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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. For Indigo: One of the greatest joys for me as a writer is having someone read an older work, and let me know what they've thought. I suppose every writer has favorites among what they've put out there, and I'll admit this is one I count as a favorite. So, thank you from the bottom of my heart for making my day with your review, George! Given how much I respect you as a writer, it means a great deal, especially to hear praise for this particular work!
  2. Links: Unwanted Bonds by CelticKitsune Night Flight by Massanie
  3. BronxWench

    Demon invasion

    Link for above: My Dull Life by SivMeille
  4. For Masking Intentions: Thank you! The sprog is certainly not bothered with the consequences of his actions, at least as far as servants go. But yes, the vigil will bring about great changes for both Kdis and the sprog. Kdis doesn't spend a great deal of time wondering about the past, but I do think he will be reminded of small things, things he might not have found remarkable but which seem to loom larger as he spends more time with the sprog. He's very right to be wary about the vigil, though. Thank you so much for all your kind words! Your reviews always make my day. Thank you! I always worry about too much info-dump, but sometimes I just need to make things a bit clearer than I can in mere conversation or by the characters' actions. Hopefully, I'll be answering your questions in short order, since Kdis seems to be talking to me again. Thank you again for making my day! Thank you so much! I'm so glad you're enjoying the story, and hopefully I won't take quite so long to update from now on. I'm always happy to know I've piqued a reader's interest with my odd little worlds, and I hope I can continue to do so! I'm the happiest of authors today, and thank you again!
  5. Oh, I know! My "Currently Reading" list keep growing!
  6. Link for above: Picking Up the Pieces by The_CL (She changed her pen name )
  7. You are a very wicked tease! I still adore you, though. And I am quite sure no silly human will get to share Thranduil's Prince.
  8. The story has been removed by DemonGoddess061.
  9. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I'll look into it at once.
  10. Some of the stories in the Comics subdomain have experienced a glitch in how they display. Our tech admin will be addressing the issue but I can't give you a date when that will be done. We are, however, aware of it and have it in the queue.
  11. BronxWench

    Pokémon Pink

    Sorry, then I'd need more to go on, such as an author/pen name.
  12. I'm not seeing any record of staff action, so I can only presume it was removed by the author.
  13. Oh, you sweet tease, you! But I am enjoying this thoroughly!
  14. That's not working, either. The error I get is: Remote host said: 554 delivery error: dd This user doesn't have a yahoo.com account (t1mber0lf73@yahoo.com) I'm honestly not sure what's going on here. I'm inclined to think our site is being blocked, perhaps by your spam filters. Are you able to receive other emails at either of these email addresses?
  15. And once again, the mail is being returned undelivered. The exact error is "550 Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable" and I'm not sure why that's coming up if you can otherwise receive mail at that email address. Is there another email address you use that we could try?
  16. Yes, that's the email I used, and it was returned to me. Can you add the following emails to your contact list/address book? tos_team@adult-fanfiction.org and anonymous@affnet.nexcess.net The first email is the staff email here, which I tried to use to contact you, and the second is the address that would generate the activation email. Your internet service provider or mail client might be blocking us. Your spam filters might be flat-out blocking us, and the auto-email for activation won't return an error like the staff account.
  17. I have a WolfHowl pending but the email is different. I'll send you a test email to what I have.
  18. Hi, Can you tell me the pen name you used to register, and I'll check that?
  19. For the time being, we're not adding categories due to the code rewrite project. What you can do is to place this story in the Misc Video Games/RPGs category for now, with the proposed category name in brackets in the summary: [Table Top RPGs]. When our admin is adding categories again, she will create the category for you then, and move the story. Thanks for your patience!
  20. BronxWench


    You do need to be a registered user of the forum to be able to PM someone, yes.
  21. BronxWench


    We do not create categories unless there are stories to place in that category. An empty category serves no purpose at all, since people don't generally peruse categories to decide what to write.
  22. I have to second this entirely. I find the darker places very compelling, but it takes great skill to convey the true depth of cruelty, and how closely tied it is to mercy, somewhere deep, deep down. You're doing something truly extraordinary with this story, and Pip is right. It's beautiful.
  23. Passwords need to be at least 8 letters or numbers long, have no special characters, and are case sensitive. You'll also get an email as explained here: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php/topic/29620-how-to-reset-your-password/ If you still can't reset the password, please email me at tos_team@adult-fanfiction.org with your archive url or the email address and pen name so I can look into this further. Thanks!
  24. if the one story I found wasn't the one you were looking for, then it's not on our site, either. I didn't find any record of staff action, which would mean it was removed by the author.
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