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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. Flash The Flash Green Arrow I’m not seeing a separate category for Supergirl. However, this search pulled up some stories.
  2. I felt the same way, CL. I could not stop reading that story, and I hated seeing it end. It certainly wasn’t anything resembling a happy ending, but it worked for the characters, and it worked for me. I’m so buying that when it’s released.
  3. I’ve been working mainly in Word and Google Docs, to be honest. Anything I have in LibreOffice is small, so I don’t seem to encounter issues. Google Docs sometimes freezes up, but the autosave is extraordinary, and I’ve never lost anything. Word, of course, is what I use for most things I submit, because if the publisher wants it, I can convert to .rtf with relatively few complications. I wound up getting Scrivener, and I’m playing with it, but I’m not entirely overwhelmed, yet. That may change as I get further along in the process of editing.
  4. I do not like winter storms, at all. I most certainly didn’t ask for 8 to 12 inches of snow, with strong winds and gusts up to forty miles an hour. 

    For our metric users, which is most of the world, this is 20 to 30 cm of snow, and wind gusts of 64 kph.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. DirtyAngel


      We have very comfortable guest rooms ;) 

      Course the MIL is here so pretend you don’t like me :P


    3. BronxWench


      ::snickers:: I’d rather just not like the MIL, but I suppose that would be a Bad Thing. :D

    4. DirtyAngel


      Well you could join the Succubus Club ;)


