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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. At the top of the thread, in the right hand corner just above the first post, will be a link marked "Follow This Topic." Click that and follow the directions to get notified of new replies to the thread. You may need to enable the email notifications in your forum profile settings, however.
  2. It can't be re-entered into the database. The database no longer allows for pen names to be associated with reviews left by users who are not logged in. Readers will either need to log in, so that the review will show their archive pen name, or the reviews will be labelled ANON. If a user left a review with their AFF archive pen name, under the old code, it displayed that pen name whether or not the user was logged in so long as the user input that pen name into the field. If the user was not logged in, it would also display the email address of the reviewer. This is something that many users found problematic, as a Google search by a prospective employer would turn up AFF reviews, for example. Removing those email addresses needed to be done directly in the database, and only DemonGoddess061 has direct database access, for obvious reasons of preserving integrity of the database. When real life keeps her busy, it could take weeks for those email addresses to be redacted. In the meantime, those reviews would pop up in Google, and cause issues for the person who'd left the review. Under the updated code, anyone not logged in need not worry about an email address being displayed, and therefore becoming searchable. Logged-in reviewers have never had an issue with their email being made searchable. We believe this serves the best interests of the majority of our members.
  3. It would be helpful if you could provide links to the story where reviewers have disappeared. Has there been an actual diminution in the number of reviews, or is it the pen names that have vanished?
  4. Previously, reviewers who were not logged in could set a temporary name for the reviews, which in most cases was the same as their pen name used in the archive. This is no longer possible, and anyone who left a review, or leaves a review in future while not logged in will appear as ANON.
  5. Could you be a bit more specific?
  6. Actually, that could work very well. Italics can signal any number of things, as defined by the author. I use them for flashbacks, to good effect, but by opening with a talk-to-the-reader moment, you can define italics for those conversations.
  7. For Masking Intentions: Thank you! I'm glad I could be a small ray of balance in a rather dreadful week. You're right. It's never been a particularly warm and fuzzy world, and they are all very much products of their society, with all its darkness. The sprog is just more assured of his place than Kdis, or at least he wants to appear so. I always love how you pick up on the smallest details. I think those are the most fun to write, and I'm delighted when they work for the story as a larger whole. And talk about a tease... now I'll be having fond thoughts of interrogations for days. Hopefully inspiration to get back to my writing! But thank you again - your reviews are always a treat for me!
  8. For Masking Intentions: Thank you! Yes, the sprog is quite the evil little shit, and he's just getting warmed up. I'm not sure how well I'd do in a world where assassins hold the moral high ground, and the ruling cadre relies on backstabbing and fear, but I think Kdis can hold his own, at least most of the time. You're right in thinking the sprog has no choice but to be what he is. He's already had one member of the Crown offer to kill him, and even Kdis isn't sure why the Stag is trying to protect this one sprog, among the many that fill the Palace. For his part, the sprog is bitter, and angry, and understandably so. He knows better than to offer blind trust, but so far, Kdis is earning a bit of trust. Thank you for reading, and for reviewing!
  9. Link for above: Stockholm Syndrome by SerenNoir
  10. And you've cleared cookies, just to eliminate that as a cause?
  11. Hi, I've written this one up for my admin, and we'll deal with her, again. I'm very sorry that she's making a habit of this.
  12. We would ask you to refrain from redirecting our users to an archive which does not ask permission of the authors of the stories it hosts.
  13. tos=Terms of Service, otherwise known as the site's rules, to which you agreed when you made an account. As far as how to post, I answered that elsewhere. If you'd stop making multiple threads, it would be easier to find answers.
  14. Hi, I'm actually not a troll. I'm an archive moderator for AFF, so the review board message and email I sent would be an official notification. You're missing required story codes. Our readers are a varied bunch, and we ask that authors include story codes based on our list of codes. You can find that here, or use the dropdown list when you initially post the story. If story codes are missing, we hear about it from readers, and so, when we do our weekly sweep of the archive, we check for anything that requires tagging. Your story needs these tags: Fingering; HJ; Oral. It may need more tags as the story goes on, and my recommendation is that you add whatever you think you'll need from our list up front. You'll need to add those manually now, since the dropdown isn't available once the story is posted. The email had directions on how to do that. Thanks!
  15. Ensure you are logged in and the following is in the top right corner, Click "My Control Panel" Determine where your story goes and find the correct sub-domain on the left hand side of the screen (e.g. Anime, Original, Harry Potter, etc) Click "Story Manager" (where story manager is labeled with the subdomain name) from left hand side of page Click "Post New Story" at the top of the page Fill in the appropriate fields in the "Add Story" page Add your first chapter in the rich text editor window Enter in the recaptcha shown and click "Post New Story" At this point you can either type in your story and use the RTE to add bold, italics, and other formatting options or you can use the paste options. If you are pasting from a word processing program such as Word, Open Office, etc you would use the Paste From Word. Otherwise, use the "paste from clipboard". The paste from word icon is the clipboard on the right, the paste from clipboard icon is the clipboard on the left. The MIDDLE icon is paste as plain text. You don't want to do that. It will then show you where your story is located!
  16. BronxWench


