While I don't normally do this sort of thing, since this anonymous coward has decided to cross the lines between my role as a moderator and my postings here as an author, I'm going to actually respond.
For Masking Intentions:
Dear Anon,
First of all, I am a moderator, not an administrator. I don't hold myself out to be an administrator.
Second, it is "an admin" as opposed to "a admin." If you're going to try to belittle me, at least attempt to observe the very basic rules of grammar. I am also rarely ahead of myself, since I cannot manage bilocation, no matter how hard I try. You might also want to avoid using the pronoun "we" when speaking about yourself, unless of course YOU are the Queen of England or have other voices in your head.
The author in question was not begging for reviews. If you think that you are the arbiter of what constitutes a Terms of Service violation on this site, by all means report it using the proper channels. However, your sort of bullying and abuse is as much a violation of our ToS as is the practice of review demands. So really, are you saying that two wrongs make a right? You'll never manage to justify that, no matter how much you try. It's an infantile argument, and trivial.
As far as your comments regarding the site itself, you do nothing more than demonstrate your own ignorance. I volunteer my time so that this site won't go the way of other sites which have failed, vanished, or been so overrun with bullies as to be untenable. The entire staff is a volunteer staff. That means we donate our time and efforts because we believe in this site and the freedom from censorship it represents. Before you even attempt to equate freedom from censorship with anarchy, please go and read the Term of Service and Posting Guidelines.
You do nothing more than demonstrate your sole purpose here as one of harassment. Were I actually to give your sort of idiocy credence, I might even find myself offended. However, I'm merely amused. If you expect me to take you seriously, log in. Leave an email. Come out of the closet, dear Anon, and show yourself.