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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. From member FanfictionFan360: ) Anime One Punch Man I have one in the making Thank you
  2. Links for above: Waiting in the Throes by MaddoxGrey
  3. Clegane has always proved surprisingly honorable. That’s what’s intrigued me all along.
  4. What about firewalls? I know there are certain sites my various security products have hissies over. Malwarebytes has a huge issue with certain embedded ad services in my news feeds, and Chrome still hates the staff email server, although I can log in after I promise it’ll be all my fault when cybergremlins run rampant through my CPU. (I tried offering it my first-installed gfx card, but no luck.) You’re not causing trouble. I’m just sorry I’m not able to offer any helpful troubleshooting advice. You’re doing all the right things, and it’s just not working.
  5. This is entirely frustrating, I’m sure. From my end, you’ve done everything correctly, and yet you can’t log in. Have you tried logging in with a different browser? Are third party cookies enabled? (I’m wracking my enfeebled brain here...)
  6. The story, An Unwilling Submissive, along with all others by someonenotme was removed from the Internet.
  7. Argh… Just covering all bases here… the password is at least 8 letters and/or numbers and contains no special characters, right?
  8. The story had been posted to AFF, but the author was under 18 at the time of posting. It and all other content posted while the author was under 18 was removed, although the author is more than welcome to repost those works now.
  9. It’s going to sound counterintuitive, but… Log out, even if you think you’re not logged in. Then clear your browser cache and AFF cookies, and close your browser all the way. You might need to force a browser refresh with CTRL + F5. Then restart your browser, and try logging in to AFF. I’ve had this work even if it’s been done before unsuccessfully.
  10. No, don’t worry! We’re here to help, and it’s never a problem. I just can’t always see where the issue is, and when the standard fixes don’t work, I need to call in the smarter folks.
  11. The GoT season finale… fuck me sideways. :blink:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. foeofthelance


      God, I just loved that scene. The way Sansa and Arya played it. And Bran being all creepy in the corner. But especially Sansa and Arya. Will need to watch on demand just for that scene.

      Though I do think they made one tiny goof. The shot of the Night King after the wall comes down should have come after the army marched through, not before. Would have made a good end to the season. 

    3. pittwitch


      I can’t believe we have to wait 2 years for the next season …  Bran finally got interesting but dammit man, take control of that dragon and ice the Night King already.


    4. pippychick


      Agree with all… but a political angle occurred to me. With Tyrion as Daenerys’ Hand, and Jaime having marched off to take his men north to fight the army of the dead. The “Lannisters” are actually with Daenerys. Cersei is now isolated in King’s Landing, and has lost the authority conferred by ‘family’ in facts on the ground as they stand.

      Also, there’s this “I can’t have children” thing that is going to turn out to be a load of rubbish. Because any author who’s gone to all the trouble of having the recurring motif of incest > insanity, and of setting up Snow and Daenerys in such a fashion, fully intends to have that play out all over again (if nothing changes).

