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Status Replies posted by DemonGoddess

  1. I'm melting, I'm melting, I'm melting.....

  2. Time to play really old games: SW Republic Commando. Where you blaster is puny, battle droids are actually dangerous and trandoshans are midgets.

  3. Time to play really old games: SW Republic Commando. Where you blaster is puny, battle droids are actually dangerous and trandoshans are midgets.

  4. I've got bad, horrible & good news. !st, my harddrive crashed, #2 I lost a ton of stuff (most of which can't be replaced + business stuff + videos of my family), #3 few were FF related. It took me almost a week to get everything off. ;(

  5. So it took 4 hours to mow today, 7 big lawn bags full of clippings....and I have yet to weed..

  6. mentally preparing for the funeral of a 24 year old cousin, lost to the monster that is heroin. The family is utterly devastated ...

  7. Not feeling so good today. Cant sit or stand without starting to pass out. Gotta love pain meds and their side effects.

  8. "She hath no loyal Knight and true, The Lady of Shalott.. But in her web she still delights To weave the mirror's magic sights.." A sad story of a cursed girl who watches the world through her mirror, a sad legend, a beautiful painting. Why didn't I feel all this when they made us learn it by heart? "I am half sick of shadows," said The Lady of Shalott"©.

  9. What would the subtitleof your autobiography be?

  10. My noggin is TOASTED

  11. My noggin is TOASTED

  12. Games of Thrones was so F*CKING awesome and yet I'm so F*CKING pissed. I've got to get the second book but I don't want to wait a year for season two. SO UNFAIR! *sobs*

  13. Games of Thrones was so F*CKING awesome and yet I'm so F*CKING pissed. I've got to get the second book but I don't want to wait a year for season two. SO UNFAIR! *sobs*

  14. WOOOOT - Soldier time :D

  15. I today impressed my young female hairdresser with my knowledge of testicles. I live to educate.

  16. I today impressed my young female hairdresser with my knowledge of testicles. I live to educate.

  17. I today impressed my young female hairdresser with my knowledge of testicles. I live to educate.

  18. I today impressed my young female hairdresser with my knowledge of testicles. I live to educate.

  19. My baby is turning 6 on Friday *Sobs dramatically* Alas my baby is no longer my baby but a big girl that will be in first grade. They grow up way too fast :/ OMG Soon she will be in middle school and going to her first dance *shudders* Uh… that was way too soon to think about that one.

  20. My new computer is amazingly quick and surprisingly quiet. Now I just have to get used to Windows 7.

  21. My new computer is amazingly quick and surprisingly quiet. Now I just have to get used to Windows 7.

  22. This time next week I'll be bouncing in the car as I get ready to pick up my soldier - WIN!

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