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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. When you go to a subdomain, just above the left menu you will see a link for "Search Archive." It operates the exact way it always did when you click that link, and appears on each category and subcategory level as well.
  2. LMAO! I always go for the difficult ones. It's probably because I'm such a difficult one myself.
  3. Actually, some of us prefer not to think of AFF as solely a porn story site. It's a place where we can explore all manner of adult themes, which may or may not have sexual content. We don't insist on Happy-Ever-After or even Happy-For-Now endings. We're fine with darker themes. Some of the best stories I've read on this site have little or no sex. But they are entirely adult.
  4. BronxWench

    m/m story

    Links for Lisa's recommendations: Muffin by Mahsa Close Protection by Cordelia_Kingsbridge
  5. BronxWench

    m/m story

    It would probably help if you gave a few more specifics. Is there a genre you prefer, such as shifters, vampires, contemporary, science fiction, fantasy, or so on? Do you have certain things you don't want to read, like BDSM, or rape, or minor involvement? Our members can be very helpful recommending stories, but you might wind up with things you don't find appealing unless you give them a bit more to work with for your search.
  6. I'm not finding an account for that pen name. Are you sure that was the name you used here at AFF?
  7. I've decided my karmic lesson this lifetime is Patience. I'm not sure how I'm doing, but I have a feeling this isn't my first go-around with this lesson, and it probably won't be my last.
  8. BronxWench


    There's a few stories on site I wish had been finished.
  9. BronxWench


    Munez is still a member of the site, but hasn't updated since 2011. What there is of "Dandruff" is still there, however.
  10. We need a writer's retreat, all of us. I made signs for my desk, which is in the living room. The signs are mostly polite variations of "Fuck off, I'm working." The signs are universally ignored by all and sundry, who then all claim, loudly, that they are the only ones who let me work. The truth? The only one who lets me work in peace is my autistic Youngerspawn, who is actually quite content to go fuck off, as long as I return the favor and leave him alone. My mother needs me every 5 minutes or so to open something for her, fix her COPD inhaler, check the icemaker, listen to her talk about a tv show I don't watch, order her books, or answer the same damned questions I've been answering all day. My daft one needs me to read his emails and fix them, listen to him rant about the co-op (he's board president), listen to him rant about his job, listen to his plans to boost in the local free wifi so we can have Internet at the lake, and stroke his ego by letting him take credit for the stuff I actually do for him. My Elderspawn was obviously inoculated with a stereo needle (I'm old enough to remember vinyl when it was new). I get treated to the daily discourse on being trans, the daily bitching about diabetes, the stories about the new GF, plans to learn to cook, drive, clean, and fend for oneself, and then I referee argument between Elderspawn and the daft one, which usually end with Elderspawn in tears and Youngerspawn asking when Elderspawn is moving out. Youngerspawn ignores us all, except when he wants to tell me something, at which point the daft one criticizes something and Elderspawn launches into a long discourse on how Elderspawn handled that exact same thing via a video game reference. And when I finally snap, they all look at me like I'm insane. Wait for summer. I'm hiding at the lake place and not taking any of them...just my wine and my new laptop that the daft one doesn't know he is buying for me yet.
  11. I'm just going to wait patiently for you to reveal this, bit by wonderful bit. It's too good to rush!
  12. Nope. Not transphobic at all. The concept of Mpreg revolves around a "cismale" (and gods, how I hate those ridiculous conventions to further divide and categorize people) who becomes pregnant, not a person who's chosen to make their physical and mental genders match. We're pretty good at not encouraging discrimination and bigotry here. And, to short-circuit any hysteria about my profound distaste for labels and other stigmatizing bullshit, I have a trans kid. So, I'm not talking out of my hat. My kid is not a label.
  13. Wait, did Chrissy just defend Yorwrath?? ::squeezes Yorwrath plushie in surprise:: "Currently Valentina is that weird shaped screw that comes with Ikea furniture. You don't know what to do with it when you take it out the box so you set it to the side and pretend it doesn't exist until the instructions need it." ::dies laughing::
  14. WONKY CROSS by Qtness.Quill
  15. Whatever it takes to Make it work by Debbie
  16. Exactly! I'm having a blast poking away at my favorite stories.
  17. Could I just ask, is there ANYTHING in Australia that isn't trying to kill people?
  18. Okay. The first images are the new format. You should be able to click on a story title in blue and it will open. Or you can click on a subcategory link on the left for a more refined story listing, but that's not in read only form. It's the archive. The second picture is the archive home page. DG was giving the schedule so people would know what was happening. It doesn't mean that the archive is in perpetual read-only mode. It was an alert. As a matter of fact, DG finished the conversions last night, and there's no need to put the archive in read-only mode anymore. Try clicking a story.
  19. You probably need to log in again. The Read-only period logs everyone out, and if you haven't logged back in, you might be having trouble seeing anything. Just remember to use the upper right hand fields only, NOT the center fields.
  20. What is it that you're seeing? The site is definitely not read-only, so there's something else going on. Let's try to pinpoint it.
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