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Status Replies posted by DemonGoddess


  2. I'm trying to figure out why I always end up alone. I'm happy with myself, but I do know that I have no social contract and am pretty awkward. The funny thing is I'm asexual so I'm not looking for a boy-/girlfriend. Just a friend. And yet here I am, alone... I cannot be that bad, can I?

  3. *thunks head on wall repeatedly* It grew! Damn it all, it grew!

  4. Microshit sucks balls, they do. Idiots designing a browser to DEFAULT to quirks mode. WTH????

  5. RIP Red Sun, you were a once for a lifetime horse. Race the angels for me.

  6. I spent the whole day playing hooky in forums. Needed a recharge day to be lazy.

  7. Posted both In depth Character development tools I use so often. Am kind of worried that I will get into trouible since they are so long.

  8. ..and now to start the OMFG my lawn is gonna KILL me thing.. It's back to 3x a week for mowing fer me

  9. ..and now to start the OMFG my lawn is gonna KILL me thing.. It's back to 3x a week for mowing fer me

  10. It wasn't enough that the upright freezer and washing machine needed replacing this year, now the fucking fridge has shit itself! *sigh*

  11. i think like 85% of friends list on all messengers is in like a nerd-gasm or something...

  12. the flu sucks! arrrrrggghhh

  13. Any fans of the British horror writer James Herbert will be sad to learn he's died, aged only 69.

  14. I have a feeling today's going to be one of those days where multiple people want me to strangle them...

  15. I have a feeling today's going to be one of those days where multiple people want me to strangle them...

  16. Am I caught up finally? Please, oh please tell me I'm caught up. I so want to be so I can bloody RELAX for a while ><

  17. I haz new specs! I can see!!!!!

  18. Finally wrote, and actually finished, a new story. That's the first one in a long time, and it's birth wasn't too easy, either.

  19. Finally wrote, and actually finished, a new story. That's the first one in a long time, and it's birth wasn't too easy, either.

  20. glasses are ordered! WOOHOO! I'll be able to see right again. Though am protesting that bifocals came into play. Oh, well, comes with the territory i guess...

  21. glasses are ordered! WOOHOO! I'll be able to see right again. Though am protesting that bifocals came into play. Oh, well, comes with the territory i guess...

  22. Maybe I should write a fic about how crazy you ladies can be.

  23. Can I get rid of every single person who likes twishite and fifty shades of grey? (unless, of course, I like you, then you're safe)

  24. A valiant battle, but a great man was lost to the world today. Godspeed, Doc.

  25. Can't wait to get out of work so that I can celebrate my bday with a healthy dose of Witchblade and hubby time!

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