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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. Thank you! I'll be sweeping through that subdomain this weekend, and I see I'll have my work cut out for me this week. Ah, well. This is why we get that extra cookie.
  2. For Hazardous Duty: ::dies laughing:: Thank you, thank you! Yes, I have been guilty of the odd bit of fluff. Here and there. From time to time. Now, if you like those boys, read "Special of the Day."
  3. For Masking Intentions: Thank you! I've got plenty more to come. I don't want to quite give it away yet, but there is a reason Kdis was given an assignment so quickly. I've dropped a hint or two, so stay with me and I promise answers will come!
  4. For Masking Intentions: Thank you! I know, I'm terrible to end on a tease like that, but I've always thought prologues should be sort of a tease. There's more to come, I promise, and while it might not be the prettiest ride, I hope it'll be a good one!
  5. Being a curious sort, did you really intend for folks to be able to download hard copy of your story? It's your story, so we're not going to object, but I hate for this to bite you in the form of people posting your story all over, in places where you might not want it posted, or passing it around. If you ever decide you wanted to pull all your work from the Internet, as people have done for various reasons, it makes it really impossible when you've lost control of the story. Just my thoughts, and as I said, you're the author and it's your story.
  6. Oh, don't encourage me! I already have the BDSM tag on that little foray, and I may need to add more. This is NOT a fluffy world.
  7. Well, it's not IN Egyptian, but playing with fonts? Yeah, I can do that...a real translation will take longer, though. The Black Speech is harder. It uses a form of tengwar for writing, but there is almost no extensive dictionary for it. The same with Orkish. There simply isn't enough to do a proper translation.
  8. The author might want to repost that story. For some reason, in the recent update, a small portion of stories in the Comic subdomain were affected like this. It's possible that our tech admin can see if she can restore the data, but given her real-life workload at the moment, I doubt it will be soon, and she is the only one with database access, for obvious reasons.
  9. The closest I can come is: toDSaH bIjatlh, 'ej nga'chuq HItlhej ghaj!
  10. In French (and mine is rusty, so feel free to correct me...): Enfermé trou du cul et baise-moi! In Sindarin Elvish (because I'm a geek that way): No dhínen! Puitho nin! (or Avo bedo 'sevin i dhâf' a charo! if you want the more polite version)
  11. Prompted by a conversation I wandered into this morning in our very own Procrastination Station, I found myself wondering... In how many languages can our members say "Shut up, asshole, and fuck me!" (or something close to that sentiment, of course)? Let's play!
  12. For Masking Intentions: Thank you! This world is one that's been pulling at me for a while now, but I'm finally doing more than dabbling. I'm glad I'm off to a good start. I always worry that the things in my head don't quite make it to the page, so to speak. ::hugs pip:: I'm so glad you like it! I wanted to do more than just a quick flashfic, and I did promise you I'd tell you about Kdis' past. It just took me a while. But Kdis wants this told, and I promise not to take so long to finish this one. Thank you! And yes, I promise! Thank you, CL! I know you've read the little flashfics where I stuck my toe in the water with this one. It's a harsh world, but I really like it there, and I'm glad you do as well! And for everyone who's read but not reviewed, thank you, too! Keep those cat pokes coming, because those make authors happy, too!
  13. For First Step: Um, sorry? It's actually not so much a story about the past as it is about the potential of the future, or so I thought, which is why I call it one of my fluffier ones. That, and I always think we forget that domestic abuse is not always exclusive to women. In fact, it's harder to get men to even admit to it, much less deal with it. So Trey's taken a huge step backinto the light, and Sam's there to help him. But thank you for reading, and the fact that I could get that strong a reaction means I'm getting better as a writer, no?
  14. Actually, the date/time of last update is noted on the "Latest Stories" page as well as the profile/stories written listings, but it wouldn't help even if we were still treating the archive as separate entities instead of a global domain. I can sympathize with the issues of tablet versus laptop/pc. I love my tablet, but it's not my choice of venue for accessing AFF, nor is my phone. Your reading list is far more extensive than mine as far as stories followed actively. But an archive profile here is free and fairly simple to create, and I honestly love the Currently Reading feature as it stands now. It's very useful, and keeps me from pulling out my hair.
  15. Hi, Mary! I'm going to quote our admin, DemonGoddess061: " As we're making things more centralized to run GLOBALLY across the domain, the only title you'll see is the subdomain (archive) title." While we can appreciate your difficulty, we can't take a step backward and restore that old format for tab labels without having to also go back to 23 individual scripts. When something does blow up, it takes a lot longer to fix when each subdomain operates independently for those functions. A global domain function is much more efficient and expedient. If you're a Windows user like me, opening stories in separate windows would allow you to peek at each window's thumbnail in the task bar. Just a thought, since that would give you the ability to check each window's content quickly. I'm not a Mac user, so I can't speak for how it works on a Mac, but I imagine it wouldn't be hugely different. What does still show the title in the tabs is the Review Page for the story. If you bookmark the review page, you should see the title in the browser tab like before, and in the bookmark title as well. Another thought is to use the Recommended Reading and Currently Reading features on your archive profile. I absolutely love Currently Reading, since it is now a live link to both the story and the author profile, and the story moves up to the top of the listing when it updates, making it easy to check even on a longer reading list. I hope there's a glimmer of help in all that!
  16. I can see a re-reading of the Princes Three saga in my near future...
  17. Do you have the url, or even the author name? I might be able to check and see what happened.
  18. I'm not going to complain. I'm also a fan of some good twincest, so...
  19. Poor Elrond. It's a very good thing he'll be immortal, because those three could kill him with love.
  20. Heh, because it's you, I'll share the Campari. You know how few people actually ask?
  21. Oh, I agree! I always see Elrond as one of the stalwart bastions of the elven ranks, strong and competent, so his surrender is both unexpected and glorious at the same time. Thranduil is very dramatic, and I love that about him. Still, I do think he'll manage to train Elrond to be the perfect Master, especially because he is able to teach Elrond the bliss of surrender.
  22. I'll make sure our tech admin is aware of the pulldown issue. Just for completeness' sake, which mobile browser/platform do you use?
  23. Honestly? I'll be longer than a month. The issues with text being way offscreen are largely due to users creating in-chapter breaks by inserting long lines of a single character, such as an asterisk. We get the same stretched screen on a PC as well, so that's not a purely mobile issue. What pulldown errors are you seeing? It helps us to know what's wrong. Personally, I never access the site from a mobile device myself, since the screens are too small for my old eyes to be comfortable reading more than a quick text.
  24. Right now, we're focusing on getting the code for the main archive updated. Once that's been done, and we have all the features properly enabled, we can think about the mobile skins. For the time being, the site is accessible, if not terribly pretty on mobile devices.
  25. Oh, my goodness, that was completely amazing. I honestly couldn't imagine how the chapter could be better, until I re-read it. It's superb, completely glorious and dark, and thank you!
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