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Status Replies posted by DemonGoddess

  1. Annoying that my cat can sleep but I can't

  2. This website is looking and running amazingly! ^^ Gods, I've missed this place. X3

  3. Why are so many software companies becoming unbearably arrogant? "We took those features away because we know best how you should do everything." Geesh!

  4. MaMo final: 60,987. Book completion, about 50%. And only 335 days until having to start that all over again.

  5. Now comes the wind down and realizing OMG Xmas is in like three weeks!

  6. *is happy staying home and AWAY from the stores* hehe

  7. *is happy staying home and AWAY from the stores* hehe

  8. For all who celebrate it, have a wonderful Thanksgiving! :D

  9. If anybody thinks I'm going to be doing any writing whatsoever when Skyrim has recently been released is insane.

  10. I have failed on getting my word count today.

  11. Here we go again, back to seeing if my dad's got cancer. I'm not sure how much more I can take of this...

  12. I have a new KOMPUTAAH!! and yes, you have to say it like that... damn, my komputaah corrects stuff even in here o.O...

  13. Watching Wonder Woman again -- five feet and nine inches of blue-eyed brunette in stars and stripes, oh my...

  14. I have a new KOMPUTAAH!! and yes, you have to say it like that... damn, my komputaah corrects stuff even in here o.O...

  15. When you think you can edit, it's when you find out you have to start from scratch

  16. has a baby EFO hiding in her dressing gown... Loves my chest the most...

  17. has a baby EFO hiding in her dressing gown... Loves my chest the most...

  18. The EFOs are plotting to take over the world. They've already taken over our house, our lives...

  19. It's my barfday~ x3

  20. 23 in 18 days.. I shouldn't feel old, but I sort of do..

  21. Maybe I should finally put up the completed fic I have festering on my hard drive.. Or maybe I'll read it through once again and make it better then leave it again, then go back to it ad infinitum.

  22. Newest excuse for plagiarism? "I've had to delete the story * **** ** ******** because i've been reported for plagiarism, but i would like to point out that other people have done something like that with other books." .... there is no hope for some people...

  23. How does one decide if ones work is decent enough to publish...

  24. So here is a trip. I've been married for eight years as of yesterday. To be honest it feels weird to say that because some days it feels like longer, others like no time at all.

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