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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. The summary is definitely too long. I’d suggest moving the Author’s Note portion to the first chapter, which would leave a short enough entry for the summary field, and your note at the top of the first chapter will alert readers to your format.
  2. Two questions: How long is the summary for the story? Are you using the dropdown to add the tags or inputting them manually?
  3. The recaptcha is no longer being used. I’m not sure why the post is failing and resetting itself, other than perhaps too long a summary? The disclaimer field maxs at 240 characters, which should be adequate spece. The summary field is, I believe, capped at 660 characters.
  4. You actually need to go to your Control Panel under your archive profile. In the menu bar at the top of the archive homepage, click your name, and then select Control Panel. You will see a new list appear, with a complete selection of the Story Managers for each subdomain. Select the Cartoons Story Manager. You should see a blue link reading “Post New Story.” Click that, and then you can populate the various fields that appear. We have a robust FAQ section here in the Forum. You might want to look at this AFQ on how to add a story: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/topic/63417-how-to-upload-a-story/ I’d also recommend the FAQ on Disclaimers: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/topic/3560-what-is-needed-in-a-disclaimer/
  5. Yes, you would need to copy and paste what you have, and then post a new story in the Cartoon subdomain, under the Miraculous Ladybug subcategory. Each of our subdomains is a separate database, so unfortunately, you wouldn’t be able to select a subdomain the way you can choose a dropdown in the category field.
  6. You need to go to the Cartoons subdomain, not Television. Click the link in my previous post.
  7. It’s under Cartoons: http://cartoon.adult-fanfiction.org/index.php?cat=2045
  8. Hi, I’m not finding any record of that particular email address in the archive. Did you perhaps try registering for this forum instead?
  9. Honestly, if we could implement it, a “like” button would be great. Granted, the lack of likes might be just as discouraging as the lack of dragon prints, but it would have far less potential for abuse than our old ratings system. I can’t tell you how many members had stories rated down for what I consider the stupidest of reasons: a disliked pairing, a character being too out of character, and on one memorable occasion, for writing too many stories. Yes, really, and the saddest part is that the author was an excellent writer who truly didn’t deserve to be ratings-bombed.
  10. Then it’s definitely the Microsoft email client issue rearing its head once more. Since this is discussed on the Archive Tech Support thread, and not here on the Forum thread, I’ll explain the work-around we use. We can change the email address for you to a client that doesn’t have issues with our site, such as Google’s Gmail. I recommend that you email us with that Gmail address, since this is an open forum, and spambots can and do harvest email addresses. We can be reached at tos_team@adult-fanfiction.org. Once I update your email address, I’ll let you know. You can request a new email using this link: http://members.adult-fanfiction.org/rsa.php Make sure to use the new email address, since that’s what will be in our database. After you successfully validate, and have access to the account, you can use your Control Panel to change the email address back to your preferred client, or you can leave it with the new email address, as you prefer.
  11. If you are asking about your archive registration, you are showing as pending registration. The issue might be because you use a Microsoft client email address, and we have had issues with confirmation emails and password resets. If you are asking about the forum registration, the issue might be because the archive registration isn’t completed.
  12. BronxWench

    HP/LM mpreg

    I’m locking this thread due to a flurry of spam posts, 16 of them to be precise.
  13. I’m not finding that pen name, but if you email me at tos_team@adult-fanfiction.org from the email address you used to make the account, I can find the correct account that way. (I don’t recommend posting an email address to an open forum where spambots can see it.)
  14. Wishing the very happiest birthday ever to my sweet Neko-baby, WillowDarkling! I hope this year brings dreams come true, love! :happykitten: :kittenpurr: :birthday: :bday: :wub:

