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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. I’ve responded to your other thread, which might be better than tacking onto this thread. I have a feeling these will be separate issues.
  2. Are you trying to register for the forum or for the archive? Archive registration is required for forum membership, so that should be the first step. If it is the archive you’re trying to join, passwords must be at least 8 letters and/or numbers long. No special characters are allowed in passwords, and they are case sensitive, so if you use a capital letter anywhere in making the password, you always have to type it as a capital letter to log in.
  3. DemonGoddess061, our tech admin, has been insanely busy with her RL work, and that’s why the delay. Please be patient, and I’m sure she’ll add the category to the Television subdomain as soon as she gets a chance.
  4. BronxWench

    Deleting Reviews

    I’m sure I’d say the same about half the crap the developers do to my favorite games. I still haven’t forgiven Bioware for screwing up their elves in the second Dragon Age game, not to mention the crappy repeating dungeons and the single ending no matter how you chose throughout the game. They’ve redeemed themselves with Inquisition, mostly, but still. I’ll wind up banned from cons if I ever run into David Gaider.
  5. BronxWench

    Deleting Reviews

    Actually, what JJ Abrams does isn’t really fan fiction. Some franchises solicit written work, such as Star Trek, and Star Wars. Or take RA Salvatore, and his famous drow ranger, Drizzt Do’Urden, who is central to a series based on the Forgotten Realms lore copyrighted by Wizards of the Coast. There are quite a few authors licensed by WotC, and whose work is now part of canon. Of course the authors make money on their work. David Gaider, a writer for BioWare, also wrote a couple of novels based on the Dragon Age ‘verse. It’s not uncommon in some franchises, really, and I can guarantee those authors don’t consider what they do to be fan fiction.
  6. BronxWench

    Deleting Reviews

    ::nods:: My Elderspawn mods heavily, but more for graphics and killer weapons and armor. I’m not a heavy user of mods myself unless I think the mod fixes what appears to be a plot hole or logic fail. And if David Gaider ever manages to write a decent romance, I’ll die of shock. As far as publishing goes, I’m sort of the horrible warning these days, since my publisher changed owners, and the new owners ran it into the ground. I’ve gotten my rights back, and I’m supposed to be cleaning up my manuscripts for republication, but there’s a few of us who’ve published, either via a press or self-publishing. Ask away, though, and I’m happy to answer!
  7. BronxWench

    Deleting Reviews

    The legality of fan fiction is something of an ongoing debate. For now, it’s covered under the Fair Use provisions of the US copyright laws, as long as no profit is made (hence our insistence on disclaimers acknowledging the copyright and declaring no profit is made). While you can’t hold copyright on your fan fiction per se, we do hold that your Fair Use work is yours and yours alone, and so long as no profit is being made, the original copyright holder will probably never go beyond a cease and desist order should they decide fan fiction inspired by their work is a Very Bad Thing. But as far as passing around saved copies of fan fictions, we draw a very clear line here. We know it’s done, but AFF will not be a hub for that sort of thing, and I for one was exceedingly uncomfortable with AO3’s download feature and its format options. They have a not-for-profit with deep pockets and expensive lawyers behind them, however, so perhaps they’re okay with that risk. We don’t, and we’re not. I will also say there are some sites out there which archive work (especially HP-related fan fiction) without the permission of the author. We view those as pirate sites, and we won’t allow links to them in our search threads, no more than we’ll allow hard copies to be passed around. But Des is quite right about mods for games. A lot of game modders see their work incorporated into a game, and they don’t get a choice about that, but then again, if they’re consistently good, who knows? They might get a job. It’s much harder for a fan fiction writer to gain that level of respect (although I am still somewhat bemused by the fan fiction of a former fan fiction phenomenon...)
  8. Pretty much, since the story was plagiarized.
  9. We state quite clearly at the top of each search thread that we do not allow hard copies of stories to be circulated. Allowing attachments does not somehow constitute a loophole for that forum rule. You will note our forum administrator did not remove the links to the other online locations, because we do allow links to legitimate sites. It’s not all that difficult, really. Online links, good. Hard copies, bad.
  10. BronxWench


    This is our forum, so you won’t find stories here. You need to be here to find stories, in our archive, which you can also reach by clicking on the tab marked “Archives” at the top of this page.
  11. The story in question was removed for Terms of Service violations which were not corrected.
  12. I looked at the story in question, and I don’t see an issue with the disclaimer as it reads now. I will admit we tend to be somewhat scrupulous when it comes to this subdomain, since the stories involve actual people, with friends, families, agents, and lawyers. We’re always happy to answer questions from our members regarding disclaimers, and what we need for the various subdomains, so please don’t hesitate to ask if anything is ever unclear. We try not to be vague, but what seems obvious to one person isn’t always as obvious to another person. However, we’re an active moderation team, and we do respond, here or via email.
  13. It’s actually the report feature that’s being spammed, and I suspect it’s an exploit in the code IPS needs to patch. Most people aren’t even aware of the spam. It’s only staff who sees the reports, and there’s never anything in the actual thread when I check. But you know, it’s funny how when school lets out, the spam goes up, at least until they hit their data limit for the month.
  14. BronxWench

