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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. It might be that you’re not using the email associated with the AFF account. If you’re like me, and have multiple email addresses, you need to remember which one you used here, because if the address you enter in the reset doesn’t match what we have in the database, you won’t be able to reset your password. I prefer not to post member email addresses in what’s an open forum, because I don’t like feeding spambots, but you can email me at tos_team@adult-fanfiction.org, and we’ll see if the emails match. If they do, then it’s another issue, such as the password containing invalid characters, or not being long enough. If the addresses don’t match, we can correct that for you.
  2. It was deleted because it was placed in the wrong subdomain, and as we warn in our Content Guidelines, which are a part of our Terms of Service, we delete stories placed in the wrong subdomain. You posted your story in the Television subdomain, and it belongs in the Celebrity subdomain, which has a subcategory for WWF/WWE. You were also sent an email about the story deletion, telling you where it more properly belongs. If you didn’t see it, check your Spam or Junk folder, and then add us to your contact list to avoid future issues.
  3. I find myself profoundly intrigued by why Bob and Joan are doing mundane things as Lizard people are attacking. Then again, I’m rereading Delany, so it might explain a good bit about me.
  4. I show that email address associated with this archive account: YamakaziWolf If you want to change your pen name, you can log into that account and simply edit your profile to amend your pen name. If you can’t access that account because you’ve forgotten your password, you can reset your password.
  5. ::peeks out from the frenetic RL stuff:: Think about those little bits you read on the flyleaf of a book, or the back of a paperback, which give you a quick hook into the story. It’s a bit of who, and bit of where, and a bit of “Wait, wtf happened to them?” At least that’s how it was explained to me when I was pondering cancelling a contract with a publisher because I found out I was supposed to write my own summary. I mean, isn’t that what editors do? (Turns out they only read the summary you write, and then tell you to fix it...) But, while trying to come up with a way to make people want to read my book, it occurred to me the first person I needed to sell it to was me. Would I want to read the book based on my summary? Or would I cringe and put it back?
  6. BronxWench


    Links for above: Bloody Skies by TokiMirage
  7. While it’s true there are programs that can assist in detecting plagiarism, it’s not our only tool, nor is it ever as simple as merely identifying identical text.
  8. DG’s been working mad crazy overtime, so I wouldn’t add to her workload, to be honest. She’s barely had time to breathe lately.
  9. Hi! I can answer your first question easily enough. We don’t have a formal tag for female ejaculation, nor do we actually have one for male ejaculation other than the WD Wet Dream) tag. If you’re worried it might offend, you can make mention at the top of the chapter in a short author’s note, on the lines of “Chapter contains female ejaculation” and let readers take it from there. As far as the second question, I’m actually unsure if that can be done other than by removing the already submitted chapter which would come after the new material, and then posting the new chapter and all following chapters. Our FAQ section doesn’t mention adding chapters in the middle, so I’m going to guess it’s not something which can be done without removing the following chapters first. The good news is that removing chapters without removing the whole story will not affect your hit count or reviews. The bad news is that it can be tedious to repost chapters, and to reformat them if required. I’m sorry!
  10. Let me just make it very clear we do NOT allow unauthorized continuations, adoptions, or taking over of anyone else’s story here on AFF. We respect the author’s right to decide whether or not a story is finished, and if the author chooses to offer it up for adoption, we have procedures for that. If anyone decides to test us on that position, I recommend a quick look at our Hall of Shame to see how we feel about plagiarism, which is exactly what it is when you take over someone’s work without their express consent and permission, delivered to us by them from their email account in advance of any posting here. I should add we also take an exceedingly dim view of the wholesale pillaging of what are unique story elements. so unique as to be easily identifiable as the work of another person. In the case of the story referenced here, I believe the elements of the game are unique, although the trope of being caught in a game is not. If anyone decides to write something with the same idea, as is stated above, it should not contain the same game elements, settings, and challenges as the original story.
  11. Because it apparently cannot be said often enough, if a story has been removed from the Internet, whether by the author or by the staff of this site, do NOT pass around hard copies of the story. Do NOT ask for hard copies of the story. To quote from the very beginning of each search thread: ”If you know the piece of fiction that someone is searching for is removed from the site, but you retained a personal copy, please do not pass the story around. If the story is taken down either by the Author or Moderator staff there is a reason behind it that must be respected.”
  12. BronxWench


    Glad to help!
  13. BronxWench


    Forgotten by Traxie
  14. BronxWench

    Marriage Fic

    Is this a challenge for a story to be written, or a search request?
  15. Madcow has removed their stories from everywhere on the Internet, sadly.
  16. HAP has no posted stories here at the moment. I’m not finding any record of that particular story having been posted here, even among the content posted by HAP before the member was actually 18.
  17. Or you can email us directly at tos_team@adult-fanfiction.org. If you give us the link to the story you think was plagiarism, and a link to the story you think was stolen, we can investigate from there. We do take plagiarism quite seriously here, so please do let us know.
  18. Lisa, you can link to those sites, no worries. It’s all sort of run into one big link, though.
  19. We’re happy we could help! And welcome back!
  20. Guest Safari?: On a Mac, open Safari, and go to Preferences > Advanced, and there should be an option for “Default Encoding.” I will add the caveat that I am a Windows user, and not conversant with Macs, iOS, or Safari. I do not know if Safari for mobile platforms has this option, and my sole Apple device, an elderly iPod Touch Gen4, is singularly unhelpful. Omeganian: There is no solution via platform that I know of, since I am not an Android developer. I am, however, using the add-on myself since my preferred browser is Chrome, on a desktop running Windows 10.
  21. It appears that at the present time, Opera doesn’t have an option to adjust encoding. Since it is based on Chrome architecture, as DemonGoddess points out, and Chrome has just released a fix for their own missing encoding feature, it’s possible Opera will accept this add-on, as discussed in the link in DemonGoddess’ post.
  22. Opera’s View menu had a submenu for Encoding, per their help page here.
  23. And our amazing manta updated the database for us, so you now should be able to access your original account using the new email. Now comes the fun part… given all the changes we’ve had to the archive code, you need to take a look at this FAQ and follow the steps as DG’s laid them out. The log-in is now in the menu bar, and not the upper right hand corner, but the rest should work nicely. Of course, if you have any problems, let us know, and we’ll be happy to help you resolve them.
  24. I’ve posted that up for you, and either our tech dmin or I will let you know when it’s been done. She needs to make the actual database changes, and her work schedule’s been insanely busy lately, so bear with us.
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