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Review replies for Nothing Gold Can Stay by TAFKAB
TAFKAB replied to TAFKAB's topic in Slash-Male/Male
Bronxwench said: Ah, poor Gimli! He is so reluctant to speak of that dreadful vision, having no idea that Legolas suffered as well. And of course, sweet and honest dwarf that he is, Gimli would have to confess his true heart to Legolas, and he fears that as well. What will he do, I wonder, when he finds out Legolas' own truths? It will take such courage for them to take the next step, and allow their love to shine forth. And of course Glorfindel is glorious, and beautiful in battle. I love your writing, and how musical it is to read. It just lifts my heart, to hear it in my mind's ear. Thank you, so very much, for another perfect chapter! And thank you for your lovely feedback! Neither Legolas or Gimli are yet fully ready to face up to their truths; they still have a time left to build their courage. ;-) Glad you liked Glorfindel! Musicality is something I've been struggling with in my writing-- when I edit my profics, it goes away and I think I lose something very important there. And yet it relies on semantic devices that are generally regarded as poor writing technique....? Frustrating, LOL! Thank you so much! -
Review replies for Nothing Gold Can Stay by TAFKAB
TAFKAB replied to TAFKAB's topic in Slash-Male/Male
Bronxwench said, variously: 1. This chapter is a song of grace, a sweet and delicate beginning, and it was just so beautiful to read. The respect that's growing between Gimli and Legolas, the friendship and more, is exactly right, every note perfect. The gentle companionship of Galadriel and Aragorn is just as flawlessly done. Every chapter draws me deeper into the subtle and lovely relationship you're crafting here, between two such disparate souls who are so much more together than they could be apart. I'm in awe of how superbly you capture their voices, and long after I finish, I find myself smiling as I hear them in my head, and in my heart. Thank you! And 2. I did so love this chapter. Gimli and Legolas are beyond wonderful as they start to explore what they mean to each other. I love that Legolas isn't shying away from showing his favor, and Gimli's sweet and honorable nature is so lovely to see. I feel all warm and tingly now, and so very happy to see them grow closer. 1. You are so very sweet! I've had fun with the companions, especially Galadriel and Aragorn, because I'm trying to change what they do in canon and yet keep them recognizably themselves. It's gratifying to hear that what I'm doing is working so well! If I can make you smile, that's the greatest compliment I could ask for. <3 2. I think Legolas is a little farther on in accepting the relationship than Gimli is at present; however, all Gimli really needs now is confidence.... and Legolas will help him find it. They have a long way to go yet, but yes, they're growing closer, and we can look forward to lots of slow burn in the future. ;-D THANK you again; you're awesome and I hope to be able to chat with you personally sometime soon, if I can ever catch you active on the forum chat when I peek in. ;-D -
Review replies for Nothing Gold Can Stay by TAFKAB
TAFKAB replied to TAFKAB's topic in Slash-Male/Male
I am so bad. I'm behind on my review responses and you guys should spank me! Pippychick said, variously: 1. From Legolas' conversation with Galadriel at the beginning, to Gimli's heroics at the end, this chapter is brilliant! Your description of Galadriel raising her arms to the sky is such a beautiful image, but then we've Legolas and Gimli arguing over numbers, then walking hand-in-hand back to camp *loves*... great work! Thank you so much for sharing your vision with us AND 2. Love how Legolas and Gimli are getting closer here. It's so nice when Legolas rubs Gimli's feet. But the juxtaposition of Gimli recalling the wraith's vision, and realising he no longer sees Legolas as cold and haughty (as he did before), in fact that he's most relieved to see Legolas again - that's really well done AND 3. 2016-04-08 id # 3000016878 I love this chapter so much. Galadriels words especially make this special here: “It happens just as rivers create valleys: a little at a time is worn away through custom and use, through fear and pain and anger, until we hardly notice the channels carved through our souls and folly seems as natural as reason.” And as well as this we have the preparation of the jewellery, and all the teasing touches of Legolas' ear. So wonderful. I particularly like the matching of the two sentiments here: Let there be talk/Let them wonder And if all that wasn't enough, we have the comedy that is the silently waged battle between Gimli and Lindir. This story really has it all. Beautifully crafted writing. I feel honoured to read. Thank you so much for sharing your vision with us all! AND 4. I am always amazed at how you manage to include so much in your chapters, while it still