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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. Hi, I’m only seeing one account for you: http://members.adult-fanfiction.org/profile.php?no=1296854807 This account has a great many stories listed under it. In order to regain access to your account, you need to reset your password. Use this link: http://members.adult-fanfiction.org/reset.php Enter the email address associated with your account, and you should receive an email from us which will let you reset your password. Keep in mind the following: Passwords must be between 8 to 12 letters and/or numbers long. We do not allow spaces, special characters, or punctuation; only letters and numbers, or a combination of letter and numbers is allowed. Please also remember that letters are case sensitive. Once you've reset the password, I recommend clearing any old AFF cookies from your browser’s cache before closing and restarting the browser. You should then be able to log into your archive profile properly.
  2. It records every time someone looks at a story.
  3. That’s a big part of why I don’t care for AO3 as well. The rules shift depending on whims, or who is doing the moderating that year. They also play fast and loose with the Fair Use portion of copyright law, in my opinion. A lot of what they allow is in clear violation of copyright law, but they do have that deep-pocket not-for-profit and its legal staff to fight those battles for them. They also aren’t age restricted but do allow adult content, which crosses another legal threshold in that they rely on self-policing to protect minors. And we all know how quickly minors will say, “Oh, that’s tagged as adult content! I’ll just go read something more wholesome!”
  4. AO3 is funded by a deep-pockets not-for-profit. They do very aggressive fundraising as well, which allows them to roll out new code as needed. That’s my staff member response. Now for my personal response as a writer… AO3 fosters a great deal of confusion when it comes to moderation. The Terms of Service is obscure, and unevenly applied. I ran into an issue there with utterly baffling moderation that favored a cybertroll over the author who was targeted. While it was not aimed at me, it had the effect of thoroughly discouraging the author who was targeted, and I filed a formal protest with AO3’s legal team over the bizarre and inexplicable use of the Terms of Service to victim-shame and gaslight someone who is a singularly talented writer in favor of protecting the delicate sensibilities of a trollish brat who spammed a review over and over, deleting and reposting it to create a near-constant barrage of email notifications. Yes, there are some lovely features there, like kudos and word counts. There is also a built-in download feature, which lets anyone download your work, in a variety of formats. Personally, I find that deeply objectionable, but as a “creator” I do not have the option to opt out of allowing my work to be downloaded. Granted, AO3 is not geared for works of original fiction, but I would still like creative control over my fan fiction. That’s a me issue, apparently. I also hate, with a deep and abiding passion, the free-for-all tagging there. Without some standardization, it’s impossible for tags to have any actual meaning as warnings, and no one enforces the use of trigger tags. I don’t read Minor1 fiction for enjoyment, as an example. I loath being blindsided by that content as a reader. I also don’t believe there is any such thing as dubious consent. It’s yes or it’s non-consensual, otherwise known as rape. I’m too damned old and cranky to play word games about that issue. That’s my take on AO3, and sorry for the rant!
  5. I’m unable to edit the typo, it appears. However, I did add another category with the correct spelling. When our tech admin, @DemonGoddess has time to spare, she will be able to remove the incorrectly spelled category.
  6. Oohhh, I’m going to tag our tech admin, @DemonGoddess for this! We did implement some tweaks to the site to make it somewhat more mobile-friendly, although I couldn’t attest to that since I prefer using my PC or laptop to access AFF. But it’s not perfect, and maybe fresh eyes and ideas can help!
  7. Nah, just the guild seal on its own, because no trader would part with it willingly and lose the only proof of his membership in the guild…
  8. Actually, I kind of like the trader’s guild seal…
  9. We have a great FAQ on how to post a story to our archive right here: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/topic/63417-how-to-upload-a-story/ If you still have any questions, or run into any issues, let us know, and we’d be happy to help.
  10. Definitely Celebrity Misc., and what an interesting choice!
  11. Who is the historical figure? Most probably, the story would go in the Celebrity section, in the Misc section. I’d hate to make a firm recommendation without knowing the person in question, though.
  12. Sadly, there doesn’t seem to be a way at the moment to add or change an archive avatar. Mine vanished as well, and I haven’t been able to get one to load, at all. I suspect it will be a while before the code is tweaked to let up post our avatars again. *sighs*
  13. I go Celt and opt for a Wicker Man.
  14. Now that’s my kind of bloodthirsty, and yes, THAT would be a warning!
  15. Happy New Year to everyone! Let’s hope 2022 brings us all some much needed joy. We’ve all had a lot on our plates with the pandemic, wildfires, floods, workplace upheavals, and just about everything you can imagine going on. But as a community of readers and writers, we can always fall back on the worlds we love to bring us some much-needed comfort. So find a good story to read, or write something that’s been tickling the back of your brain, and let’s see if we can find a bit of joy and peace in words.
