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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. Category added in the Games subdomain.
  2. Pairing sub-category added, and stories moved to the new sub-category.
  3. I just double-checked myself, and I was actually pleased to find I’ve marked my completed work with a “COMPLETE” tag. Now all I have to do is actually finish the incomplete works.
  4. There is currently a category for Angel/Xander here: http://buffy.adult-fanfiction.org/index.php?cat=866 The remaining categories are not divided by pairings, and those categories can’t be added.
  5. The original author of the story, be it fan fiction or an original work, owns the story. It is their intellectual property, and as such, we will protect their rights to their hard work. Let me put it in terms that might actually get through: I don’t own “A Song of Fire and Ice” and even though it’s been YEARS since George RR Martin wrote Book 5, and many of us are desperate for Book 6, George RR Martin isn’t going to take kindly to my writing Book 6 for him. (He did allow HBO to abuse his universe, however, which just goes to show that no sane author should ever let anyone else write their story for them. Season 8? Really? Talk about lazy writing...) So, the answer to your question is: you don’t get permission if Praetor doesn’t grant it.
  6. A very happy birthday to @foeofthelance and hoping this year brings lots of good things for you! See you at Ren Faire, lad, and I’ll stand you a mead! :birthday: :cheers: :party: :beer:

    1. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      I’ll second that motion.  Happy Birthday!  :bday:

    2. WillowDarkling


      Happy birthday, Foe! Hope you have a fantastic day. :bday:

    3. GeorgeGlass


      Hope you have a great one, Foe.

      Just wondering: Would your archenemy by “friendofthelance”?

  7. The archive account has been deleted. Google may return search results for the old name, but if that link is used, it will lead to a page saying that the user does not exist.
  8. Good point! I try to pretend the Celebrity subdomain doesn’t exist, which is probably not a good thing. But for fan fiction NOT involving real persons, you can age up characters.
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