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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. That was the sql injection attack we’ve been dealing with, and I strongly urge everyone not to click on anything like that. I’m tagging @manta2g and @DemonGoddess to let them know it’s happening again...
  2. I can’t give you a ballpark yet. I’ll have a better idea once we finish up this phase of the clean-up, which at the moment involves merging duplicate (or more) accounts for over 5,000 members. That’s a fairly time consuming job, but the moderating staff is able to help with this portion, which takes some of the load off @manta2g. Believe me, as a writer myself, I’ve been itching to be able to post things again, so I’m highly motivated.
  3. Hi! We’re still in read-only mode. We’re at a point where we’re doing a massive clean-up of duplicate (and triplicate) accounts from before the last major code rewrite. Once we’ve gotten that done, our amazing coder, @manta2g, can begin the process of emailing all members so they can verify their email addresses and reset their passwords as Phase One of the unlocking process. The good news is that some of the moderating staff is able to help out with the clean-up at this point, so it won’t take nearly as long as if manta had to do it alone. Stay tuned for that email from us!
  4. Once we get back online, I’ll work on those updates.
  5. I was able to delete this account as well.
  6. Okay, that archive account is deleted.
  7. I’ve deleted the archive profile for you. @Melrick can take care of the forum profile.
  8. We’re in the process of securing the site, and while I don’t have any hard information on when that will happen, or exactly what that will mean for unregistered readers, I do know our coder will be sending emails to all registered members asking them to verify their email address and reset their password. Keep an eye out for status updates from @manta2g as she works out the process. And as always, thank you for your continued patience while we sort this mess out.
  9. Do you have an archive account? I’m not finding one with any variation of your guest name.
  10. Links for above: Waiting in the Throes by MaddoxGrey
  11. Inuyasha has its own subdomain: https://inu.adult-fanfiction.org/index.php There is even a subcategory for that particular pairing: https://inu.adult-fanfiction.org/index.php?cat=1606
  12. Ah, yes, well, that rules us out, I’m afraid, since we don’t allow Patreon links or selling writing here other than via our advertising banners. But, if you do ever publish anything, you can always post links in the “Great Wall of…” thread where we do allow you to advertise your published stuff.
  13. We’re pretty open here as far as original work. Just because we’re called Adult-FanFiction doesn’t mean that every story needs to be explicit or even mildly sexual. There are a great number of things that are adult in nature and have nothing to do with sex. Having said that, you can publish some pretty explicit stuff too. There are small presses that have no issue with erotica, although most will draw the line at underage content or rape. Certain things are just too triggering even for the most liberal publisher. Here on AFF, we ask that you tag the ever living daylights out of any content that might be triggering or controversial, but we don’t censor unless it’s hate speech or trolling. Or stolen. We’re pretty firm on not stealing anyone else’s work.
  14. I have one story over on the Pit. When I first started writing fan fiction, that’s where I posted, and this other author read what I thought was a one-shot, and asked me, “What happened next?” And that was it. I was off to the races. I pulled everything off the Pit years ago, but after she passed, I revised that first story and reposted it there in her memory. I have one co-authored story over on another site, but it’s pretty much dead and I doubt it will ever be finished, which is a pity. I loved the story, and my co-author, but the site was less than welcoming when she had an issue, so… I pulled everything else I had there and never looked back. Pretty much anything I’m not going to publish for sale lives here. AFF is my home.
  15. c0p13r has been known to remove stories, either for revising or because he just wants to take the story down. That doesn’t mean he won’t put it back up here at some point. In the meantime, he has plenty of other stories posted for you to enjoy.
  16. I do have some stuff to post, but I don’t think I’m going to steal views from anyone.
  17. Right now, given that the site is in read-only mode after a series of sql injection attacks, it’s impossible for me to update email addresses for anyone. We’re hoping our coder and my admin can close any vulnerabilities and the site can go live again. Once that’s done, I’ll be very happy to help you regain access to your account. (I’m pinning this topic so I don’t lose it or forget.)
  18. @GeorgeGlass is correct. You don’t need to be logged in on the archive to view stories. There are, however, no stories on the forum, which is the thread you chose to use: Forum Tech Support. Once we have any information on when the read-only restriction on the archive is lifted, believe me, we’ll be shouting it from the hilltops.
  19. Keep an eye on the Site Announcements thread, and on the news on the archive home page. Once we’re live again, that’s where we’ll post the good news. I haven’t been given any date yet but like everyone else on the site, I’m eager to have us up and running as soon as possible.
  20. Hi, I’ve moved this to a more appropriate thread. While the archive remains in read-only mode, no one can post new stories or update existing stories. That’s why you’re not seeing any updates. The archive was placed in read-only mode after a series of malicious sql injection attacks which redirected readers to inappropriate web pages. Until our coder and my admin are finished reviewing the archive code and closing any vulnerabilities, the site needs to stay in read-only mode. Please bear with us—this is a very tedious and time-consuming process, and everyone is doing all that they can to get the site back up and running properly again.
  21. Archive registrations are not working at the moment, because the site is still in read-only mode. The search function is working however. What are you trying to find?
  22. The happiest of birthdays to @DemonGoddess, and here’s hoping you won’t be working all the hours of the day today. :wub: :hug: :birthday::cheers: :bday:

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. DemonGoddess


      heh, worked a full shift the 14th, went back later that same day and covered third shift, ended up working 13 hours, then 13 hours the next day, then a split double for 16 hours on Thursday.  Thankfully, I only worked 11 on Friday.  LOL


      thank you all for the birthday wishes!

    3. BronxWench
    4. DemonGoddess


      It’s been worse, so I’ll manage

  23. You should be able to log in. As far as the desktop, you might need to clear your cache on your browser, though. Sometimes it needs that reset, so to speak.
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