    Post apocalypse

    I believe the story was Adaptation, by Aya. If so, it has been pulled for publishing, per the author’s profile.
  15. I’m actually showing you as logged in as of 2017-06-11 at 18:40:41, so the archive sees you. Generally this is a cookie issue, but if you’ve cleared the cache and browsing history, that should do it. Perhaps try deleting any AFF cookies specifically? That way you don’t delete other site cookies you might want to keep, and the AFF cookies can reset properly. You will need to completely close the browser and then restart it for the changes to take effect, of course, but that has worked for me with Chrome when it acts up.
  16. Alternatively, dip them in a good dollop of whipped cream, and to the hells with the diet!
  17. It sounds like there is a cookie gone rogue. Try clearing your cache and browsing history, closing your browser entirely, and then restarting it. Log into AFF and see if that’s done the trick. And I promise, we will NEVER recommend anyone subject themselves to Internet Explorer. ::shudders::
  18. Link for above: Rulers and Rogues by Lady_DCeandre
  19. And I’m home. I had never realized before how essential I am, since it is apparently impossible for the household to function unless I am there to be the chauffeur, cook, laundry person, and all-around dogsbody. I’m going to fire my family, although the corgi can stay.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. mastershakeme


      The older I get, the more I see that my family members are human and flawed. They kinda suck actually :P I know exactly what you mean… We live 10 minutes from my grandma and she’s been really sick. She’s in the same situation as me with my grandpa. He sits in his chair all day watching TV while Grandma runs around taking care of of their big house and their hyper dog. So she’s in and out of the hospital now and I’ve been going over to take care of her place. I’m doing shopping for 2 households, cleaning for 2, taking care of my 4 cats and grandma’s dog 3 times a day. I’m not working… So i thought I’d start trying to concentrate on writing… Thank god for google docs on my phone, that’s the only way I’m able to write constantly inbetween the hospital and grandma’s house and my apartment. I’m not sure what your business entails, but when family doesn’t support your ambitions, it’s doubly discouraging. and Oh god… When they guilt you to do things, it’s super annoying! Kudos on you for having mom move in with you. Jesus, I’m so glad to escape Grandpa at the end of the day. He barks orders at me and when I try to respond, I realize he’s not even wearing his hearing aid. I have to scream at him just to get him to understand what I’m trying to say... :P I’m sorry I rambled on your status. I’m going away now!!!

    3. BronxWench


      Clover, I love you and words! :wub: 

      A dogsbody is a British term for someone who does menial tasks, the sort of drudgery that you’d ask a junior intern to do.

      And most days, my mother starts with a litany of all the things I must do for her, completely disregarding the fact that I have a husband, two kids, a dog, and a business, all in addition to my trying to actually make a name as a writer. It’s been nearly 21 years of this now, and I think I might have reached my limit with her this time. If she can’t handle things on her own, I’ll arrange for an aide to look after her next time I need to travel. I have neither the time nor the temperament to be what she wants me to be.

    4. CloverReef


      Oh! See, I was thinking it had something to do with the corgi! I have a pug attached to my ankles 24/7, and right now, quite literally attached to my leg. Dogsbody seems like an appropriate word for that. 

      But damn, tending to all that while trying to carve your way through the professional author world sounds so overwhelming. And for so many years! It’s amazing, and I’m in awe, but I hope you get a reprieve or two or twenty. 

  20. I’ll refer you to this topic.
  21. BronxWench

    Naruto Story

    That member has a new pen name: shadynasty
  22. We really aren’t able to offer you any sort of advice, legal or otherwise, about any dispute you may have with Disney. What we will do, if there is any question of ownership of a story uploaded to AFF, is to investigate and make a decision based on our findings.
  23. We’re not in denial about other archives existing. I started on the Pit myself but when I found AFF, I decided I’d found home. DG was awesome, the mods made me feel welcome, and before I knew it, I was volunteering. AO3’s Terms of Service is deliberately obscure, because they moderate via committee. That translates into nothing much ever getting done, and they are fond of making decisions which directly contradict their own ToS. Point that out, and you might get warned for something. Anything. They’ll invent it on the spot. And then there’s the “choose your preferred format” download button, resulting in a good many works there winding up on Kindle for sale, and not by the original author. (And yes, they do sell fanfiction. They just don’t mention it’s fanfiction, and if it’s AU enough, no one notices. 50 Shades, anyone?) Tumblr is not a fiction archive as much as it is a haven for malcontents and cyberbullies, and Wattpad gets hacked with dreary regularity. The Pit enforces their ToS with sporadic urgency and periodic purges, mostly when an advertiser gets a complaint about their ad appearing on a smutty site. Fiction Press is just the Pit for original work, and many of the fandom-based sites are gone because it’s not cheap to host an archive. Our small advertising revenue pays for our hosting costs, and every single member of staff is an unpaid volunteer. We do this for love of the words. But we never ask our members to post here exclusively. We love that people share the words. We just ask that they don’t use stories in our archive as free advertising for other sites.
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