  16. Fred: What’s with the trader’s pack on the wall? Bartender: Oh, some wandering trader thought he could have his way with one of the girls. She beat him half to death with his own pack and tossed what was left out of the window. Without opening it first. That came out of her wages, let me tell you. Nope. Still not enough of a warning, unless the pack still has some blood and maybe a bit of skin on it.
  17. As a frequent player of CRPGs in the sword-and-sorcery genre, I’m going to go out on a limb here and say a wine skin would not serve as much of a warning to me. Well, not unless you are looking to warn visitors to the tavern against bringing in their own beverages, which would be completely antithetical to the whole idea of going to a tavern in the first place and would make the tavern owner surly, to say the least. Because I am largely bloodthirsty, I’d say a scalp or perhaps a body part like a hand would serve as a better warning against touching the tavern girls. Anything else just seems to border on farce. “Oohh, see that sock on the wall? Stupid git touched one of the girls, and she walloped him so hard, he lost his sock, he did! So take my word for it, mate, unless you want your sock, or maybe even your breechclout hanging there for everyone to gawk at, no touching!”
  18. BronxWench


    You can search a subdomain by category, which will let you choose pairings in a category that has subcategories for pairings. As an example, in the Harry Potter subdomain, clicking on Search Archive and then on the Category dropdown field will show the various pairings as you scroll down. As for story tags, that has its own field as well, although it will only let you search for tags you want to read, rather than filtering out tags you might not care to read. I actually don’t recall us ever having the ability to filter out tags, to be honest.
  19. I’m not the coder, or tag wrangler, but as one of the archive staff, I suggest for the time being you use the Fet (fetish) tag for those if you are the author. You could also make a note at the top of the chapter indicating the additional content if you feel it requires specific mention or clarification. Thanks!
  20. The reason you can’t log in to the archive account (this is the wrong place for an archive issue, actually) is that you have two accounts with two separate email addresses. If you’re mixing up the email address and passwords, you won’t be able to get in. This is the url for your original account: http://members.adult-fanfiction.org/profile.php?no=1296854807 It uses a gmail account consisting of a three word name. This is the url for your new account: http://members.adult-fanfiction.org/profile.php?no=1297008067 It uses a two word name gmail account, with a numerical suffix. We’ll need to do a couple of things. If you want to retain the original account, I will delete the new account, which has no stories posted under that url. If you need me to update the original account’s email address, I can do that as well. I would ask that you email me at tos_team@adult-fanfiction.org from the email address you want to use, to avoid spambots harvesting your information from this forum. You can always reach the archive moderators at the email address provided in the previous paragraph. I check that inbox throughout the day, and try to respond promptly, real life permitting.
  21. Say it isn’t so! *sadface* There are no stories left, so I’ll delete the account for you.
  22. I guess for me it really does depend on how necessary the detail is for the story. I tend to like to leave a good bit to the reader’s imagination, so if I’m talking about a male character in an everyday setting, I might mention that he wore a blue linen shirt, open at the throat and with the sleeves folded back, over a pair of tan chinos. (Yes, business casual, sorry...) It’s a pretty generic description, and the reader can imagine the shade of blue they like best, whether or not it’s a buttondown collar, if the tails are tucked in or hanging out, or if the chinos are pleated or flat-front. Now, if I was describing a bondage collar, I might say it had a black leather gorget, lined with silk, with a gleaming d-ring for a leash on the front, and so on. That sort of kit really does need more detail, in my opinion, if you have a certain position or image of the bound character that is crucial to the story. Or you can just go for the wrists tied to the headboard with an old school tie, or the belt from a bathrobe, if you want fast and dirty, and get teh characters naked as fast as possible to avoid having to describe clothing. Women’s clothing, unfortunately, tends to be ridiculously fussy when it comes to suggestive/revealing/sexy wear. The dress you linked above? It could be described as a clinging, highnecked sheath with cutouts down the front, or perhaps with strips of fabric criss-crossing her taut abdomen to reveal tawny skin. Google fashion sites, like Des suggested, and try to find ones with descriptions of the clothing to get an idea of ways to get it across to a reader.
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