reads like a dream. I loved the bathing scene, and that Aragorn doesn't get as detail an explanation of Gimli's tattoos as Legolas, and how this makes Legolas feel, listening in. I love the bits of Aragorn/Arwen. But I adore the piercing scene itself. This line in particular though stands out for me: “And for decoration as well, because what you have made is beautiful, and as an elf, I am a vain and shallow creature.” This shows how close Legolas and Gimli have become, that they can share private jokes. It's beautifully done. And of course, I love that Legolas is eager to show off the piercing straight away. Brilliant! Thank you so much for sharing this story (and of course for letting me play in your world from time to time.) You are so sweet to give me these lovely compliments, and I am just a lout for neglecting them. I can't say how much your friendship is meaning to me these days; it's an oasis of joy in the hell of real life and work! 1. How could Legolas and Gimli be themselves without arguing over numbers? ROFL! Only this time they're arguing over how often they save each other-- and that's likely to continue jovially into the future, until they realize they each always save the other, every day, just by being there. 2. I couldn't resist having the elf rub the dwarf's feet, no I couldn't. X-D Can you imagine Thranduil's reaction to that? Apoplexy wouldn't begin to cover it. But yes-- Gimli is gladdest to see him of everyone. We couldn't let him get ahead in the count permanently, after all. Reciprocity must be maintained. ;-) 3. Who could understand evil better than someone who has lived as long as Galadriel, and seen so much of it? I think evil creeps on us when we aren't looking..... as for Gimli touching Legolas's ear, I think you've managed to bring that one off better than I did, in your fanfic of it! GUHHHHHH, that's so scorching hot.... Finally, poor Lindir. My headcanon is that he got so tired of coping with dwarves coming to Rivendell it finally drove him to seek the Grey Havens after the Council of Elrond. "I WILL GO SOMEWHERE THEY CANNOT FOLLOW!" So obviously in a few years when Gimli turns up there, Lindir is just going to plotz. X-D 4. I'm so glad you like this chapter; it's a favorite of mine. Especially the joke-- it shows that Legolas knows Gimli doesn't really think that way anymore, and Gimli's delighted laughter is acknowledgment that Legolas has learned to laugh at himself, and acknowledge the truth that elves can be too vain and arrogant. I like how it shows the level of accord between them, and I was very proud of it, so it's wonderful you noticed! Thank you so much for your patience with my tardiness in response. :-) -
BronxWench 2016-04-15 id # 3000016883 Honestly, I don't think I could ever get enough of these three. You've done a perfect job capturing them, too. Elrond, as reluctant as he can be, is such a masterful dominant when he chooses. Of course, he did learn from Thranduil and Nithembril, who were truly accomplished. He does have that lovely air of danger only barely held in check, and it shines here. Thranduil is probably the most elegant and beautiful of submissives, so completely willing to give himself over to Elrond, and yet still managing to remain the powerful King of the Greenwood despite it. Were I Elrond, I would not have been able to resist such a glorious creature. And Legolas completes this triad with his own combination of sensuality and surrender to his beloved Elrond. The inevitability of Legolas and Thranduil is like the sun rising--something which never fails to amaze and delight. Thank you, so much, for this extraordinary and exquisite gem of a story! Bronx, you're a joy to have as a reader, always. :-) When you trap Elrond into it, yeah, he's a powerful dom. And he was very much entrapped here-- which is why Thranduil gave himself the extra strokes. Thranduil is such an interesting submissive. He switches so easily you're never sure exactly where he is in his head-- note that even in this story at the point where he thinks Elrond might balk, he's holding him where he is. (Of course, he doesn't mind a little punishment, so he's willing to venture the risk of disobedience!) And who could resist him-- or Legolas, either one? I don't think it's within Elrond's power to do so, as Pippychick portrays him. :-) There is indeed something that feels inevitable about Legolas and Thranduil. They have a chemistry that just works even as it's terribly, terribly wrong. X-D Thank you so much for reading and commenting! <3
1 | pippychick 2016-04-15 id # 3000016882 Thank you so much for writing this! It must be the hundredth time I've read it (no, more!), and I'm still drooling every single time. So hot! I love all three of them. So many fantastic images and sensations. But dom!Elrond is just marvellous... I think you do him better than me. Just, so amazing! Thank you! Pippychick, you are an inspiration, truly. I can't promise I won't do this again-- I keep coming up with different ways Legolas might come to join in the fun. ;-D Thank you so much for permission to play in your universe, and I'm thrilled you loved my version of Elrond! I still think he's too dominant here-- but I think that working together, the Mirkwood Boys might just be able to take him in hand. *ahem.* So to speak. *halo* (Nooooo I'm NOT having evil visions of them using him between them to make love to one another. NOT AT ALL! X-D)