  12. This one is going to require more than I can do. I can only flag it for our tech admin, DemonGoddess061. She has database access, and can see what’s happening, which is something I can’t do.
  13. I can see your account, but you’re not logged in. Did you ever get a validation email from us? If not, check your spam or junk folder. There should have been an email, generally sent by anonymous@afforg.nexcess.net (or something like that) which contains a link. If you didn’t get it, or if it expired, you can request a new one here: http://members.adult-fanfiction.org/rsa.php
  14. I’m going to tackle this first as a moderator, and then as an author. As a moderator, our archive code doesn’t allow for such a feature. While we’re well aware there is no practical way to keep anyone from copying and pasting material from almost any fiction archive, it has never been AFF policy to enable that, since plagiarism is a crime. People have lost jobs and been sued for actual monetary damages over theft of intellectual property and copyright violation. As an author, both on this site and published for sale, I have a strong objection to making it easier to find my hard work posted on a pirate website, earning someone else money. I don’t make my living writing. Most of us don’t, because only a relative few authors are going to reach “star” status and be able to support themselves solely by writing. It still doesn’t make it any less wrenching to see my work on a pirate site, and yes, I file the DMCA, and yes, I go after the hosting site if the pirate doesn’t comply. And yes, I’d file charges. I spend a long time writing a novel, polishing it, submitting it to a publisher, working with an editor, and marketing it. I probably should be nice and not mention your nom de plume as part of the inspiration for this post, but let’s just say I can’t resist.
  15. And thank you for the fixes to your stories, which are all now visible in the archive once more.
  16. Hi, I emailed you on August 11 regarding missing story tags (MCD and Rape), and left a review board notice regarding your disclaimer. If you need me to forward the original email, I’d be happy to do that, or you might want to peek in your Junk or Spam folder, since sometimes AFF email ends up there. As far as the disclaimer goes, this is what you have: Disclaimer: All characters of Star Wars belong to Disney and lucasfilm which is now owned by Disney. I will not receive any monetary benefits from this story at all in this work is purely fiction. That only disclaims ownership of the characters, and not the rest of Star Wars. What works better is: Disclaimer: Star Wars belongs to Disney and lucasfilm which is now owned by Disney. I will not receive any monetary benefits from this story at all in this work is purely fiction. It’s a small thing, but lawyers for Disney tend to love pursuing small things.
  17. When you reset your password, did you reset it to the same password? That will cause an error. Is it at least 8 letters/numbers long, and contains no special characters? Did you remember that it’s case sensitive, so if you set it with a capital letter anywhere, you always need to capitalize that letter. If you reset to a new password, let’s try clearing your browser history and cache. You might even want to clear all AFF related cookies (don’t worry—they’re easily reset as you visit various areas of the archive). We have a FAQ on how to do this here: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/topic/30527-how-to-clear-cookies-cache-and-etc/ That should clear any issues resulting from a corrupted cookie string. Try logging in using the current password, and see if it works. If not, let us know, and we’ll dig deeper. As far as the forum, it requires separate registration. Joining the archive doesn’t automatically register you for the forum. If you haven’t joined the forum already, here’s a FAQ on how to do that: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/topic/25953-joining-the-forum/ If you have joined the forum, and can’t access your forum profile, you can PM our Forum Admin, Melrick and he can assist you further.
  18. Is this for the archive? If so, the validation link is not the same as resetting the password. Try logging out (click the logout button, even if you don’t think you’re logged in), and then log in using the current password. From time to time, members do get that invalid activation code message despite being properly activated. If that doesn’t work, you can request a new activation email here: http://members.adult-fanfiction.org/rsa.php
  19. This is more appropriately a category request/request for category modification, and not a general staff question, since the moderators don’t assign category names. I’d rather not ask for this to be deleted outright as inappropriate to this thread, so I’m moving it to the correct thread.
  20. Azela still has an account here, but all stories were taken down by the member for personal reasons. Should the member wish to post the stories here again, we would welcome them back.
  21. BronxWench

    Help Please!

    It is indeed here on AFF as well: Salvation by AvengingAngel
  22. That’s a very good question, actually. For now, I think adding a co-author will let you get started on the transition faster, and DG can let us know what the proper method to remove you would be.
  23. Because fan fiction involves copyrights held by people other than the authors here, we don’t allow the mention of donation sites, Patreons, GoFundMe pages, or any other form of monetary exchange here on the AFF archive or forums, whether in profiles, stories, or forum posts. While a donation page isn’t really selling anything, and might not directly represent pay for services, we find it’s best to be like Caesar’s wife and avoid even the remotest chance of impropriety. So, I’m sorry, the short answer is no.
  24. I’m not quite sure what you mean. There is a default font size for both the archive and the forum, but every member has the option of adjusting that size for themselves via the Rich Text Editor in the archive or here in the forum. The default here is Arial 14 and that is what I’m seeing your post above as using. The default font in the archive, as I see it on my desktop (22” monitor) and laptop (14” display), without zooming, is the same size. I never access the site on a tablet or smartphone, because I prefer a larger screen for viewing, to be quite honest. We did, however, rework the archive code to accommodate mobile device users, eliminating most of the left column menus and other features which were not mobile-friendly (although this desktop user quite liked them). If a story’s text is spilling over the page borders, that is another issue altogether, and has to do with repeating characters used within the story text, and how the site draws those characters. People use them as scene breaks, or dividers, and it glitches the way the story displays on the screen. In that case, the author needs to remove the repeating characters, since that’s something we moderators can’t fix for them. You do have the option on most computers of setting your computer’s default display for text to a larger font. That might help, if that’s the method you use to view the site. Other than that, without knowing how you access the site or what OS you use, I can’t offer any other helpful advice.
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