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Status Replies posted by DemonGoddess

  1. wishes there was a way to increase the hours in the day temporarily...or split myself in to at least 3...

  2. Halfway to 90 plus 1-sighs

  3. wishes there was a way to increase the hours in the day temporarily...or split myself in to at least 3...

  4. Figured out the new program features, so have done an edit on chapters 14 through 16 and got them all posted/replaced. Have begun writing chapter 17 of Driven Heart today also. Such a busy beaver day!

  5. I love posting here and writing my stories with this site!!

  6. my dog has passed away she went peacefully a little after 10:30

  7. I am absolutely infuriated with Windows 7 at the moment. It has decided my writing program is incompatible and has locked me out!!!!!!!!!!! Talk about viral mouse supported arrogance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. So, today 2 family members come to stay at our tiny little house, sleeping on the floor. Trust me when I say that the next 2 weeks are going to be A. Living. Hell. I really don't want to be here.

  9. ._. got the red screen from hell when I went to get on the forums here so I could change my profile picture o.O blew past it because I honestly don't think there is any thing wrong. And for the love of me I couldn't find that topic so I could say it there @_@.

  10. So, today 2 family members come to stay at our tiny little house, sleeping on the floor. Trust me when I say that the next 2 weeks are going to be A. Living. Hell. I really don't want to be here.

  11. So, today 2 family members come to stay at our tiny little house, sleeping on the floor. Trust me when I say that the next 2 weeks are going to be A. Living. Hell. I really don't want to be here.

  12. It interests me the most that certain readers feel entitled when it comes to fan fiction haha. They make comments as though I should worship them for reading. The people who dislike the work are FAR outnumbered by the people who do, so at what point would I care if you chose to stop reading it? To each their own and that is your right, but ultimately, I've got the power of the pen and I write for me first and foremost. Sharing my ideas and stories are just an added bonus! Lol but i lo...

  13. Pros and cons for boob sizes. GO GO GO!

  14. Well, I've never been trolled before. S'okay. The little plague can cuss me all she wants on FFN. I find it humorous to no end that a plague is flaming stories about plagiarism being a bad thing.

  15. 君を見つけ出す (きみをみつけだす)

  16. No backing out on THAT fic now. Just hope the double disclaimer covers AFF and my ass!

  17. 君を見つけ出す (きみをみつけだす)

  18. Doing a happy dance. The hard yardwork is done! I got a lot of the gazebo/artwork station cleaned up yesterday. I am in the home stretch now! Might even build a fire tonight and cook outside after it cools down. Hip Hip Hoozah!

  19. Irony: When a plagiarist's only original story is stolen by another person.

  20. I am not giving up hope on getting Alternate Tracks tagged as complete in the near future. Just have to finish the dratted communal yard etc cleaned up and weeded so the landlord can show the duplex attached to my place before I can get back to editing and posting. So sick of being the only tenent in the 5 units that the landlord relies upon.

  21. No you can't attempt to finish my abandoned ficvfor me. Fuck off and write your damn story

  22. *thunks head on wall repeatedly* It grew! Damn it all, it grew!


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