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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. Once you have a forum membership, you can always add a post to the challenge using your forum profile. That way, anyone interested who’s also a forum member can DM you via the forum.
  2. Hi! I actually don’t know if your guest posts will be automatically converted to a forum account once you make one. I suspect not, however. I do want to point out that in order to make a forum account, you need to first be a member of the archive, and make an account there.
  3. Hi, I’m not sure what you’re asking, since Google Translate and I seem to have comprehension issues. If you are asking about stories that are completed, many authors do use the COMPLETE tag once the story is done. However, we don’t require authors to post only complete stories. Posting chapter by chapter is perfectly fine. If you are asking about a story not appearing properly when you try to read it, or a story link that no longer displays the story, I’d need to know which story is having the issue so I can take a look. Thanks!
  4. I’m glad you were able to reset the password! And welcome back!
  5. Hi! Just to start off, this is the AFF Forum, which is where our authors find support and can engage with readers. It’s not the AFF Archive, where stories are actually hosted. Any story content posted here in the Forum is deleted, because this isn’t the place for that. That would be why you can’t find a link on the Forum home page telling you how to post a story on the Forum. As far as the actual Archive, however, we have an entire thread for FAQs right here. The particular FAQ you want would be under Archive How To’s, specifically Story How To’s. There is a FAQ explaining how to upload a story right there. There are a couple of other FAQs you might find useful as well, such as how to disclaim properly and about story tags. In short, there’s a great deal of useful information available, so hopefully you’ll find your answers in our FAQs. If not, feel free to drop a post here and we’ll be happy to assist.
  6. The reason no one has written anything like this is because Anne Rice filed cease and desist orders with every fan fiction archive, AFF included, prohibiting the hosting of any derivative work based on her copyrighted material. While we are aware that Ms Rice is now deceased, her estate has not lifted the cease and desist order, and therefore, nothing based on any of Anne Rice’s work will be hosted on AFF.
  7. Bear with me, okay? I seem to no longer have the ability to generate a password reset link. I’m not sure if that means the old link is fixed or not, but I’ve tagged the relevant people to check.
  8. No problem! I’ve moved it to the right thread for you.
  9. I’ll send you an email to the address I have of record, and see if you receive it. If not, you can email us at tos_team@adult-fanfiction.org and we can update your email address to what you are currently using. Once we sort that, I can generate a password reset link for you if our usual link isn’t working.
  10. ::loads crossbow with silver bolts wrapped in wolfsbane soaked in garlic-infused holy water:: Mostly harmless, I’m sure.
  11. The author never managed to actually make it clear what this MC’s eyes looked like, although the MC spent an inordinate amount of time staring at herself in a mirror. And changing clothes. And falling down and crawling. I swear, there is not enough brain bleach in the universe, sometimes.
  12. Oh, definitely keep them out of the beauty aisle!!! I had the misfortune to read a fan fic years ago with a PC/MC who had… wait for it… rainbow eyes. Now I ask you, what in the holy fuck are rainbow eyes? Oh, and she was proficient with every weapon in creation despite being unable to manage walking most of the time. I wish I was making this up, I really do.
  13. Hi! What issue are you having with logging in?
  14. It’s fine to use standard architectural terms, like column or obelisk or façade (rather than pediment). The idea is to use a common enough term that your readers will recognize, so they can see in their mind’s eye what it is you want them to see.
  15. Hm. That’s a rather awkward visual. I’m also not sure if the building is two stories high, if the crystals are two stories high, if the crystals are supporting the building off the ground, or if it’s the crystals or building creating the light. Now, Greco-Roman architecture is not all that hard to describe. In general, the buildings would have columns in front, stairs leading up to the doorway, which could be wide and open or with a stout wooden door, depending on the usage, and a peaked roof. I’d drag out all the proper terms for each component, but anyone can Google that. The point is that it’s not hard to describe a structure if you approach it logically: “After a short trek in the ankle high water, Loric found what looked to be some kind of temple ruins. Blue crystalline columns supported the structure, rising at least three meters out of the water, and their radiance illuminated the pale stone of the temple. The remnants of a broad stair, flanked by tall columns capped with intricate carvings, led up to an intimidatingly dark opening beneath the crumbling pediment.” Or something to that effect…
  16. I know a lot of fanfics break with their ‘verse to reference things in other ‘verses, but speaking only for myself, I think it’s lazy writing. I mean, it’s just as easy to say that a mask covered only the eyes and nose of a character, leaving their mouth uncovered as it is to say they wore a mask like Batman when Batman isn’t part of their ‘verse at all. It’s really the writer’s choice, when you come down to it. When I do write fanfic, I try to stick to my ‘verse and not drag in references that wouldn’t fit. Same thing with dialogue. I try not to use expressions or slang that doesn’t fit my ‘verse. Can you imagine a character from LotR making a reference to something out of Harry Potter? It takes the reader right out of the story. I mean, would Glorfindel order butterbeer? Of course not. He’d rather have miruvor, or a good Dorwinion wine.
  17. If you’re going for something in the food, there’s always good old poppy, aka opium. Have them eat a spicy stew laced with enough opium to fell an ox, and there you are.
  18. For me, it very much depends on what I’m writing. If it’s set in a world of my own creation, there wouldn’t be anyone who knew who Ironman or Optimus Prime were, so that sort of description would be meaningless. If I were writing something set on future-day Earth, however, then those references would be applicable, and if I was going for a touch of humor, I might even use them. It would really depend on whether or not I was going for a grim mood or something more sardonic, I suppose.
  19. I’m able to view the NonEnglish subdomain without issue. I recommend clearing your browser’s history and cache, closing the browser, and restarting it. Navigate to AFF and try opening the subdomain, and it should open properly for you.
  20. I’m not able to replicate this. My editor is opening in the RTE without raw HTML showing for documents originally written in and uploaded from Word. I’m tagging @DemonGoddess and @manta2g regarding this.
  21. I’m tagging @manta2g for the search by tag issue. The loading issue had to do with our migration to the new server, but generally, clearing your cache and history should reset everything.
  22. Try clearing your browser’s cache and history, and then close your browser down entirely. Reopen the browser, and AFF should load properly again.
  23. I’m tagging our coder @manta2g for this one.
  24. The account and all stories have been deleted as per your request. Wishing you all the best!
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