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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. My heart just aches for everyone in Turkey and Syria, or who has loved ones there. I will be making a donation to Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders, although it will be just a drop in the bucket in the face of such disaster.

  2. I’ve sent you a new password reset link in email, which should work for you.
  3. That could very well have been it. Manta was able to adjust our software to take into account VPNs, which has helped immensely. And on a personal note, I hope that you and your loved ones are safe and sound!
  4. I’ve emailed you a new password reset link, which should work just fine.
  5. The accounts and stories are all deleted.
  6. The account has been deleted as you requested.
  7. You have 9 stories still posted under that account. Do you need time to retrieve those before I delete the account?
  8. Honestly, I’m baffled. I don’t think it could hurt to try, especially since you identified the account as gone before we sent out those emails. I just wouldn’t hold out too much hope.
  9. The new password reset link has been emailed to you. There’s no need to edit anything on this link—the edit was for the initial run of email activation links only, and has been fixed.
  10. I’ve sent you a new link. Let’s see if this one works.
  11. For all our members who use yahoo.com, the initial run of emails triggered Yahoo’s security protocols. Some of the emails were delayed or just not delivered, because Yahoo decided we’re spammers.

    If you never got the email, please let us know in the Software > Archive Tech Support thread, in the pinned post, READ ME.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      The more tech-related response is that a lot of web filtering software classifies this website as “porn”, so I can see spam filters trapping email.

    3. BronxWench


      It’s also that we have approximately 150,000 members, and we just sent out a scripted email to all of them. ALL of them. :lol:  

    4. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Know I don’t have spam filtering on my email, so it got through w/o issues.  New password selected (using a password manager, once it exceeds 8-characters, I have to).

  12. I’m happy to merge the accounts for you. Which account do you want to keep as the surviving account, and which pen name?
  13. I’ve emailed you with new links for both activation and password reset.
  14. I’ve not had that issue myself, and haven’t seen reports of it so far. Do you happen to use a vpn, or other method of blocking your IP address?
  15. I just sent you a new link. Let’s hope this one does the trick!
  16. We are still in read-only mode while we finish doing all the things we need to do to secure the site properly. Stay tuned for more announcements!
  17. I would need to know either your pen name or your email address to search for you in the archive.
  18. I’ve sent a new password reset link to your email.
  19. That was one of the causes of hiccups, I do believe, but manta was able to get past it.
  20. I adore you all, but it’s after midnight here, and I need to sleep so I can be up again at 6am.  🛏️

    1. InvidiaRed
    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      But...but… there’s other opportunities to sleep, like on the job or while driving.  💤

    3. InvidiaRed


      Yes go peaceful into that goodnight

      not screaming like your passengers :devil:

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