I'm sorry I'm so slow, CL! I'm at a very busy time on my job-- and writing so much is eating all my time that doesn't go to the job! 1. Ohhhh we had fun with this. There's a certain odd erotic quality to suffocation/drowning, and we hoped that would feed into the breath-sharing parts. :-) 2. Is it weird that I think the relationship they're developing now is actually, in some ways, healthier and more emotionally satisfying than the one they have in The Hobbit movies? Maybe I'm just weird.... but it's definitely a more loving and communicative bond. X-D 3. Thranduil is basically an extremely messed-up dude. He's got an ego so huge and powerful it could make William Shatner's ego quiver in a corner going "Mercy, master!!" He's as arrogant AF, and paradoxically he's absolutely a shattered mess inside because he has not dealt well with all the horrific losses he's endured throughout the ages-- and because he knows he will eventually lose Legolas, too. I think his control freak nature is an attempt to (over-)compensate for that. He was desperately trying to armor himself there-- and Legolas delicately shattered that attempt with two well-placed words. I think that's telling; Thranduil loves Legolas to distraction, and can't resist comforting him when he's genuinely in pain. The party was actually a ham-fisted attempt to reward Legolas's bravery and give him public honors for his deeds (while still keeping him at arms' length). Poor Thranduil has no clue. X-D 4. Like father like son? They're both very naughty. ;-) I'm glad this section works for you. Thranduil does feel guilt-- he's just selfish enough not to let it put him aside from what he wants to do. Thank you so much for your lovely comments!
Pippy/Dafdes has kindly posted your comments in, so I won't repeat.... but I do want to thank you and to tell you this: you are the best commenter, like, ever. Every time you send a comment, it makes me glow like an elf. You have raised commenting to an art form; your remarks are little gems that hang like a necklace on the fic and make me feel SO GOOD. X-D I feel so inarticulate trying to answer them. "Uh, thanks, k, wow, uh, that was so nice." But they're artworks all their own and when I see one, I just wind up wriggling and beaming and not knowing how to respond properly. :-) I also love how you have such insights into the plot and characterization in these comments; how you see the potential and guess at what we're doing. It gives me evil ideas. X-D Thank you so much, and as always I am excited to have you in the audience and to know we're making you happy. TAFKAB
Glad you like it, CL! We have a ton of it written, and it just keeps getting smuttier. X-D Hope you will enjoy! TAFKAB
Review replies for Nothing Gold Can Stay by TAFKAB
TAFKAB replied to TAFKAB's topic in Slash-Male/Male
Bronxwench said: This chapter was breathtaking! I was mesmerized by Galadriel in this chapter, both for her control of her magic and for her insight into Legolas and his heart. She's been Gimli's friend and ally, so I wasn't surprised that she spoke in his favor, but she showed such kindness and mercy, even toward Thranduil. To his credit, I believe Legolas heard her. But Gimli just broke my heart throughout this chapter. He could not trust the braid Legolas wears for him, nor could he think that Legolas might have wanted to mend things. He fought with such valor and he defended Galadriel, and at such a cost. My heart was in my throat, and I'll confess to an anxious tear at the end. I'll be waiting on pins and needles for the next chapter. Aww, thank you! Don't be too anxious. I'll be posting it very soon; Saturday or Sunday. I need to post part 30 next Tuesday. :-) Yes, Gimli is still doubtful of Legolas.... but now that Legolas has a better idea what is going on in his head and why, he'll find it easier to be reliable. He'll be remembering what she said! Thank you for your comments! You're very kind to keep leaving them for me. -
Review replies for Nothing Gold Can Stay by TAFKAB
TAFKAB replied to TAFKAB's topic in Slash-Male/Male
