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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. Have you considered that this is George’s phone? Trust me, its web-browsing history is legendary. Rather like its spell check and predictive typing.
  2. Thank you for the clarification.
  3. Is this a challenge, or story request? If not, please note that story content is not permitted in the forum, and this post will be removed.
  4. Shigure-san removed their works and account from AFF a couple of years ago.
  5. I’m showing an account that was created back in 2016: http://members.adult-fanfiction.org/profile.php?no=1296974258 If you’re trying to create a new account using the same email, the system will reject the new registration because the email address already exists in our system. If you no longer remember the password for the account, you can reset that. The instructions are in this FAQ: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/topic/29620-how-to-reset-your-password/ If you run into issues resetting the password, please let me know, and we’ll see if we can resolve those for you.
  6. Can you tell me the pen name for the account? It will help me locate you in the records of new registrations. Thanks!
  7. For everyone celebrating today, Happy Thanksgiving! :balloon:

  8. Just in time for the holiday season, we're seeing an influx of spambots, on our Forum and in the Archive's review pages. Here's what you can do. If you see a spambot post in the Forums, click the little link at the top right corner of the post that reads "Report Post." The moderators will make it go away as quickly as possible. If there are multiple posts, report them all. You can leave a one-word report if you'd like, such as "Spam" or "Spambot" but it's not necessary. When we read the report, we'll know right away what the issue is. If you see a spambot review in the Archive, and you're the story's author, you can always delete it. If you're not the author, you can report the review using the "Report Review" link in the lower left corner of the review. It does help immensely, since these reports are delivered via email, to drop in that one-word report, but even if you don't, it's pretty easy to see those spambot reviews when the review board is accessed. What shouldn't you do? Don't click any links. Who knows where most of those links have been? For all we know, they could have taken a quick trip through the malware pool before landing on your screen. Practice safe surfing and don't click anything, especially when the post is in Cyrillic, or German, or some funky font of dubious provenance. We like our members and want you all to stay safe!
  9. Starting on Friday, November 19, the weekly Dribs, Drabs & Doggy Tales Challenge is returning! You can find the challenge here, and the rules are here. For anyone who has participated in these challenges before, welcome back! For new members, these are a great way to refresh your skills, break that writer's block, and get to know some of the other authors on the site. We really hope you'll give it a try, and join in the fun!
  10. One of the tricks to passwords is that they have to be between 8-12 letters and/or numbers. Any longer or shorter, and the password fails. If you use anything other than letters or numbers, the password fails—no punctuation or spaces or special characters are permitted. The password is also case-sensitive, so if you used a capital letter anywhere in creating the password, you must always use a capital letter. As far as the password reset, it could be as simple as clearing cookies for AFF. An old or corrupted cookie string can wreak all sorts of mischief. You might also want to make sure our email address is trusted by your email client, so we don’t wind up in the Spam or Junk folder.
  11. Hi! First, I’ve moved this to a more appropriate thread, since Site Announcements is pretty much for our admins to make announcements about things like code updates and such. AFF is still very much an active archive. We have new members joining daily, new stories being posted, and we don’t plan on going away anytime soon. So, if you are interested in joining AFF, the place to start is by making an archive profile, which is a prerequisite for a forum membership. Both memberships are free to make, and free to use. We have some wonderful FAQs on how to create an archive profile, and what’s needed to join the forum. And of course, we’re happy to answer questions, either here in the General Staff Questions thread, or via email. You can reach us via email at tos_team@adult-fanfiction.org and we’ll get back to you promptly.
  12. A big Happy Birthday shout-out to the one and only @DemonGoddess, my fellow cranky old broad. Here’s hoping for a good year! :hug:  :wub:  :bday:  :party:  :wish:

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. GeorgeGlass


      Happy birthday DG! I hope this year proves far more relaxing than the last.

    3. Melrick
    4. WillowDarkling


      Happy birthday, DG :hug::balloon::bday: Hope you had a good day, and that the coming year will be better. 

