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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. She even removed her account here, sadly, But, although I can’t link here, I’m sure Google will be very helpful in finding her.
  2. And we’re having a bad night into day of seizures for my wee Corgi lass...

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Unfortunately, it’s not the Holiday Inn Express.  I’ll keep my fingers crossed that she can come home soon.

    3. pippychick


      Poor Freyja… what an awful, stressful week for you all… so sorry, Bronx :(

      *hugs tightly*


    4. BronxWench


      And we have her home. The neurologist told us we could do just as much for her at home, since she wasn’t on the IV meds at hospital, so we went and broke her out. She’s not quite herself, and she’s still having small focal seizures, but she’s glad to be home, and we’re so glad to have her back with us.

  3. Cordelia Kingsbridge removed all her stories from the Internet to publish them.
  4. It shouldn’t matter how soon you tried to reset your password. Is there a chance you used the same password when resetting it? That will definitely cause an error, because it blanks the password field and triggers the need for a fresh reset to a completely new password. You should also be sure to clear your browser cache and history, and any AFF cookies for good measure. Once you’ve done that, close the browser completely (and if it’s Internet Explorer, restart your computer) to make sure the changes are accepted. Then restart the browser and log in, or reset the password. It should work. I’m showing your last login as 2017-09-04 22:31:42 so you did log in successfully.
  5. It would help considerably if you tell us the name of the story, and perhaps the subdomain where you posted it?
  6. Is this site owned by the author Merula, or was the posting of the story sanctioned by Merula? Otherwise, we’ll need to remove the link. I’ve hidden the post until this is cleared up.
  7. Can you link me to that category? It shouldn’t appear like that at all. The Published date won’t change, but the sort is by the Updated date, so it should always be reverse chron by that date.
  8. ::waves and tries not to hop on one foot:: I might be available to beta, given that I do know the canon (books and television series). ::attempts to look casual::
  9. That’s if you ever get it. I’ve never put a great deal of faith in that, since I’m pretty sure that’s an upper limit, and the actual payout will be limited to an estimate of lost revenues. Lawyers and insurance companies aren’t in the business of handing out money.
  10. I’m sorry! I haven’t come up with anything useful yet, but hopefully DemonGoddess061 will know something. She’s just been insanely busy with RL work, and I need her input, since I’m hitting the limits of what I can do.
  11. I’ve relied on the publication date myself, but then again, I haven’t self-published yet. I might think differently were I to self publish.
  12. I believe it’s much the same in the UK. You can elect to register your work (for a fee) and it does provide more substantial proof of ownership of the intellectual property (aka book).
  13. That might be because a story hasn’t been added or uploaded since that date. Not every category under Television is that active. We tend to see trends there, with some shows dwindling in activity while newer shows absorb author attention. Keep in mind that the first date listed is the initial posting date, and then the last update is shown. The database does move stories to the top of the subdomain home page based on last update. Looking at the main homepage (covering all categories) for that subdomain at this moment, I’m seeing: Going to the Stargate SG-1 category yields: It’s not that active a category, so the last new posting/update was January 5, 2016. There’s nothing newer to show. So, within a specific category, or subcategory, you might see what appears to be very old stories on top, but that’s because there’s nothing newer to show.
  14. The birthday format is very specific. It must be entered as yyyy-mm-dd, so you need all four numbers of the birth year, two numbers for the month, and two numbers for the day, separated by a dash, not any other symbol. So, if your birthday is July 6, 1983 (as a random example), you enter that as 1983-07-06.
  15. If you can’t access that email account any longer, let us know, and we can refer this to DemonGoddess061, who can make the email address update in the database. We’ll get you back into your account, don’t worry!
