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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. And I was grateful for the help! Let’s just say I hope the next step doesn’t involve anything like the merge and purge.
  2. I can’t give you an exact timeframe, because I’m not the coder who’s going to take it to the next stage. However, as soon as the clean-up portion is complete, our coder will be able to begin the process of unlocking the site. We’re as eager as our members to get things back to normal, trust me!
  3. The clean-up is very nearly done (7 pages left of what was 109 pages of duplicate/triplicate/multiple accounts under a single email). Once we’ve finished that, manta can move to the next step. I absolutely appreciate the offers of help—you all are wonderful! It’s been a long road, but knowing that AFF has the best members of any fiction archive makes it easier, so a rousing thank you to you all!
  4. Be patient with us just a bit longer. We’re nearly done with the massive clean-up project we’ve been doing behind the scenes, which will allow us to begin to reopen the site in stages. We’ll be announcing information about that as soon as we begin the process. Trust me, we ALL want the site up and running again!
  5. Hi, We’re still in read-only mode, so it isn’t you. We’re working as fast as we can to get things back up and running. We’re doing a massive behind-the-scenes cleanup of anything that might hamper the reopening of the site. Once that’s done, stay tuned for updates on what will come next as we get AFF back to business as usual.
  6. We don’t have a firm ETA on when the archive’s password reset feature will be restored. I’m sorry—I know that’s not what you wanted to hear, but we’re working on the site as quickly as possible. @Wilde_Guessis correct, though. You should be able to reset any forum password you might have had.
  7. They actually tested one of those chatbots, having it write school essays and then having teachers (and Judy Blume!) read them to decide which were human kids and which were AI There was an interactive quiz with the article and surprisingly, I was able to correctly identify 11 out of 12 essays. But I won’t lie—it was hard to tell in a few instances.
  8. From my side of things, I can report that we have completed just over 80% of the duplicate account clean-up process. I’m hoping, barring any more unexpected interruptions, to get that done this week. It’s time-consuming, but our concern is to not lose anyone’s data as we merge those multiple accounts using the same email address. Fortunately, making more than one account using the same email address is no longer possible, so it's a finite pool of accounts to review. We very much appreciate everyone’s patience—we have the best members!
  9. The email addresses were different, so we wouldn’t have merged the accounts as part of the cleanup. That’s not to say that the account wasn’t flagged as an alt account, which isn’t allowed, but I didn’t process that as far as I can tell from our records. The last one I processed was a couple of years ago, when someone decided to create 9 different accounts using 9 different emails. All those stories under the 9 accounts were merged into one account and 8 of the alts were deleted. So even if the account had been flagged as an alt, the stories should have been merged, which is not the case here. I’m hoping someone with full access to the database can help, because I’m not able to do more than check the active member profiles, and I’m getting the same “Invalid Profile” response.
  10. While the site is in read-only mode, there’s going to be functions that will remain disabled, and that includes password resets. Until we’re up and running properly again, you won’t be able to reset your password and log in. None of us, not even the moderating staff, can reset a password right now. Our tech admin is looking into the login issue, since that is not supposed to be disabled.
  11. I found the other account: https://members.adult-fanfiction.org/profile.php?no=1296861287
  12. Do you use the same email address on the archive as you do on the forum? The reason I ask is that we’ve been doing a clean-up of duplicate accounts as prep for (hopefully!) unlocking the site. Prior to the last major code revision, the database allowed the same email address to be used to create multiple accounts, and we’ve been going back and merging all data from those duplicate accounts into the initial account, and then removing the now-empty duplicates so that there is only one account per email address. The email address you have on the forum account isn’t showing up in my archive database, nor is it on the duplicates we have not yet processed. But, if you’re using a different email address in the archive, it would both explain why I can’t find you and help me locate you again. If you do use a different address, you can PM me with that information, since posting email addresses on an open forum is an invitation to spammers. If yo use the same address, I’ll need either @DemonGoddess or @manta2g to dig deeper, since I don’t have their level of access to information in the database.
  13. I can’t say for sure, but our coder, @manta2g may have disabled logins as part of the clean-up project we’re doing. We’re at a point where we’re doing a massive clean-up of duplicate (and triplicate) accounts from before the last major code rewrite. There were over 5,000 accounts to be checked, and it needs to be done manually so we don’t lose any data from those duplicate accounts. Once we’ve gotten that done, our amazing coder, @manta2g, can begin the process of emailing all members so they can verify their email addresses and reset their passwords as Phase One of the unlocking process.
  14. Whoever ordered the bone-chilling, mind-numbing, profoundly unacceptable cold needs to be flogged and tossed in the Wicker Man.

    I checked the weather this morning, and for a moment, I thought perhaps I’d switched to Celsius instead of Fahrenheit, but no. That was really 7°F I saw, with a wind chill of -12°F.

    The corgi, however, loved it. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. GeorgeGlass


      You’ll want to build the Wicker Man near your house to help keep the heating bill down.

    3. WillowDarkling


      Holy fuck! At those temps I’d build the fucking Wicker Man in the living room! And I won’t complain about our -7°C (that’s 19°F for those who are Celsius-challenged :D

      I’ll send what warm thoughts I have to you, love. :hug:

    4. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      @WillowDarkling Stay safe in those 267K temperatures! (Sounds warmer already?)

  15. The account and all stories have been deleted as per your request.
  16. The account and all stories have been deleted as per your request.
  17. Hi, I’m not finding this account. Could you email me at tos_team@adult-fanfiction.org with the email address for the account? Thanks!
  18. Thank you for the good wishes! Actually, I hadn’t known about the incursion over on FFN. It’s interesting timing, indeed. I know we use different software for our fiction archives, but I wonder if this is a general attack on fiction sites. (I don’t think AO3 would tell us if they were on fire even if we were toasting marshmallows in the flames.)
  19. Hi! First of all, are you trying to sign up for the archive or for the forum? If it’s the archive, the site is in read-only mode at the moment, which is why you can’t create an account. We were subjected to a barrage of sql injection attacks, and until the site is taken out of read-only mode, it’s not going to be possible to make a new archive account. If it’s the forum, one of the requirements for forum membership is an archive account. And since the archive is in read-only mode… We’re all working as fast as we can to resolve the issues, and get the site back up and running again. Bear with us, please, and keep an eye out on the forum and on the archive home page for announcements about the site’s status. Thank you!
  20. @Deadman is absolutely right. The archive is in read-only mode at present, and that means new registrations are disabled while we resolve the issues surrounding the attack on AFF. But keep an eye on the forums, or the archive home page, because we’ll be sure to announce it everywhere when we’re back and running properly again.
  21. I have copies of all my work on my hard drive, and on two separate back-up hard drives. I tend to keep all the versions, and I just date them as “Rewrite 20XX” at the end of the original title so I don’t lose my mind.
  22. Given everything that’s going on in the archive at the moment, I’d be loath to disable reviews right now. It seems like everything we do to try and help turns around and bites us on the ass lately.
  23. Yes, I got that this morning myself, and reported it. It’s frustrating, and we’re working on it.
  24. It most certainly does. This has been very frustrating for those of us on staff, because we want AFF to be a safe place for our members. Everyone’s been amazingly patient, and I’m really grateful for that. It doesn’t make it any easier to have to tell all of you that we’re not quite there yet.
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