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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. That is the best news!!! I am so happy for you all, and I would hug you all if I was there!
  2. Even if there was a pdf somewhere, the author chose to remove the story. There are a great many reasons why authors remove stories themselves, and we here at AFF respect the choices made by our authors, including the choice to remove their work from public distribution.
  3. *huggles dogs* Freyja saw her vet today as well. She’s doing great, and we had blood work done to check her phenobarbital levels since we increased the dosage. But otherwise, she is a happy, healthy young thing, and much loved by all the techs. And if you throw Erestor in as well, I shall have to come and visit you to hug you in person!
  4. I was so hoping that was where your pensive thought about a Legolas/Elladan/Elrohir was going. I really do adore you, and want to wrap you up in a safe and cosy bubble so you can write to your heart’s content… :hug;
  5. If an author has removed a story, we ask that you do not post links to anywhere it has been posted without the author’s express knowledge and consent. There are many reasons authors remove stories, and it is our position at AFF to respect their wishes.
  6. You can fix the black diamond issue if you read this FAQ: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/topic/64151-how-to-fix-the-black-diamond-issue/#comment-398184
  7. Is this it? Dragon Bait by Athenaartisan
  8. If this is your profile, there are no stories listed. If you can give me some titles, I can check the records to see if I can find anything.
  9. Our Profile How-to FAQs cover how to add authors to your recommended authors section of the archive profile, and how to add stories as well.
  10. A very happy Thanksgiving to all who are celebrating today. I’m grateful for family, and friends, and that includes the family I’ve found here at AFF. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Anesor
    3. DemonGoddess


      Happy chicken on steroids eating day!

    4. GeorgeGlass


      Hope you had a great T-day. We went out for dinner, but I still made a pumpkin pie to share with some friends, so I feel fulfilled. :)

  11. Guest Zweig, can you post this to the discussion thread for the story? The Challenge thread isn’t the place for this. Thanks!
  12. Okay, I’m presuming this is you: http://members.adult-fanfiction.org/profile.php?no=1296976430 When you reset your password, you get a verification link via email. Did you get that and click the link?
  13. We have a search feature within the archive: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/topic/63121-how-to-use-search/
  14. Legolas/Elladan/Elrohir? I have absolutely fallen in love with you.
  15. Exactly! His brain might find a way for him to experience physical pleasure, but emotion is so much more complex, and I’m not sure he has the capacity for actual love.
  16. Many congratulations on publishing, and we here at AFF wish you much success. Please keep in mind that we don’t allow teaser chapters, or portions of published works to be posted in the archive. Any such arcs as mentioned above would have to be stand-alone short works which do not require reading the published work to follow, and which do not end on a cliffhanger which can only be answered by purchasing the published work. It’s not fair to our readers otherwise, and we love our readers!
  17. The author has the option to allow or not allow anonymous reviews. I expect this author is tired of the flame reviews this particular topic in this fandom can generate.
  18. The FAQ threads will explain how to create an archive profile, and post story content there. Make sure you read the parts about disclaimers, too. Oh, and check out the Terms of Service. We actively moderate, and we do enforce it.
  19. I have that subdomain this week, and I’ll handle the Inuyasha stories today as well.
  20. I think this could be done as a challenge. In other subdomains, I’ve seen challenges that are remarkably similar to each other, and if the author has removed the story permanently, as long as it doesn’t use any content from the original story, it’s fine.
  21. Willow’s quite right. We have allowed stories about fictional characters as young as 13 and younger, as long as the stories are properly tagged, up front, along with all the other disclaimer requirements. As far as tags, we use Minor1 for up to and including age 13, and Minor2 for ages 14 up to when the character turns 18. So, you’ll need both if the story carries on past the initial starting point and the characters grow older.
  22. You can submit the request in this thread: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/forum/733-archive-category-requests/ Be sure to read the sample format, please.
  23. Please be advised that all story content should be posted in the Archive, and not on the Forums.
  24. Happy birthday to our very own DemonGoddess061!  Huzzah!! :hug:  :wub:  :licking-cat:

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