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Archive Mod
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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. Puppet Love by Felidae
  2. We don’t allow our members to post work written by others. From the Terms of Service: The other author is welcome to create an account here and post the work themselves, however.
  3. The original challenge was issued over four years ago, which in Internet terms is moribund, hence the necromancy. We do practice necromancy in many threads here on AFF, but in terms of challenges, it’s a valid inquiry posed by our Forum Moderator. Given that the only response prior to yours was done nine months after the original posting, and three and half years prior to today, I wouldn’t wait for a response from the original poster or the prior respondent. If, however, you want to go ahead and take the challenge, feel free to do so.
  4. Kags, you’ve changed your name! ::waves::
  5. Congratulations, and the cover is stunning! ::scurries off to buy this one::
  6. Links for above: What a Witch Needs by Petalsoft
  7. You can start here: Story How-To's The FAQs detail all you need to know about posting a story to AFF.
  8. Welcome, Eve! We're definitely a bit nuts, but mostly harmless.
  9. I am most hopeful that Elrond/Legolas will achieve the heights and depths of Elrond/Oropher and Elrond/Thranduil. It seems to be a gift of the Mirkwood elves, doesn't it?
  10. You should click on My Control Panel, and then go to the Story Manager in the subdomain in question. You can edit the story detail there, including the category placement and tags. This FAQ explains it in detail.
  11. How to create an archive profile How to post a story to the archive
  12. We DO need the Like button back, don't we?
  13. BronxWench

    Tooneys love

    Toonie's Love by SpeedyTomato
  14. Consistent pay is a GOOD thing, but burning out is always something best avoided.
  15. I hope the pay is worth it... That's just brutal.
  16. Cal, I'm looking at it now, and it looks fine from my end. I'm seeing it formatted properly.
  17. Irishdrgon pulled all stories from AFF.
  18. What link are you clicking? If you're only clicking the link for the subdomain, you'll see lots of stories and summaries listed. You need to click on the title of the story, which is also a link, to open the story.
  19. I am entirely enthralled!
  20. You have no idea how much you've just thrilled me. Not only am I looking forward to seeing Legolas use his new knowledge, I'm very eager to see him meet the twins. That has potential beyond my most wicked dreams, I think.
  21. On the archive or on the forum? For the archive, read this: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php/topic/29597-new-profile-layout/ If you're looking to create an archive account, which is necessary to have a forum account, read here: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php/topic/29598-new-user-how-to-register-for-an-archive-profile/
  22. You can clear only AFF cookies, if you search your browser's cookies. I do that routinely, when I wind up with a corrupted cookie string. It's not uncommon to have that occur. However, if you're unable to access the account even from another browser, there is something else going on. I'm going to pass this along to our tech admin, in the hopes she can see something I'm not able to access.
  23. The existing user directions wouldn't work in this case, so that wouldn't need to be pursued. Just for the sake of trying it, can you erase the cookies and clear the cache and browsing history, close your browser all the way, restart it, and try logging in using the upper right hand fields? If this doesn't work, I'll need to ask our tech admin for a bit of guidance, since I can't see what's happening within the database itself. (Only she has that access to protect the data.)
  24. Can you list the steps you're taking? I know that sounds silly, but sometimes, when you step it out, it helps identify where the issue is for me, since I don't have direct database access. I do show you as registered, but from what I can see, the system doesn't show you as having actually logged in, so you're not mistaken there. What I can't tell is where it's failing. My best guesses would be that you weren't using the upper right hand fields, or that there was an issue with the password. It needs to be at least 8 letters or numbers long, no special characters allowed, and it's case sensitive, so any capital letter used when creating it needs to always be used. Finally, make sure your browser has third party cookies enabled, since the site does set cookies. Bear with us, and we'll figure this out.
  25. BronxWench


    I don't know the fandom, or most of what's on television these days, and I write mainly original work these days. I was asking from the moderator POV, actually, and not because I was looking to take a challenge. Sorry!
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