  13. This is an animated movie, and would more properly be placed in the Cartoons subdomain. It has been added here: http://cartoon.adult-fanfiction.org/index.php?cat=2076
  14. There have been some spambots posting in the forums. I delete spam reviews as I encounter them while sweeping the archive.
  15. Unless they have an email address publicly posted on their archive profile, there’s no way for you to contact them directly. We recommend using the forum to create a review reply thread, which is a much easier venue for authors to discuss reviews, and any story requests, with readers. Readers don’t need a forum account to read or post to those threads, although the author must have a forum account to create the thread.
  16. We don’t have a story alert feature per se. What I have done is to add stories to my “Currently Reading” list, which lets me look quickly to see if there’s been an update. Another method, if the author posts in our “Promote A Story” thread, is to follow that thread. You’ll get a notification when they post about a new update.
  17. I’ve tagged my administrator for this one, since I have a feeling it requires access to the database which I don’t have. We’ll get this solved!
  18. I’d really like everyone to think a little before posting a request like this. You’re asking for the name of the doujinshi that caused PornEater to pull his stories. That’s utterly baffling to me, both as a moderator and as a writer. Why would you support the work of a plagiarist—a thief, to put it plainly? So, here’s the moderator portion of this post: ANY POST WITH THE NAME OF, OR A LINK TO THAT DOUJINSHI WILL BE DELETED.
  19. M Denis Villeneuve had best be working on Dune Part Two, or I shall hunt him down, remove his liver with my bare hands, and offer it to the Morrigan.

    And yes, Part One was an enormous improvement over David Lynch’s effort, although I might had chosen differently for the role of Lady Jessica. But by and large, c’est incroyable!

    1. InvidiaRed


      So you’re giving it your mark of approval?

    2. Sinfulwolf


      I’m 90% sure he is already. 

    3. BronxWench



      So you’re giving it your mark of approval?

      I am, actually! I read the books initially a very long time ago, and they stayed with me. I’ve reread them periodically, and I was SO excited when David Lynch was making the movie back in the early 80s. My brother and I were at the theater to see it the first week, I think, wide-eyed and breathless, but while the special effects were (for the time) amazing, and the film was gorgeous to look at, there was no passion. None. The best part of the movie was Jurgen Prochnow as Duke Leto Atreides, and perhaps Sir Patrick Stewart as Gurney Halleck. But the entirety of the first book is too vast to be covered in one movie, even if you were to show it as a three hour film. Denis Villeneuve left us on a cliffhanger, but he chose a perfect breaking point and I have high hopes that Part Two will be as wonderfully done.

  20. I do believe that you need to open the extension, or enable it, from Chrome’s Settings menu. Go to extensions, click on the encoding changer, and make sure it is set to “On.” It should then be possible to scroll down and look under “Extension Options.” Set the default encoding to Windows (CP-1252). That should do away with all the black diamond characters.
  21. My first question would be about the password reset. I’m assuming you did receive the email for the password reset, which means you should also be able to receive the validation email. That’s likely not the issue. Password requirements have changed, and a password not meeting the requirements will cause failure to log in. Passwords must be between 8-12 letters and/or numbers long, with no punctuation, spaces, or special characters allowed. They are also case-sensitive. If the password doesn’t fit those requirements, it might be the issue.
  22. This is actually a thread for locating existing stories, and not a request or challenge thread.
  23. Protonmail claims to be safer than Gmail, and so far I haven’t had anyone complain to me that they can’t complete registration using Protonmail. Microsoft email clients tend to have issues with our site due to Microsoft’s security protocols. Outlook.com, Hotmail.com, and Live.com accounts are all experiencing issues with password resets and validation email. (I think it’s the “adult” in our name—scares them, it does...) We don’t allow disposable email clients, so those are out. Having said all that, I actually get far less spam on the gmail account I use for this site than I do on other gmail accounts I have. I keep a unique account for this site, and with strong passwords, premium antimalware, and a proactive approach to teaching my spam filters what to screen out, I haven’t had an issue.
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