  5. The search fields don’t allow for the “/” symbol at present, so perhaps if you search for FFM, or FMF, or MFF, you might get the results you want. You could also try FF, FM, MF but those might bring up the MMF stories.
  6. I do believe one of our moderators was having the same issue. I use Chrome, and haven’t had that issue, so far. But she solved it by typing the word twice in quick succession: watchwatch. One would disappear, leaving her with watch.
  7. ::snerk:: Yeah, I should phrase that better. How about, “No one likes a shitgibbon.”
  8. Personally speaking, I adore reviews. I love hearing what people liked, what might not have worked quite as well as I’d hoped, and even some solid advice on how I could do better. Concrit is very welcome as well, because I know I’m not perfect, and I want to get better. Obviously, here at AFF, it’s the only currency by which we get paid for sharing our stories. Some people don’t review because they don’t know what to say, but honestly, even a quick, “Loved this chapter!” or “Oh, he did NOT do that! I can’t wait to see what happens now!” can just light up an author’s day. I’d like to point out that even published authors need reviews, too. Unless you’re a NYT bestseller (and even then, sometimes) reviews are what help build sales. People read reviews, and may decide, based on those reviews, to buy a book. It’s understandable. We’re asking people to part with hard-earned money, and we know they want to be sure it’s money well spent. For indie authors, and authors published by small presses, it’s crucial to even being seen in the wilds of places like Amazon. So, if you buy a book and liked it, leave the author a review on Amazon, or Goodreads, or Facebook. Tweet about it. Blog about it. Share your thoughts and opinions, and help an author out. And as a moderator, I can’t stress enough that reviews should be about the story, and not the author. If you dislike a story, and can express your thoughts in an adult, coherent manner, that’s fine. A review that says nothing more than “This sucks!” isn’t very helpful, and while it’s not a flame or troll review, it’s certainly a poor reflection on the reviewer. But when you attack an author, that’s flaming, and yes, we WILL remove reviews like that and we WILL ban you. If you encourage others to join in, you’re a troll, as is anyone who jumps on the bandwagon, and I take great pleasure in seeing trolls banned. No one likes an asshole.
  9. I’m going to remind everyone reading this thread that we’ll permit links to places where the authors have posted these stories, but we will not permit links to download sites, nor do we permit passing around downloaded copies of stories via our forums.
  10. No one ever wants to see my browsing history, trust me. The things I bookmark are bad enough. But let’s see. The story that brought me here was Ceald Amothien by wanderingaddict. I wrote for this Forgotten Realms ‘verse myself, and I’d read a tamer version on the dreaded Pit, when another author told me about the version here on AFF. What got me was not only the richness of the imagery, but also the sheer exuberance of the writing. It was enough to make me start looking all over AFF, and devouring stories all over. pippychick had me with her LotR and Torchwood stories. JayDee tested my limits, and stretched them. I’m bad about updating my Recommended Reading, or Fav Authors, but my Currently reading is full of gems, too. So many gorgeous stories…
  11. You can delete your story yourself in your Archive Story Manager. Log in to your Archive Profile, and from the menu bar, under your pen name, click on Control Panel in the dropdown menu. Mouse over and navigate to the Television Story Manager option, and click. It will take you to a page where all your stories in that subdomain will be listed. You will see a Delete Story button. Select that, confirm the deletion, and it’s done.
  12. I started writing when I was in high school, and it was, quite frankly, dreadful. I love language, I love reading, but one doesn’t just decide to be a writer and Bob’s your uncle, you’re a writer. Cue being an adult for a good long while, and then, being something of a gamer, I played a game with the sort of plot holes that make one whimper. I was surfing online, looking for information, and came across fan fiction about my game, on the community forums. I devoured it. I did. It was a feast for my eyes, and I fell madly in love with the idea of fan fiction as a way to fix the things that niggled about the games I loved. So one day, at the pool, while my kids frolicked, I opened a spiralbound notebook and wrote. And it was, quite frankly, dreadful. Seriously. But some kind souls encouraged me, and I wrote more, and more, and one day, it wasn’t quite so dreadful. Then I took on another challenge. I didn’t think I was capable of sustaining a novel-length work, but fan fiction gave me the supports I needed to try it. I had a world, and characters, and I could add in my own characters, fill in the bits the games don’t tell you, and suddenly, I was writing chapter after chapter. I loved it. But there was more. Someone referred me to AFF, to read a deeper version of a story I liked elsewhere, and oh, my sweet gods, I was home. Not just for the sex, but for the adult approach to everything. Writers here weren’t afraid to see the dark side of things. Not everything had a happy ending. Writing fan fiction gave me the skills, and the courage to try my hand at original fiction, and I will never be ashamed of writing fan fiction. I still do. I won’t stop, (Sorry, pip, you’re stuck with me! )
  13. I love seeing images, too, so: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/389420699007173411/ https://www.pinterest.com/cdsabella4/boston-ma/ http://www.sta-design.com/stepping-into-the-past-a-look-at-boston-in-the-early-1900s/
  14. Clear your AFF cookies, your browser cache, and your history. Close the browser so the changes take effect, and restart the browser. You should be able to log in properly.
  15. The challenge lies mainly in understanding motivations, and knowing character back stories, I think. Most of the time, we don’t get to know a lot about a character’s past, or we get only hints of motivation. Character A hates small spaces, but why? Character B is prone to flip one-liners, and doesn’t engage in any deep conversations, but is he shallow, or shy, or hiding something dark? Those are the places where fan fiction writers can find openings. As far as romance and sex, well, sex is such a basic drive. It’s not hard to find that in a character, a need for companionship, or relief, or even a sort of control over another character. Does one character’s simmering anger mask feelings of attraction to another character, feelings he fears could never be returned? Sure, it’s cliched, but so are most of the plots in movies, shows, books, and games. There are redemption arcs for less than lawful characters, although it’s harder if the character is deeply evil. And maybe it doesn’t work out. There’s no rule that you have to have a happy ending, after all. And if nothing else, it’s a brilliant method for honing your writing skills. You have a world, a canon handed to you, complete with characters. Now you get to have them act in ways no one’s seen in the canon settings, and if you can make then believable to other people who know and enjoy the canon world, then you’ve done your job as a writer, and not just as a fan fiction writer.
  16. To create an archive account, follow the steps laid out here: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/topic/29598-new-user-how-to-register-for-an-archive-profile/
  17. If it needs to be the way it is for the mobile skin, I’ll adapt. I just tend to think of columns as vertical, is all.
  18. On my phone, if I hold the phone upright, it’s a single column list. If I turn it sideways, it’s two columns, because my phone screen isn’t terribly huge. I can navigate just fine, though, especially if I use a soft-tip pointer.
  19. But the alpha order goes horizontally across the columns. That’s what gives me brain hiccups. I read columns top to bottom, so when I read the page, I have to make a conscious effort to read across the page, as though I were reading a sentence and not a column. I don’t know how else to explain it, other than that. And honestly, I am not trying to be a pain in the ass, but if I don’t understand it, I can’t explain it to anyone else. Either way, the placement of “Back to Index” seems out of place, though.
  20. Mine is horizontal, with the “back to index” as the fourth alpha entry? It’s me, really. My brain wants lists to be vertical, not horizontal, and it takes me a good 60 seconds to make sense out of horizontal lists. I’m not sure if this is part of what makes things mobile friendly, and I’ll muddle along as I always do, but it really doesn’t feel logical or intuitive to me.
  21. No worries! The category order is a bit jumbled at the moment, at least on my desktop view. I had to look a moment myself to find it.
  22. Links for above: Uke by TwistedHilarity
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