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Archive Mod
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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. It’s actually at the very top of the story, under the title and author. There’s a little line reading “Chapter List” which is kind of easy to miss, but if you click it, it will give you a chapter dropdown. Mousing over that dropdown will let you scroll down it to get to the chapter you want.
  2. I haven’t had a red bar yet. I’ve had issues myself staying logged in, but no red bars on the archive or forum.
  3. Everything is now contained in the top menu line. There are dropdowns under Archives that will get you to the various subdomains. The chapters are also now a dropdown. The changes are to allow menus to function for mobile users. The side menus apparently didn’t work on mobile devices. I’m a desktop/laptop user myself, and don’t use my phone to go online, so I can’t speak to how the changes work for mobile users, but there we are.
  4. Can you give me your pen name, or the url to your account? I can check and see what I can find out.
  5. So. 

    My almost 81 year old mother is wobbly and not feeling top form because she has a sinus infection, but doesn’t want to take the nice antibiotics which will clear up said infection.

    My YoungerSpawn is acting out at school and being generally a difficult young male creature, complicated by autism. We may, for the first time, require behavioral therapy.

    My corgi was back in hospital with cluster seizures, and now has a second medication which makes her sleepy. We’re hoping she’ll adjust to the new med and come back to her sunny self, but the current flattening of her lively nature is heartbreaking.

    I need it to be April 15, so I can open the lake house and go hide there for a solid week. Alone. With wine and coffee.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. pippychick


      You are more of an expert than I will ever be. Only you can tell how serious it is. That’s not in doubt.

      But, having said that, with all the other stresses this week, it’s hardly surprising you feel down. 

      And, also, those things will be adding to his stress, making it difficult to keep an even keel.

      If he does need some therapy, is that such a bad thing? It is there to help, and it might just be the thing that helps him over this little bump in the road. I’ve actually heard some good things about DBT, and he might find some tools in that to help him in future.

    3. BronxWench


      Oh, I’m sure it will be fine, and he’ll do well with the therapy. I’m just feeling the stress of too much going on at once, and very little assistance from the rest of the alleged adults around here, all of whom need me for various things.

    4. WillowDarkling
  6. Unbeknownst to me when I first responded, we’ve embarked on an update to make the menus functional for mobile users. ::sigh:: Go to the story subdomain in question. At the very top of the page, above the new top listing of subcategories, is a clickable for “Search Archive.” It moved over from the left hand side to the top. It still works exactly as described, however. As far as the Forum search, the Forum and Archive are two separate entities. You can’t search the Forum for Archive stories, only for posts relating to those stories. That has never changed. I am going to go have more coffee, liberally spiked with whiskey and Valium, because it’s been that sort of week.
  7. Under the Archives menu option on the top bar, you will find the subdomains. You need to parse through the Main Archives and Anime Archives subdivisions to find most of the subdomains. NonEnglish and Originals display separately. The stories are all there, but it will take a few more clicks to get there.
  8. You can find all the links in the top menu bar. They give you dropdown options under Archives, which will lead you to each subdomain. Within the subdomains, you’ll find the links formerly arrayed on the left side now above the story listings.
  9. The new layout was done to accommodate mobile users, and the side menus, while admittedly more convenient from my perspective as a devoted desktop user and as someone who trawls through every archive while moderating, were not going to work. There’s always some give and take, and as much as we’d like to, we’re not going to please everyone. However, we’re hoping this makes it easier for the growing number of our members who want to do everything on their mobile devices. The rest of us will eventually get used to the extra steps (says the cranky old dragon who still uses a Galaxy IIIs phone on purpose).
  10. From Tosmail: Report story Zone: comics_ SID: 544212630 Text (1 KB) Chapter 5 is missing Sent from my iPhone Story
  11. We don’t do it to be irritating, trust me. We’re trying to accommodate mobile users, which we’ve gotten a great many requests to do. Unfortunately, the old adage holds true: “You can’t please all of the people all of the time.”
  12. Our coder is tweaking things to make the site more mobile-friendly. It’s going to be something of a guess until she’s done, but I’ve had a few issues staying logged in as well, if I try to use multiple tabs. Bear with us, and I’m sure we’ll get it sorted out quickly.
  13. Try refreshing and logging in again. The login is now a small gray click button under the dropdown that says either Sign In or your pen name. Just be very careful you’re inputting your password with capital letters if you used them. It’s case sensitive.
  14. I was not so wise the first time around, The Bitch of Mahopac knew exactly how much it annoyed me.
  15. I’m in awe! I’d do this myself, but it might scare me.
  16. My first mother in law referred to me as “the shiksa.” My second mother in law tried to get me to side with her against my daft one. We didn’t speak after that, although I did go to her funeral.
  17. Samsung Galaxy S3 Screen resolution – 720 x 1280 pixels
  18. I nominate DA as the official AFF Succubus.
  19. Exactly. It’s why we use standardized warns, not because we’re lazy, but because it is impartial. Everyone is warned in the same manner. The standard warns work, and our members know we’re not playing favorites. On those rare occasions when a situation is outside our usual warns, we work together to come up with a proper approach. Are we perfect? Nope, but we’re pretty damned good, and I’m proud to be a part of the AFF staff.
  20. AO3 actually moderates abuse reports by committee, or so I’ve been told. This means it depends on the phase of the moon, the state of mind of the team, and any other random factor up to and including the availability of sufficient amounts of chocolate, wine, and other mood altering substances as might be required to render a biased and partial ruling. It’s fuzzy group think taken to extremes, and it’s ridiculously inefficient and utterly arbitrary. In my opinion, of course...
  21. It’s definitely a what the actual fuck moment, enough so that I’ve removed my solo work from AO3 and amended my profile to reflect (politely) how I feel about their behavior. Now, given Pip and I have a co-written piece still up there, I do hope the troll drops by that story. I doubt it, because it’s not their OTP, but just in case they are indulging in personal harassment of Pip, I will document it, send it to the Abuse Team, and tell them if the troll isn’t warned, I will require an explanation, in writing, from their Legal Team as to why they are choosing not to enforce their Terms of Service in a fair and impartial manner, with the understanding if I don’t like what the Legal Team has to say, I will ask my attorney to review it to determine if AO3 will be considered culpable in any action I might take.
  22. We still have a search function on the archive. In fact, it has expanded to allow for searching by tags as well as by author, title, summary, and/or category. You can find it within each subdomain, at the top left side of the page, right above the Categories listing.
  23. Trust me, we’re not implementing degrees of tags. So stick to adding the 3+, and I can’t wait to read this one!
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