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Status Replies posted by DemonGoddess

  1. It's snowing. last week a hurricane, and this week a nor'easter and snow. I hate winter.

  2. I've updated my profile "About Me" if anyone's interested.

  3. Hello, I'm new and I'm French.

  4. editor assigned, time for the ego to take a pounding...

  5. Wow, haven't been on this site in like two years. No one will remember probably but I'M BAAAAAAAAACK!

  6. Getting ready for Frankenstorm (aka Hurricane Sandy) I really hope it doesn't knock out my power for too long. Last year's October snowstorm left me without power, water, or heat for two weeks. I would rather not have a repeat.

  7. Feeling kinda depressed. I wish people at work would stop asking me when I was having babies. Just because my coworkers are pregnant doesn't mean that there's "something in the water". I'm just going to go off and write something ultra depressing now...

  8. aaaaaaaaahhhhhhh! that's better. I think. Maybe.

  9. Why in the world does tech support think that not responding to me and telling me they've resolved my issue is going to make me go away when it's something I PAID for? I spent money on it, bub. You're *going* to talk to me and *FIX* it.

  10. Well, well. Twenty years today since the daft bugger and I got married, and so far, so good! I think he might be a keeper... :D

  11. how does one get a life? apparently they're terribly useful

  12. Back after a long time away

  13. The arrogance of the dimwitted never ceases to astound me.

  14. lawnzilla is baaack! arrrgh!

  15. lawnzilla is baaack! arrrgh!

  16. Gods, inspiration, come back to me!!

  17. September 6 is Read A Book Day. What are you going to read? :D

  18. So THAT'S what Milk Duds are! And I just found out what Baby Ruth, Butterfingers and 3 Musketeers chocolate bars taste like.

  19. So lately aside my work hours keeping me busy, been addicted to the Netflix and watching anime and cartoons... one of them is My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. >.>

  20. RIP Harry Harrison :( Sad to see so many Sci Fi greats passing...

  21. Too friggin hot... D':

  22. Two years married....time does fly.

  23. Swear on my heart, I just saw a sex ad on Youtube. It had ass shots and words encouraging people to look at pictures of naked old women. Is Youtube oblivious to young children going on the site or are they really desperate?

  24. finally after 27 days with no rain IT FINALLY RAINS!!!!! XD

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