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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. Actually, user IDs are unique, so just the number is fine.
  2. I don’t think we’re quite at the stage of allowing new registrations yet, but that should be coming back soon, I hope!
  3. It appears that: The word “Password” is appended at the end of the activation link. If you remove that, you should be able to properly verify the account; and The password reset link does seem to have a limited period in which it can be used. If you leave your profile url for me, I can send you a password reset link. Hopefully, it won’t expire before you get it, but if it does, we’ll try again.
  4. It appears that: The word “Password” is appended at the end of the activation link. If you remove that, you should be able to properly verify the account; and The password reset link does seem to have a limited period in which it can be used. If you leave your profile url for me, I can send you a password reset link. Hopefully, it won’t expire before you get it, but if it does, we’ll try again.
  5. Okay. If you can give me your archive profile urls, I can resend password reset links to you.
  6. Our amazing manta2g has begun to roll out the emails to all our members, asking everyone to verify their email address and reset their password. This is the first phase of unlocking the site, and I'm pretty excited about it! Please keep an eye out for our email, and follow the directions to verify your email address and reset your password. As always, if you run into any issues, you can email us at tos_team@adult-fanfiction.org or give us a shout over on the forums. EDIT: Okay. I just got MY email, and I copied and pasted the validation link (first link) into a new browser tab. I backed out the “password” at the end, hit enter, and it worked. I then clicked the password reset link in the email, and I was immediately taken to the password reset page, where I successfully updated my password. I have NO clue why it worked for me when it’s not working for other members, but there we are.
  7. We have a FAQ for that: https://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/topic/64151-how-to-fix-the-black-diamond-issue/
  8. I’m not finding any record of staff action with respect to that member or with regard to that story title. It’s entirely likely that the author removed the content themselves, since we document any instance where a story is removed for Terms of Service violations, or because the author has asked that we remove an account and all associated stories.. I know that’s not the answer you were hoping for, but if the story was removed by the author, we do respect that choice.
  9. If a story has been deleted by the author or by the staff, it is not retrievable. We have not actually lost any stories due to the sql injection attacks, thankfully, and we did the clean-up of duplicate accounts manually, to ensure all content was properly merged into the surviving account. If you can supply the author name and/or story titles, I can look into our records and see if there was any staff action related to the story.
  10. I did take the time to look over the spreadsheet prepared by some intrepid folks, and the bulk of the works were scraped from FFN and AO3. There was nothing that was linked directly to AFF, which just goes to show that writing smut pays off in peculiar ways. My biggest concern is that many of our members cross-post stories here and on other sites, so it’s likely that someone from AFF is going to have a fic stolen. @GeorgeGlass is dealing with someone reposting his work and that of other AFF authors on a site where it looks like the poster might actually get paid for those bits of theft. What’s worse with this Plush Books situation is that fan fiction exists in a gray area of copyright law that allows the use of copyrighted material for certain purposes as long as the user doesn’t make any money from the work. The only one entitled to make any money is the owner of the copyrighted material, period. Plush Books is stealing from the copyright owner, and putting the very existence of fan fiction at risk. The oddest thing of all is that I first heard about this from the blog of a published author, Martha Wells, who writes the insanely good Murderbot novels. She mentioned it on her blog, and when I saw the article from The Mary Sue, I was appalled. But I was also kind of glad to see a NYTimes bestselling author standing up for fan fiction writers.
  11. I came across this tidbit whilst surfing: https://www.themarysue.com/publishing-house-plush-books-accused-of-stealing-dozens-of-fanfiction-works/ It looks like the alleged publisher is scraping stories from FFN and AO3, but since many of our authors also publish on those sites, I thought it might be worth posting this. It’s astonishing how low some folks will go.
  12. So, when you write these, you’ll let me know, yes? Because either of these might be the only way to get me to read anything in those fandoms.
  13. Dear gods. You need to report this to WebNovel: dmca@webnovel.com I recommend including links to the stories here on AFF as well as your profile links showing dates of initial posting of the stories in question. He’s got your damned name on the “cover” of his story, ffs. He’s not even shy about being a thief. I’m not finding that pen name here on AFF, sadly, or I’d kick his sorry ass off my archive.
  14. We’re still in read-only mode but we’re making progress, so be patient a bit longer. Thanks!
  15. Thank you! And yes, that is DemonGoddess061, since PayPal frowns on pen names.
  16. Thank you! As I’ve said before, we have the best members!
  17. According to our records, DragonBlade does have an account here on AFF. Some content (including the story “Sick and Tired”) was posted prior to their 18th birthday, and it was removed for that reason. There are links on the profile which may or may not still be active.
  18. The Donations link should be working. It’s under the Site section of the new menu. As Willow said, all donations go towards the hosting costs and to defray the costs of updates to the site. No one, from the owner on down, ever gets any money for doing what we do for AFF. We donate our time because we all believe in what AFF stands for—free expression and acceptance.
  19. At the moment, since we’ve finally managed to finish that massive cleanup, our coder is focused on getting the first phase of unlocking the site ready to go. Hopefully, after that process is underway, she might be able to tell us more from her perspective.
  20. We’ve completed the background cleanup, which was necessary for the first phase o the unlocking to be rolled out. Our coder will be starting the unlocking process in the next few days, and we’ll ne announcing that here on the forum, and on the archive home page as well.
  21. Whenever The Pit decides to enforce its mature content rules, we get bombarded with new members, and hundreds of new stories daily. The archive can handle it, and I’m going to be exploring recruiting additional moderators since I seem to have misplaced most of the current ones. (And now @Desiderius Price hurries to find a good hiding place… )
  22. That’s probably the sweetest post I’ve read. Thank you! But honestly, I’d leave it up to the individual authors. If you want to dole your stuff out over a couple of weeks, that’s fine, or if you want to get it all out there, that’s also fine. I’ll just be happy to have new content.
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