11. Is it just becasue I haven't been to the forum for a while or does the layout look more blue?

  12. I just made it to number 1 on Pyramid. *sigh* now what?

  13. one twitfic and two drabbles per day for 365 days. Can I do this?

  14. Yay, right now I'm Attempting to figure stuff out on here! Since I only recently Registered it'll take a bit.... :D Oh, well! I'm just going to Update my Profile for now! ~♥~

  15. For all my wenches that love a man in a kilt - Here is a link to 50+ minutes of nomminess....

  16. YES! I made it to page 5 of Pyramid. 1130 pts.

  17. the Hobbot soundtrack is fine for writing, you see :)


  19. I find it depressing that in the last 6 days, only 5 reviews have been left in the Buffy sub-domain.

  20. My son rushes out of his room to tell me, "I was innocently wiggling it, then I sucked on it, and it just shot out". LOL. My mind fell straight into the gutter. He was talking about his "tooth"!

  21. Is a single Neko now... since hubby likes 15 year olds over me....

  22. It's snowing. last week a hurricane, and this week a nor'easter and snow. I hate winter.

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