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Status Replies posted by DemonGoddess

  1. Newest excuse for plagarism? "Stories should be available for everyone. If you are so selfish as to not post to the biggest fanfiction archive on the internet, I will post for you." And people wonder why authors yank their work off the web...

  2. Moved 63 stories between yesterday and today.

  3. It's been scientifically proven that too many birthdays can kill you.

  4. Back to AFF-life.. in updates to the ears:) New place, new job, new life (?)

  5. is all e-enrolled for his master's course. Now if only they'd tell when it was starting.

  6. Talk about fates. Sick migraine at work, left the races ... came home to a phone call from an old friend I haven't talked to in months. She needed to vent. Her 44 year old sister lost a 7 year battle with cancer. So glad I was home to take the call.

  7. A hurricane? Really? Really??

  8. Is summer over yet? *whimper*

  9. stung by a freaking wasp. spent most of the summer avoiding them only to be stung 2 weeks before september!

  10. holy crapola. What's happened to the forums? Upgrades and now they've ruined it? :P

  11. holy crapola. What's happened to the forums? Upgrades and now they've ruined it? :P

  12. holy crapola. What's happened to the forums? Upgrades and now they've ruined it? :P

  13. I have an AMAZING boyfriend - He deals with my insane work schedule and is flying me down for a day just because he misses me!!!

  14. My husband just informed me I am getting a pomerainain for Christmas....Which is fine, it's what I wanted.Wait'll he sees what I bought him!

  15. Okay my cat is sneaking into my room and ambushing me. She is literally attacking my feet or jumping on my chest then running out before I can grab her. Ah… Last night I was almost asleep when she dived bombed me. My little kitty may look cute and innocent but in reality she is very, very naughty and downright mean.

  16. So happy that torchwood is back, I still miss Ianto. :(

  17. Is very seriously comtemplating drop kicking the fecking cable modem in front of the nearest semi...and watching it CRUNCH

  18. Is very seriously comtemplating drop kicking the fecking cable modem in front of the nearest semi...and watching it CRUNCH

  19. Might possibly be working on a new story... Trying to get a voyeuristic feel to it..

  20. What's your favorite way of dealing with a plunny?

  21. Is not setting foot outside the house for ANY reason....entirely too damn hot out.

  22. I iz having job now....

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