For Masking Intentions:
Thank you! The sprog is certainly not bothered with the consequences of his actions, at least as far as servants go. But yes, the vigil will bring about great changes for both Kdis and the sprog.
Kdis doesn't spend a great deal of time wondering about the past, but I do think he will be reminded of small things, things he might not have found remarkable but which seem to loom larger as he spends more time with the sprog. He's very right to be wary about the vigil, though.
Thank you so much for all your kind words! Your reviews always make my day.
Thank you!
I always worry about too much info-dump, but sometimes I just need to make things a bit clearer than I can in mere conversation or by the characters' actions. Hopefully, I'll be answering your questions in short order, since Kdis seems to be talking to me again.
Thank you again for making my day!
Thank you so much! I'm so glad you're enjoying the story, and hopefully I won't take quite so long to update from now on. I'm always happy to know I've piqued a reader's interest with my odd little worlds, and I hope I can continue to do so!
I'm the happiest of authors today, and thank you again!