  15. We have a wonderful FAQ explaining just how to do that: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/topic/63417-how-to-upload-a-story/ Our forum has an entire section devoted to all our FAQs: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/forum/114-faqs/
  16. Thank you! The account and all content is deleted. Stay safe!
  17. We have a FAQ for that right here: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/topic/63417-how-to-upload-a-story/
  18. I’m not even remotely qualified to comment on what it would take to modify the current code, although I suspect it would be a major undertaking. My usefulness comes when it’s time to beta-test the updates, since I know what will work, and what will create issues for our members based on the troubleshooting inquiries I get.
  19. You have one story posted under your archive profile. Please confirm that you would like that story deleted along with the account, because once the story and account are deleted, it’s going to be impossible to retrieve that story.
  20. We have 23 separate databases. There is no way, at present, to have a franchise tag option that would search across the databases. The search function only works within the database you are visiting, otherwise known as the subdomain. So, if you are looking in the Anime subdomain, and search for Harry Potter, you will not get any results. That’s because Harry Potter has its own subdomain, or database. Similarly, searching in Anime for Inuyasha won’t return anything UNLESS the story in question is a crossover with the primary setting in Death Note. Crossovers are placed in the subdomain/subcategory where the story is primarily set. If Naruto visits Hogwarts, and all the content revolves around Hogwarts, the story does not belong in the Naruto subdomain. Rather, it is placed in Harry Potter, in the Crossovers subcategory. Users have no ability to create subcategories, which helps avoid the issue of misspelled categories appearing alongside correctly spelled categories. We would not allow users to create tags for any reference table, either. AO3 is a prime example of what happens when you let people loose with tags. We have a dropdown table of content tags, which can be added at the time a story is published. Thereafter, users have the ability to add tags manually via the Control Panel in their profile. Disclaimers… we actually have an excellent FAQ on the topic, but I’ll provide examples of what we look for in a disclaimer. Single Fandom: I do not own Harry Potter and I make no profit/money from this story. (Optional: I do not make any profit/money from this story.) Crossover: I do not own Harry Potter, Twilight, or Naruto and I make no profit/money from this story. (Optional: I do not make any profit/money from this story.) Work in the public domain: This is a work of fiction based on Bram Stoker’s’s Dracula. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is unintentional. Original fiction: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, in unintentional. (Optional: All rights are reserved by the author, and unauthorized reproduction is prohibited.) Original Poetry: This is a work of poetry. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, in unintentional. (Optional: All rights are reserved by the author, and unauthorized reproduction is prohibited.) Original nonfiction: This is a work of non-fiction. Where possible, permission has been obtained from all persons named in this story. Celebrity fiction: This is a work of fiction. I do not know or own Asuka or Alexa Bliss or Mickie James. I make no profit/money from this story. (Optional: I do not make any profit/money from this story.) As you can see, there isn’t really a single format that will work for every situation. I scan the content tags in the summary page, actually. It’s sort of like browsing bookshelves in a bookstore for me. It’s also easier than having to input a lengthy list of tags to filter out, since in a single-database scenario, I’d wind up having to filter in the one fandom I do want to read at the moment, and THEN filter out all the content I don’t want to see, and finally skim past the stories I’ve already read which pop up in the results, since filtering by date might mean I’d miss an update I might not have seen. Or, when I think about it and have time, I just add a story to my Currently Reading portion of my profile, so I can find it quickly.
  21. I actually am following what you’re saying. The only and only copy of the story cannot be found in Anime, Books, AND Celebrity as your scenario states. It can be found in exactly ONE of those subdomains/discrete databases. We do not allow a story to be posted in three subdomains, which is what would have to happen to make your scenario work. I’ll also point out that, due to the sheer volume of content, Harry Potter has its own subdomain, and does not get included in Books. Creating all those input lists is also a great deal of work, and would require continuous updating as new fandoms emerge, new celebrities become of interest, and new pairings catch the attention of authors. And yes, pairings are of paramount importance in certain fandoms, based on the flame wars that can erupt if a story appears in the wrong pairing category. And I will continue to beg to differ on the validity of a single disclaimer format. Fandom-based stories require a far different disclaimer than Original works, which should have something akin to what you see at the beginning of a published novel. Original works CAN be written for profit, do NOT require and copyright demurral, and must clearly state that they are a work of fiction, whereas a fandom-based work must clearly state that the author does not own the copyright of the fandom, and therefore cannot make any profit from the work. Celebrity fiction must clearly state that the work is fiction, that the author does not KNOW the celebrity or celebrities, who must be named in the disclaimer, and that no profit is made. Stories based on titles in the public domain must use the name of the book in the disclaimer, but otherwise use the same disclaimer as Original fiction. There is no one-size-fits-all disclaimer for all of AFF. I don’t have enough staff to preview stories before they are posted. So, in essence, under the scenario you’ve proposed, stories will appear based on tags that have to be continuously moderated to answer calls for new fandoms, in subdomains multiple times since I am assuming the Franchise tag(s) would replace the existing choice of subdomain and subcategory, and we still have to review the story after it’s published for content tags, which are of more importance to me than the disclaimer, to be honest. The author will get sued for copyright infringement. I get the hysterical emails from readers who are blindsided by untagged content that they would have preferred not to encounter. As a personal illustration, I do not read for pleasure stories tagged with Minor1, Scat, WS, FF, or ABDL. As a moderator, I am required to review those stories, but when I read for my own enjoyment, I will skip anything with those tags. I also avoid certain subdomains altogether, either because I have no interest in the fandom or, in the case of Celebrity Fiction, I find the entire genre unpleasant since I tend to think about the families and friends of the real persons being depicted, and it quite puts me off. (My apologies to the authors who write for Celebrity, but I’ve never been reticent about my distaste for real person fiction.) We would need to rewrite the entire code, or purchase a prewritten package to set up what you’re suggesting, and I don’t see that happening in the near future, if ever. Would I like to work with a more up to date archive? Absolutely. I’d be lying if I said things were perfect. But I’m not capable of writing the code we would need, and I don’t have the wherewithal to purchase it for the site as a donation. Trust me, if I could buy a package, I would. It would be lovely to have the ability to have the updates written for us as the software evolves. I do think, despite our limitations, we are still a viable site. All things considered, we’re nearly 20 years old, which is quite an achievement for a fiction archive.
  22. I’m not seeing any issues in the profile information I can access in the database. My only guess as to the issue might be password related. Passwords, as of the most recent code tweak, need to be between 8 and 12 letters and/or numbers long. We don’t allow any punctuation or special characters, and passwords are case sensitive. If your password is too short, or too long, or if it contains any punctuation or special characters, it would cause the failure to log in that you’re experiencing.
  23. Per your request, the account has been deleted.
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