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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. You should be able to log into your archive account. However, the site remains in read-only mode while the email validation and password reset process is ongoing.
  2. I’m not going to be able to locate you without a pen name, a user ID, or an email (which I wouldn’t recommend posting here on an open forum). We’ve been in read-only mode for about 4 months, and we’ve not gone dark other than to enter that mode to protect our members from malicious redirects casued by an sql injection attack. (I’m also going to hope everyone here is older than 4 months of age...)
  3. We’re aware that as the emails containing account validation links and password reset links are sent out, some members are experiencing problems. This thread should be used to list your archive profile url so we can easily locate everyone needing a manual link once we are able to generate those again. The earlier emails contained the word “password” at the end of the first link. That caused the link to fail, but if you copy and paste the link into a new browser tab, and then backspace out that word at the very end of the link, and hit enter on your keyboard, it should work. Once you’ve gotten the screen saying you’ve successfully activated, the password reset link should work. If it doesn’t, please add your url to this thread. The archive url looks like this: https://members.adult-fanfiction.org/profile.php?no=1296892487 for your reference.
  4. Your forum profile has a link to your archive profile. I can find you easily enough.
  5. Yes, please, if you could give me the user ID number associated with your account, that would be helpful for when we are able to issue manual password reset links.
  6. The emails are rolling out, but there are a few glitches that have been cropping up. Look carefully at the first link. If the word “password” appears at the very end, copy and paste the link into a new browser tab/window, backspace out that word, and then enter. That worked to let me validate (and yes, staff has to do this too!). Once you’ve validated successfully, you should be able to click the password link and reset the password. Just keep in mind the password restrictions here: 12-18 letters and/or numbers long, no spaces, punctuation or special characters allowed, case sensitive, and don’t reuse the same password or it will blank the field and force another reset. Good luck, everyone!
  7. Bear with us. I can’t do anything from my end until all the validation emails have gone out. Once that is done, we can address all the accounts with issues manually.
  8. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to delete the account for you until the emails for account validations have all gone out. But bear with us—we will get there!
  9. Hi, Yes, we are emailing all our authors and asking that they revalidate their email addresses, and then reset their passwords once they have validated. This is part of our response to an attack on the site in September 2022, and also part of the roll-out of our updated archive code. Some of our members have been having trouble with the validation and password links. The validation link has the word “password” at the end, which was an error in the script that generated the emails. If you copy and paste that link into a new tab in your browser, and just backspace out the word “password” at the very end, the link should work fine. If the password reset link does not work, we’ll have to wait until the script is done generating all its emails before we can begin manually issuing new links. So, try the link, once you’ve gotten a successful activation message, and hopefully it will work for you. If not, let us know so we include you in the manual link list.
  10. I’ve reached out to the author, and included a link to this thread.
  11. @Wilde_Guess is correct. Try logging in to the account, and see if it generates a password reset. At the moment, while the script is still running and continuing to send out emails, I’ve been asked not to use any tools I would generally have to create password reset links. Once I get the go-ahead to do so, you can bet I’ll be playing some serious catch-up and responding to the many posts and emails asking for help.
  12. I’m showing you as fully validated. I’m going to suggest trying the password reset link from the original email again, since it *should* work on a validated account. If not, try logging out and in again, to see if that triggers the password reset.
  13. You shouldn’t need to know your old password for the reset. BUT, and this is a biggie, you can’t reuse your old password. It blanks the field and forces another reset. Password rules recap: Between 12-18 letters and/or numbers long, case sensitive. NO punctuation, spaces, or special characters allowed. Do NOT use your old password, or let Google make a strong password full of forbidden characters for you.
  14. I think trying to log in might trigger the password reset if it hasn’t been done yet. I can’t verify that, because I tried clicking the links to see if I could duplicate the errors that everyone is experiencing, and managed to not have any errors.
  15. Unfortunately, all I can see is that you aren’t validated. I can’t tell why the link didn’t work for you. I thought I might have had an inkling, but upon looking into more accounts that can’t validate, my theory didn’t pan out, so let’s just say non-coders shouldn’t try to second-guess the people who know what they’re doing.
  16. Okay. I just got MY email, and I copied and pasted the validation link (first link) into a new browser tab. I backed out the “password” at the end, hit enter, and it worked. I then clicked the password reset link in the email, and I was immediately taken to the password reset page, where I successfully updated my password. I have NO clue why it worked for me when it’s not working for other members, but there we are.
  17. Sorry, everyone! I’m waiting to hear back from @manta2g as to why neither link is working, and why I can’t generate an activation link. The problem is that the password reset won’t work until the account is properly validated, and since that link isn’t working, either in the email or in my link generator, we’re stuck. I don’t have the coding background to do more than yell for help, unfortunately.
  18. Sorry, everyone! I’m waiting to hear back from @manta2g as to why neither link is working, and why I can’t generate an activation link. The problem is that the password reset won’t work until the account is properly validated, and since that link isn’t working, either in the email or in my link generator, we’re stuck. I don’t have the coding background to do more than yell for help, unfortunately.
  19. Sorry, everyone! I’m waiting to hear back from @manta2g as to why neither link is working, and why I can’t generate an activation link. The problem is that the password reset won’t work until the account is properly validated, and since that link isn’t working, either in the email or in my link generator, we’re stuck. I don’t have the coding background to do more than yell for help, unfortunately.
  20. ARGH… I should be able to generate either a validation link or a password reset link, but given that everything’s in flux, I have no way of telling if there’s an issue with my validation link generator. Hopefully @manta2g can check that for me. The reset link definitely won’t work until the account is properly validated, that much I do know.
  21. I’ve sent out the password reset link to your email.
  22. I’m not seeing your account as validated yet, so I’ve sent you a new validation link. Please validate, and you should be able to then reset the password.
  23. Okay, you haven’t validated yet, so I’ve sent you a validation link. Once that goes through, you should be able to reset the password.
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