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Status Replies posted by DemonGoddess

  1. finally after 27 days with no rain IT FINALLY RAINS!!!!! XD

  2. 5:30am... why...am I still...awake...? =_=

  3. Rain! Glorious rain!

  4. *needs really pissed off smiley... tries for pissed off avatar instead*

  5. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DANI! :D ::pops champagne::

  6. Rain rain go away, come back on another day~

  7. Back online after being without power for sixteen hours because of a freak storm.

  8. So I just woke up to a friend telling me that someone has plagerised a one shot I wrote a year before. The pathetic thing was, they really did not change much. Even the qutation mark swap I did back then XD What an idiot.

  9. It is TOO HOT... I'm MELTING!!!!

  10. It is TOO HOT... I'm MELTING!!!!

  11. Dear old mods: I don't appreciate you never having ... ya know, moderated.

  12. Has to wait till October to go to a dentist! I have a mouth ache that is also giving me a headache! gaaahhh

  13. My baby boy graduated middle school today. He got the Science and Social Studies awards! I'm such a proud Mama!

  14. There are days I just wanna fast forward to him being home cause I'm tired of being alone... This is one of them :(

  15. Feels fantastic to have finished my first mutli-chapter fic!

  16. *sigh* my work hours got cut again... grr... I would love all this extra time to write if I wasn't so damn worried about being able to pay bills and eat! Tea and rice is now a normal meal... *sigh* fml

  17. bbbbzzzzzzztttttttbztbbzzztttt

  18. good news! my grandma has told us last night that the cancer is gone! But the doctors want her to do Cemo for another couple of weeks! Yes my grandma is a fighter!!! XD

  19. Happy Birthday To Me!!!

  20. Trying to get back in the hang of navigating AFF.net ... it's hard B[

  21. It's like Facebook and writing combined on here...epic.

  22. Re-writing and re-posting some old stories!

  23. getting another plot ready for more flowers

  24. Objects to Eurovision Song Contest by watching Lord of the Rings...

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