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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. BronxWench


    We do not create categories unless there are stories to place in that category. An empty category serves no purpose at all, since people don't generally peruse categories to decide what to write.
  2. I have to second this entirely. I find the darker places very compelling, but it takes great skill to convey the true depth of cruelty, and how closely tied it is to mercy, somewhere deep, deep down. You're doing something truly extraordinary with this story, and Pip is right. It's beautiful.
  3. Passwords need to be at least 8 letters or numbers long, have no special characters, and are case sensitive. You'll also get an email as explained here: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php/topic/29620-how-to-reset-your-password/ If you still can't reset the password, please email me at tos_team@adult-fanfiction.org with your archive url or the email address and pen name so I can look into this further. Thanks!
  4. if the one story I found wasn't the one you were looking for, then it's not on our site, either. I didn't find any record of staff action, which would mean it was removed by the author.
  5. A very happy birthday to JayDee and to Melrick! May you have a wonderful year, and much happiness. :hugs:

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. GeorgeGlass


      Happy birthday, y'all.

    3. Melrick


      Thanks all! And happy birthday to JayDee as well!

    4. JayDee


      belated thanks!

  6. Kryptonite and A Tangled Mess: The Mating Habits of Kagome Higurashi were pulled by the authors. While you were Sleeping The remainder are not coming up on my searches, either, and I'm finding no record of staff action. They most likely have been pulled by the author(s) as well. I can tell you that any written by Speedy_Tomato or Danyealle-sama were pulled by those authors.
  7. BronxWench

    Missing Story

    Can you give me the story titles and author names that aren't working?
  8. Dammit. Apparently, this idea is a slut-plunnie, because it's tugging at me, too, now. Except space/alien civilization...
  9. BronxWench

    Naruto Harem story

    Link for above: NILF by EroSlackerMicha
  10. We're always happy to have people help the site. If you want to be part of our clean-up crew, you can email our admin, DemonGoddess061 at: admin@adult-fanfiction.org, and tell her how you would like to assist.
  11. It won't be working until the clean-up reaches that archive. There's actually a queue, and the staff who do that work aren't there yet.
  12. Actually, we can no longer access your password information. Our tech admin can, or you can reset it. I would recommend that you reset the password, since her work schedule (real life) has been brutal of late - upwards of 80 hours a week some weeks. We understand it can be frustrating, but in most cases, people are changing a password because they can't remember their old password. I'm quite sure it never occurred to Apollo to mention in the FAQ that one cannot reuse a password. I'll ask to have that spelled out more clearly in the FAQ, however.
  13. You ARE registered. You're just not logging in properly. There's only one way to log in: the upper right hand fields. Passwords are case sensitive, must be 8 letter or numbers long, and no special characters are allowed. If you try to reset your password using the old password, it blanks the field, and you'll need to reset the password again.
  14. It would appear that you are not logged in. Did you use the fields in the upper right hand corner to log in? The center fields will not log you in once you've activated the account, and in fact will produce an empty page like the one you're getting.
  15. Anytime!
  16. It will from your original text. It might not from the copy and pasted version, but it would eliminate some of the excess, I should think.
  17. Upon looking into the matter further, the author posted that story and others while under 18. Accordingly, all stories were removed since we cannot host content posted while the member was a minor.
  18. Have you tried cutting the text, pasting it into Word, and changing the formatting? I use the NoSpace style, and the enter keystroke at the end of a paragraph makes the text break for me, eliminating the need for a second enter keystroke. I find it pastes quite well to the RTE using the Paste from Word option. I still have to edit to center anything, however. It's the only thing I can't seem to carry over properly.
  19. We have no member with that pen name on AFF. You might wish to direct your search elsewhere.
  20. I've said it before, but let me say it again: Many, many congratulations! You absolutely deserve to have this wonderful story published, and I want to be able to pre-order it!
  21. I don't believe so, and I know that's NOT what you wanted to hear. DG's run the fix, so if it didn't correct the spacing, it's something else, I suspect.
  22. ::hugs Pip and TAFKAB:: You both give me such lovely, wanton dreams. The least I can do is let you know how much I'm enjoying!
  23. ::dies from the giggles::
  24. It's absolutely possible to edit a story after it's published. In the Archive Profile, when you select Control Panel, under each subdomain, you'll see a group of links. "Add" allows you to post a new story, while "Edit" allows you to call up individual chapters in our Rich Text Editor, as well as correct the story details, like the summary, or tags, or disclaimer. You can also manage story reviews, and even delete the story from the links on the Control Panel. We have a FAQ section with explains how to do pretty much anything for the archive and the forum. If there's something we're missing there, we're always happy to explain, and if necessary, write a new FAQ.
  25. BronxWench

    Pokémon Pink

    We have the following that may be what you're searching for: Pink Pokemon by Caesar_Pallace7 Or Pink Version by Imasuky
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