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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. Willow is correct about placement, so depending on the primary fandom setting, we'd determine the appropriate archive. We don't have specific pairing subcategories for Inuyasha or for Naruto under the Crossovers category of those subdomains, and YuYu does not have category divisions at all. However, crossovers for YuYu can be placed in the general subdomain. We're always happy to have new members posting here, so welcome!
  2. While I don't normally do this sort of thing, since this anonymous coward has decided to cross the lines between my role as a moderator and my postings here as an author, I'm going to actually respond. For Masking Intentions: Dear Anon, First of all, I am a moderator, not an administrator. I don't hold myself out to be an administrator. Second, it is "an admin" as opposed to "a admin." If you're going to try to belittle me, at least attempt to observe the very basic rules of grammar. I am also rarely ahead of myself, since I cannot manage bilocation, no matter how hard I try. You might also want to avoid using the pronoun "we" when speaking about yourself, unless of course YOU are the Queen of England or have other voices in your head. The author in question was not begging for reviews. If you think that you are the arbiter of what constitutes a Terms of Service violation on this site, by all means report it using the proper channels. However, your sort of bullying and abuse is as much a violation of our ToS as is the practice of review demands. So really, are you saying that two wrongs make a right? You'll never manage to justify that, no matter how much you try. It's an infantile argument, and trivial. As far as your comments regarding the site itself, you do nothing more than demonstrate your own ignorance. I volunteer my time so that this site won't go the way of other sites which have failed, vanished, or been so overrun with bullies as to be untenable. The entire staff is a volunteer staff. That means we donate our time and efforts because we believe in this site and the freedom from censorship it represents. Before you even attempt to equate freedom from censorship with anarchy, please go and read the Term of Service and Posting Guidelines. You do nothing more than demonstrate your sole purpose here as one of harassment. Were I actually to give your sort of idiocy credence, I might even find myself offended. However, I'm merely amused. If you expect me to take you seriously, log in. Leave an email. Come out of the closet, dear Anon, and show yourself.
  3. For Masking Intentions: Thank you! I'm very happy I've caught your interest, and I hope my odd little world will continue to hold it as we go on. It's a story I've wanted to tell for a while, and now is the right time. Thank you again! Thank you, my lovely Witch! I'm glad my world interests you. It's not always a very kind place, and the people in it aren't very gentle, but it's oddly welcoming for me, at any rate. I hope I can continue to entertain as we go on. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart!
  4. I have to ask, and can't assume, so thank you. I'll get that set up for my admin.
  5. I'm not seeing the answer. We only allow two accounts under special circumstances, and with prior permission. You need to tell us which one you want to keep.
  6. CL's right. I started with a fan fiction because the game I was playing had plot holes that could be mistaken for the Chunnel. I decided I would write my own version and fill those in, since nothing I wrote could possibly be worse than what the developers had done. I'd been reading fan fiction for my games, and for things like LotR. So... I sat at the pool while my kids swam, and I wrote. I went home and input what I'd written on the computer after they went to bed. I rewrote, and rewrote, and rewrote, and then I decided to take the plunge and publish my little work to a site. I was petrified about what people would think, and I read the first reviews expecting to be told to never do that again. One said, to paraphrase, "What happens next?" It's fun, actually, to let the things in your head come out to play.
  7. I need my "Like this" button for JayDee's suggestion.
  8. This FAQ explains the posting procedure. We actually have a lot of very useful FAQs in the FAQ thread.
  9. someonenotme removed all her stories from the Internet.
  10. Just so I'm clear, you have two accounts, and now both are using the same email address: sakurablossomhime cherrygirlprime Which account do you wish to have as the surviving account, since one will need to be removed?
  11. For A Good Morning's Sleep: Hi, George! I'm really happy to hear you found one of mine to read! I do understand that the M/M is not to everyone's taste, but I have a few M/F tossed in there. Now, as to the McGuffin, I suppose it does seem a bit odd to have it just disappear. Blame a combination of sleep deprivation, an overly active imagination, and some rotting takeout. Or it could have been something darker. Trust me on this, NYC is a very haunted town, and it's twice as creepy when it happens in real life. Now, for a little M/F with less McGuffin, try "Hunting Elysium" and then "Punch Line." See, I shall pimp myself like a good little writer.
  12. For Punch Line: Thank you! I aim to amuse! (Did you read the first one? "Hunting Elysium" is the name.)
  13. So, yet again, the damned refrigerator has decided keeping things cold is not its role in life. Parts are on order, and contrary appliances will be shown their place. In the meantime, I have another fridge in the living room. :headdesk:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. pittwitch
    3. JayDee


      D'oh! Hope it's fixed soon.

    4. BronxWench


      I really shouldn't whine, since I do have a loaner while I'm waiting, but it's just awfully crowded. And awkward. Oh, well. Cold things are cold, and that's what counts.

  14. For Masking Intentions: ::attempts to look innocent:: Torture? You'd think it was a competition or something... I promise, there are answers coming. They may not be the ones you want, or what you expect, but there will be answers. And thank you! I'm glad I can amuse!
  15. Thank you! We'll take care of that when we reach Movies in the clean-up of the archive, but in the meantime, this is the place for such things, so we remember to do them.
  16. The author publishes under the name of Weyodi Squid. Site policy prohibits me from including a link, but you can certainly Google the name.
  17. For Masking Intentions: Thank you, so much! I'm especially happy that you're enjoying this, and I should be thanking you for inspiring me to return to this world. To answer your question, sort of, the Maiden is an oracle. How much she chooses to divulge to the others of the Crown is what's in question. The Stag knows only that Kdis can protect this sprog, and it's important to their realm that Kdis do so. He knew, when he bought Kdis, who he was buying, and trained Kdis personally to ensure Kdis would be ready for his destiny. And yes, Kdis' roots lie across the ocean. He himself was born in the realm of the Seaborn. I can't say more or I'll spoil things.
  18. Chapter 1 of Masking Intentions is up.

  19. For A Good Morning's Sleep: And Yes, yes! That's definitely it! Morbid is a fluffy thing! I'm glad you liked this little bit of crazy, which is actually not based on anything real, except for the noisy neighbor thing. That's a New York gimmee. Absolutely. And there is always a neighbor like that when you work nights. But I had a lot of fun writing this one, and I'm always happy when someone else enjoys the humor in it.
  20. The fight scene was utterly wrenching, given the game Sauron plays with poor Maglor, but I couldn't see it happening any other way. Sauron is incapable of of anything else, really, and Maglor still could not bring himself to surrender. I imagine Fallen resulted in a great many of those conversations...
  21. ::pounces:: A new story! Hooray! ::scurries off to read happily::
  22. I was going to unwrap the Easter Bunny myself. He's MUCH nicer than chocolate eggs.
  23. ::dies laughing:: In my case, I'm already in trouble for not correctly understanding "fluffy."
  24. There IS no archive profile for chickenlittle. You might want to give us the urls you're looking at, so we can check this for you. Also, you need to put a proper url in your forum profile, since that's required for forum membership.
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