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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. Dragon Ball is in a separate subdomain: http://anime2.adult-fanfiction.org/index.php As far as the other categories requested, if you will only have one story for each of these categories, I would quite honestly prefer to have them placed in the Misc Anime category, with the appropriate fandom noted in the disclaimer. If you have multiple stories for each anime, then I’d be happy to create categories.
  2. The account has been deleted per your request.
  3. I’ll take your word for it and make the new category.
  4. It looks like we have two new postings to the existing category. If the storyline is different, then I think a new category is justified, but otherwise, it might be less confusing to have just the one category. Would that work for you?
  5. We have a category for Roswell in Television. Is this is same franchise?
  6. Eureka! I have a car again! Picked it up tonight, and I am utterly delighted with my gently used Jeep. :wub: 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Rick_Andrew


      Yay ! Brava ! Congrats on the Jeep find !

    3. WillowDarkling


      Congratulations, love! :D so happy for you. Our wee one still insists that you need to do a funeral for the old Jeep, though. I’m trying to tell him that a Buddhist cremation might not be the best idea… :tomato:

    4. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Put this old jeep on a wooden raft, set it ablaze as it drifts out across the water!  (Evening is likely the best time to do this.)  Maybe even some celebratory fireworks?

  7. Sadly, the only way to deflect them is to turn off anonymous reviews, which is an account-wide function and not just by the story. But @Desiderius Price is absolutely right about not following the links. Delete the reviews, and click NOTHING. As I sweep the archive, I delete things like that on sight.
  8. Setzuka has a profile here: http://members.adult-fanfiction.org/profile.php?no=1296771669 However, that particular story does not appear under the account at this time. I’m not seeing any staff action with respect the the Babylon 5 story, so it is possible the author chose to delete the work.
  9. I believe what happened is that during one of the code modifications, the word “Beast” was moved from the summaries to the tags field in the older stories. Thank you for pointing this out. I’ll make the necessary corrections manually.
  10. If you are offering this story up for adoption, please provide the link to the story and the rest of the information required as listed here: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/topic/21142-how-to-use-this-forum/ If this is a search for an existing story, you’re in the wrong place.
  11. Has to be a custom story, since the party stories go in Originals, I thought. I had an idea involving my noir flashfics but they’re in Books, so nuts to that for me.
  12. I’ll go take a look and find them, thanks!
  13. So, just when I think things are settling down, and life is beginning to approach normal once more, my car decides to die. This is not simply a case of spending a week with its favorite mechanic. Oh, no. This is a case of the computer no longer talking to any of its sensors, resulting in a very large paperweight that looks quite a bit like a Jeep. 

    The daft one and I are going car shopping tomorrow. Hide the whiskey...

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Rick_Andrew


      • no problems with computer, ever
      • Never replace a battery
      • Manual shift
      • optional stereo (bring one)
      • Convertible
    3. BronxWench


      Seriously, it’s looking better and better. Everything I wanted to look at was gone, except for one car, which didn’t have a roof rack and smelled like something had died in it. With under 9,000 miles, it should NOT smell that bad unless the previous owner was a sweet little old serial killer who only dismembered victims on Sunday, after church services were ended… Yeah, I’ll pass on the dead person special. :lol: 

    4. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Only a hearse should have dead-people smell!  (That’s the ticket, buy a hearse, cause I heard they’re a hoot to park outside the emergency at the local hospital.)

  14. The category has been made. If you link me to the other existing stories, I can move them into the new category as well.
  15. I’m showing you as registered and active, with your last login today: http://members.adult-fanfiction.org/profile.php?no=1296775843 There are 6 stories under that account, all in the Anime subdomain. You shouldn't need to reactivate the account at this point. Once you’re logged in, if you click “My Profile” under your pen name, on the right of the menu bar, you should be brought to a page that shows your bio, and any public information. On the left, there is a menu, and in the top box is an option for “Stories Written” which should show you the stories under your account. If you want to edit any story, or post a new story, then you would need to select “My Control Panel” from the dropdown menu under your pen name on the top menu bar. Where are you searching for your stories?
  16. Hi, We have a FAQ for that, right here: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/topic/64151-how-to-fix-the-black-diamond-issue/
  17. Okay. So, Original Fiction is subdivided by genre, but none of those apply to your stories? I’d think Original-Erotica would be the category, with either the General or Het sub-categories being a good fit. I’m trying to ascertain, I guess, if this is something that’s better defined by a tag, rather than creating a category for a particular fetish/kink.
  18. Generally, if we’re going to create a category for a subdomain, we would like to know that there are stories for it. Do you have a story (or stories) you’ve written, ready to be posted to that category?
  19. We don’t allow requests in the archive. We have a thread here on the forum for story requests and challenges: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/forum/696-challengesrequests/
  20. Hi, I can merge your two accounts, with the newer (2011) account as the surviving account. That way, all of your stories will be in one place. As far as the stories that were removed from AFF, we don’t maintain backups of the archive, so we would be unable to retrieve any of those stories once they were deleted. I can’t comment as to the Wayback Machine. They do have stories from AFF in their collection of scraped fiction, but it’s not comprehensive. However, as our Forum Moderator, WillowDarkling has said, we will permit readers who might have saved a copy of the stories to let you know and hopefully upload those to you. Update: The accounts have been merged, and all stories are now here: http://members.adult-fanfiction.org/profile.php?no=1296904106 The older account has been removed.
  21. And here I thought it was “No reflection.”
  22. Happy birthday! :hug: :wish: :2tubs: :party:

    ‘Tis also my daft one’s birthday, just to stretch that coincidental thing a bit further.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Melrick


      Happy birthday to all concerned!

    3. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      I did get 3.4k of smut written, so that’s a win IMO :)  (And ironically enough, was one of the characters’ birthday too.)

    4. GeorgeGlass


      Happy birthday to all, and to all a good-! Wait, wrong holiday. :)

  23. Stories are published on our archive, not here on the forum. That’s the first thing. You would need to create an archive profile before you could post anything. You can read how to do that here: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/topic/29598-new-user-how-to-register-for-an-archive-profile/ The other thing I must mention is that we don’t allow stories to be published by anyone other that the original author. If you didn’t write the story, you can’t post it to our archive. That’s covered in our Terms of Service, which you can read here: http://www.adult-fanfiction.org/tos.php
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