    Thank you, and something like that is fine, of course. In this case, however, the author took down all their work everywhere on the Internet. Any copies out there are unauthorized by the author, and we take a pretty dim view of things like that.
  17. Describe to me exactly what you are doing when you log in. Be very specific, because you have been emailing and posting, and obviously, either you're not explaining the problem, or you're not following the instructions DemonGoddess061 has given you. So, are you using the upper right hand fields, and not the center fields? Are you entering the correct email address in the first field? Are you entering the correct password in the second field? (It should have at least 8 letters and/or numbers, and it is case sensitive. No special characters are allowed.) If you reset your password, did you use the same password to reset it? If yes, you blanked the field and need to reset again. Use a new password. If you reset your password and used a new password that was 8 or more letters and/or numbers, did you click the link in the verification email? What is the exact error message you are getting? As you can see, there's lots of places this can go wrong, so without more information, we can't help.
  18. BronxWench


    Personally, it's not okay to suggest others Google for copies of downed stories to be downloaded. For all you know, the author took all online work down because they have a publishing contract which requires removal of those stories. Maybe it's for another reason, and passing around downloads can cause them trouble. It's a lousy way to repay an author whose work you enjoyed, in my opinion.
  19. BronxWench


    Oraldeviant removed all stories from everywhere on the Internet. No reason was given that I'm aware of, sorry!
  20. Hi, Your story actually belongs in the Celebrity Fiction subdomain, since it's about a celebrity. We delete stories posted in the wrong subdomain, but you're of course more than welcome to post it to the correct subdomain. Just a quick note about Celebrity Fiction. That subdomain takes a fairly unique disclaimer, since we're dealing with actual people, who have actual lawyers, not to mention friends and family who might happen upon stories posted here. We ask that you include three elements: State that it's a work of fiction; Say that you do not know this person, and use their name, please (ie, I do not know Taylor Swift); and Say that you make no profit/money. These elements are all very important, and if you don't include them all, we leave you a a notice on your review board about the missing parts.
  21. As a reader, I don't use ratings to identify a good read. They're entirely subjective, and don't tell me anything about the story. I look at the summary, and if that catches my eye but doesn't entirely sell me, I look at reviews. I've seen FAR too many stories with huge numbers of 5-star ratings that were written without regard to spelling, punctuation, or the basic rules of grammar. I'm not trying to be overly stuffy, but I get distracted by a high level of errors, and it takes me out of the story to the point where I lose interest. As a writer, ratings don't help me improve. If they're high, I have no idea what people liked most. If they're low, I have no idea what needs to be improved. They serve no purpose for me other than to make me wonder what readers actually thought about the story, but weren't willing to say. Given that I can second-guess myself into a state of literary paralysis all on my own, I don't really need any more encouragement to be afraid to post anything.
  22. It's actually not wasting our time to ask. We prefer to deal with questions like this in advance, rather than have to sort it out afterward. You can of course do anything you wish privately, but once the request is made on our forums, we can't pretend to know nothing should any of the real people the story is based on changes their mind about allowing it. Granted, these are real people over 18, but we still need to have a definite yes, in the form of permission in writing, from each individual before it could be posted. That would apply no matter who wrote it, since the characters are still based on those real people.
  23. Actually, even that wouldn't be enough, if the plot was still somewhat the same. Unless the plot is a common trope, we do look at that as well. And frankly, if you need to change 99.9% of it, just write a new story and have done with it, right? The long and short is that unless the author returns and puts the story up for adoption, this is a dead issue.
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