  16. It would probably help a bit if you mentioned the archive subdomain you’re reading. Many subdomains like Cartoons or Television have categories for individual shows, but within those categories, there is no further sorting at the moment. Single fandom subdomains, like Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings, will have categories based on the genre (Het, Slash, Femmeslash, AU, Crossover, etc) and subcategories based on pairings. Because the entire subdomain is devoted to a single fandom, it’s easier to make those distinctions. However, the top page for every subdomain, category or subcategory always has the latest uploads and updates in reverse chronological order.
  17. That’s the real dilemma. KU does get you exposure. Because subscribers can read any KU book for free, they’re able to gamble on new names, or new genres. And if they like your work, the odds are they’ll be less hesitant to buy something from Amazon that isn’t a free KU read. Especially in the romance genre, readers are looking for new things, and erotica is not so much of a closeted genre anymore, either. It’s a risk, but it can pay off. You would just need to be willing not to make much profit from the KU offering. (On the other hand, if you are in the US and consider your writing a business, it’s a business expense you can deduct against any actual profits, just like the cost of cover art, editing, proofreading, and so on. You just need to show some actual revenue, and I suppose even $10 counts. )
  18. Good question! I think we need DG or manta to handle that one, though. I had no idea the beta was still alive! In the meantime, I can hide it, which would make it inaccessible for anyone who isn’t an archive mod or an admin.
  19. So far, I haven’t self published, so I have nothing with KU. But some authors I know have put work out via KU, because it is good for exposure. KU readers will often purchase works from authors they first found on KU for free. However, Amazon uses pages read as a method of calculating payment, and there have been issues. One issue I’d heard about some time ago was that a feature Amazon added, to allow readers to fast forward or skip back in a book, caused the page read count to be shown as one page. Not great if you get paid by the page… That may or may not have been fixed. But what I did hear recently via Twitter was that Amazon allocates payment from a total pool of revenue, based on pages read. (I do not know if this is limited to indie authors, but I would assume so, since no publisher would want this deal.) In any event, some authors reported being paid as little as $0.004 a page. Given how much it can cost for cover art, editing, proofreading, and formatting, when a three hundred page book earns you $1.20 per reader/sale, it’s going to take a good long time to recoup your outlay and make any profit at all.
  20. I’m going to flag this for our tech admin. I am unable to see what’s going on in the database directly, but if there’s an issue with the password reset function, she would be able to tell. She’s been insanely busy with RL work, so please be patient with us.
  21. Hi! This FAQ will explain re-registering the account, and has a link for a password reset, which doesn’t require you to know your old password. I recommend clearing your browser cache and AFF cookies prior to doing this, just because we’ve changed domain names and a few other things since then.
  22. I use a publisher, because I am exceedingly untalented as an artist, and because I know I need an editor, and a proofreader, and all that jazz. But my first publisher was all about self-marketing. I like Twitter, because you can schedule a tweet and have it released weekly, or daily if you’re at release time. Facebook is great for launch parties, and I did a Rafflecopter giveaway thing, and all sorts of fun stuff. If you have a blog, blog about it and link the blog to other places, like an Amazon author page (free) or a Goodreads page (now owned by Amazon, but they pretend to be separate). As far as where to sell it, even if for free, I would strongly advise not to have anything to do with Kindle Unlimited. Keep your options open, so you can distribute your work on other sites, like Smashwords, Barnes & Noble, or via your blog itself, if you’re so inclined. KU will restrict you to only their service, and when you decide to offer something for money, they have a very odd algorithm to determine how much you earn, one which is not fair to the authors in my opinion. Kindle itself is fine, but Kindle Unlimited is not.
  23. I really can’t see Brienne masturbating either. It’s far too outside what she feels is proper, I think. After all, if she’s insisting on a proper courtship…
  24. Honestly, I’d rather deal with editing than write a summary...or that dreaded two-three sentence marketing blurb. But I try to read it from the perspective of a reader: will it make me want to pick up the book, or did I yawn? I’m with @CloverReef in that keeping it personal works much better than trying to slip in a micro-infodump about the plot or the setting.
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