Pippychick said: Things I love in this chapter: Unhand my beard! lol.. that is so spot on, and I laugh every time I read it. Also, when Gimli has to name Legolas as a friend.. kind of. And this line is fantastic: Even should the battle be won, evil will surely retreat and rise again in an age or two. All that was sacrificed is lost, and the fighting must be done over again. Such is always the way of the shadow. Yes, indeed. It's what I found too, while writing. Mortals never really get this, even when they're told it, even if they're heroes. They will be dead, so it doesn't sink in the same way as it does for the elves in Tolkien's world. And finally, the competition over saving each others' life. That is so very them. Well done! and also said From Legolas' conversation with Galadriel at the beginning, to Gimli's heroics at the end, this chapter is brilliant! Your description of Galadriel raising her arms to the sky is such a beautiful image, but then we've Legolas and Gimli arguing over numbers, then walking hand-in-hand back to camp *loves*... great work! Thank you so much for sharing your vision with us You're too sweet to me, hon! I'm glad you like my attempt to show the elvish perspective-- to them evil is such a horrible nuisance and tragedy; they get a very different perspective, don't they? So horrible to have to fight the same wars over and over and over again, with fading strength and increasing reliance on others.... I'm glad you liked the other chapter, too. I wish I could find someone to draw Galadriel as I see her! And the boys are back to their relationship building.... but Legolas has his head on a little straighter (a little gayer?) at this point. X-D Thank you again.... you rock. -
Review replies for Nothing Gold Can Stay by TAFKAB
TAFKAB replied to TAFKAB's topic in Slash-Male/Male
Bronxwench said: Have I said how much I love the way you capture the voices of this Company so well? Gimli has a marvelous dignity, for all that he is seen as a slave to his oath, and Legolas has a gentle courtesy all his own, so unlike the cold nature of his father. Galadriel has all the wisdom of an elf of her stature, and Gandlaf is wise and kind-hearted. Strider is enigmatic, and so much more than he seems, but still so approachable. But really, it is Gimli's boundless courage, and his honor and quiet dignity that have stolen my heart. He is magnificent, a prince among dwarves, and I hope Legolas will cherish this extraordinary young prince, as he deserves. Thank you so much! I'm really trying hard to make them sound the way they should. It's especially fun for Gandalf; he's so cranky all the time-- and yet so well-meaning. :-) I'm hoping Strider doesn't slip away too far as I get loads of other characters to handle. :-/ I'm so glad you love this Gimli-- so do I. I hated how the movies abolished his dignity! I'm definitely trying to give it back. You may notice me appropriating and recontextualizing some of the movie scenes and dialog to "fix" how they treated him! >_< I think Legolas is already starting to recognize some important things about Gimli. :-) Thank you so much for your comment! -
Author: TAFKAB Title: Melethryn ned i Brennil Summary: An Elvish hospitality custom leads to unusual bedfellows-- and love. Feedback: Yes, please! Fandom: Middle Earth/Lord of the Rings Pairing: Gimli/Galadriel/Legolas Warnings: 3Plus, Anal, Angst,BDSM, Bi, COMPLETE, D/s, DP, Fingering, M/F, M/M, Oral, Other, PWP, Rim, Solo, Toys, UST, Voy Solo story or chaptered story: Solo URL: Melethryn ned i Brennil
Author: TAFKAB Title: Nothing Gold Can Stay Summary: After the Battle of the Five Armies, Gimli agrees to act as slave to Thranduil of Mirkwood to ensure his kin will be given food and medicine. Feedback: Yes, please! Fandom: Middle Earth/Lord of the Rings Pairing: Legolas/Gimli Warnings:Anal,Angst,BDSM,D/s,Exhib,Fingering,H/C,Humil,M/M,M/s,MCD,MiCD,OC,Oral,Rape,Slave,UST,Violence,Voy,WIP Solo story or chaptered story: Chaptered URL: Nothing Gold Can Stay Review Replies: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php/topic/62310-review-replies-for-nothing-gold-can-stay-by-tafkab/
Review replies for Nothing Gold Can Stay by TAFKAB
TAFKAB replied to TAFKAB's topic in Slash-Male/Male
New comments! Bronxwench: Glad you liked Legolas and Haldir! I've received some feedback saying they're too teengirl, so I'm glad this chapter came across well. And no, Legolas is likely not going to get the answer he'd prefer to hear. ;-) I always appreciate you taking the time to comment! Pippychick: You're the butter on my bread, hon. <3 Legolas is so confused, yes.... but it won't be forever. This Legolas usually behaves, even if my others don't. X-D <3<3<3<3 to you both! -
Review replies for Nothing Gold Can Stay by TAFKAB
TAFKAB replied to TAFKAB's topic in Slash-Male/Male
Pippychick: Yeah, Smeagol's here-- sh*t just got real. LOL! Gimli's not faking that dislike at all, no. ;-) He'd love to stuff a handful of mud up Haldir's nose.... he gets to look up Haldir's nose a lot, and that's just not a flattering angle on ANYBODY. X-D Thank you for the praise on their voices! I hope I can continue to maintain them. I need to study Thorin's from The Hobbit novel, really. I can do Richard Armitage's version, but I'm not sure I want to limit him to that.... Galadriel would force information from Gollum herself, if she had to, and Gandalf knows it. But yes, he'd rather spare her and keep the burden for himself. Thanks for your comment!