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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. ::dies of the giggles:: Tell her it’s coming out in Bosnian.
  2. If you have any ideas for characters/scenarios, WAIT until a discussion thread is made. The review boards aren’t a polling site, and I’m sure no one wants a warning from a moderator.
  3. Who told you that? The archive’s open to everyone. Right here.
  4. George, I’m sorry you got visited by a random troll. I’ve documented it, so you can delete it any time you want.
  5. We actually discourage the sharing of files here, and while this isn’t a fiction file, you might want to consider that copyright violations isn’t limited solely to fiction.
  6. Hi, and thank you for asking. We do not permit links within the archive to offsite locations where stories can be read and/or purchased. However, we do have a forum thread where you are more than free to post such information: Great Wall of... You can also use the appropriate fields in your archive profile, or you can purchase a banner ad here at AFF to direct readers to Amazon/Kindle. Thanks again!
  7. Well, we can post, at least! Thank you for making the threads, and posting everything – you are amazingly wonderful!
  8. The third one might be Forgotten by traxie.
  9. Hi, I’m going to assume this is you: Capitalist Assuming that your email address has not changed, I show your last access back in 2012, and it appears you never activated under the revised archive code. What you need to do is reactivate your account. Follow the instructions here, exactly as they’re stepped out. I would strongly recommend deleting any old AFF cookies, and clearing your browser’s cache and history before reactivating. If you run into any issues, you can let us know here, or email us at tos_team@adult-fanfiction.org. Please be as specific as possible about what you’ve done, and what has happened, so we can pinpoint any issues.
  10. That’s a slippery slope for us. We are a fan fiction archive, and not an indie publishing press, and we steer very clear of anything involving the exchange of funds even though we do allow original fiction and nonfiction to be posted to the archive. Work written on paid commission becomes the property of the person for whom it was written. Given that you accepted payment, our Terms of Service would prohibit your posting that work under your account. Similarly, the person who commissioned the work could not post it, because it is not their work, any more than a novel I purchased for my Kindle would be mine for the purposes of posting it online. Of course, if our admins differ, they’ll let us both know, but that has been my understanding for as long as I’ve been moderating here.
  11. Profile for Fallen I'm not seeing any record of staff action, so Fallen removed the stories herself, sorry!
  12. Okay, I’ve posted my review on Loose Id, Goodreads, Amazon, Facebook, Twitter, and my blog.
  13. Welcome aboard! We’re always glad to have new folks to meet!
  14. We have some FAQs for that: Profile How-To's
  15. So, what you’re looking for is this: Category name: Movies Section category to be in: S through Z > Universal Studios Monsters Do you have any stories for it?: Yes
  16. ::sighs:: Fourteen months without any issues, and the corgi lass had a small seizure today. I know it’s bound to happen from time to time, but I’d begun to hope...

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. BronxWench


      My corgi lass is home, and I’m so happy to have her back with us. The neurologist is fairly confident it was a dosage adjustment that’s needed, so we’ll see. In the meantime, I have my furbaby back. :2tubs:

    3. GeorgeGlass
    4. BronxWench


      So, one small seizure last night, but the rest of the night was peaceful. I’m hoping it was just the IV meds wearing off, and the oral meds will kick in properly. My poor wee girl...

  17. We don’t allow our members to post work written by others. From the Terms of Service: The other author is welcome to create an account here and post the work themselves, however.
  18. The original challenge was issued over four years ago, which in Internet terms is moribund, hence the necromancy. We do practice necromancy in many threads here on AFF, but in terms of challenges, it’s a valid inquiry posed by our Forum Moderator. Given that the only response prior to yours was done nine months after the original posting, and three and half years prior to today, I wouldn’t wait for a response from the original poster or the prior respondent. If, however, you want to go ahead and take the challenge, feel free to do so.
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