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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. GoT. Oh, my dear sweet gods… Just… :licking-cat:

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. JayDee


      I’ve only read the books so far, my plan is to get a second hand complete dvd box set when it’s finished. :D

    3. BronxWench


      Oh, you must! While the series does diverge from the books, the weddings alone are worth the dvd set. :D

    4. JayDee


      Yeah, my friends who’ve seen/read both say that they're both great for differing reasons and the series is good in its own right. I’ll just box set and binge. And keep grumbling ‘til Winds of Winter comes out.

  2. I’d suggest trying again with the new email address. If you experience issues, please email us at tos_team@adult-fanfiction.org from that email address, and let us know what happened.
  3. Links for above: Better Than Cookies by crmoon
  4. BronxWench


    There is nothing public as far as an email. All I can suggest is that you try searching that pen name to see if it is used elsewhere. As AFF staff, it’s policy for us not to link to an external site, and I can’t give out any information which isn’t made public by the member. I really am sorry, but sometimes people’s lives or jobs create the need for them to remove online work. We respect the wishes of our members if they do remove their work from AFF, though we’re sorry to see them go.
  5. BronxWench


    All I can tell you is that the stories were not removed due to any staff action. I’m sorry!
  6. I’m not showing that pen name as registered in the archive. I’m going to flag this for our tech admin to check, since I do not have the database access to view registrations stuck in process. Bear with us, and we’ll get this sorted out.
  7. You may actually have registered at one point, and the repeated registrations, using the same email address, will result in that error. If you can supply me with the pen name you are trying to use, I can check for you. Generally, the registration process is smooth, as long as the steps are followed exactly as stated in our FAQ here. The most frequent trouble spots are the password, and entering a birthdate correctly, to be honest. But with a little more information than was supplied in your initial post, we can assist.
  8. Links for above: Lucky Strike by SpeedyTomato
  9. We generally only make a category if there is a story in the works for it. Do you have one you’re working on?
  10. Still beating that dead horse, I see… Hey, everyone! You can find @nautiscarader on AO3 and tumblr. He just stops here to complain from time to time because we don’t let him link that in his stories, as per paragraph 3 of our Terms of Service (the same ToS he agreed to when he made his account): See, he’s exempt because he says so, and we’re too stupid to understand that. Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima fucking culpa.
  11. I think Original – Misc works for this.
  12. It’s a good question! I’ve seen it with ellipses, which I think is probably a bit jarring as a reader. Honestly, from that perspective, I think I’d rather be told in advance that the speaker is grinding out each word between slaps, and let my imagination do the rest. I have seen it done in this manner: “Please ::slap:: Sir ::slap:: may ::slap::” and so on. That’s REALLY jarring, because by the third repetition of the “::slap::” thing, I’m ready to skip the whole sentence.
  13. We have a category in Books > Fairy Tales, Fables, Legends, Folklore and Myths > Myths
  14. BronxWench

    Kushina's capture

    As far as I can tell, EMChaos hasn’t made an account here and I can’t find any indication of the staff here having removed that story under another account name. Sorry!
  15. At the top of this thread, and every search thread, you’ll find the following message: It’s not window dressing. We do not, and will not allow requests for hard copies of stories which have been removed.
  16. BronxWench

    M/m vampire

    Links for above, in case anyone else is looking: Jaden by jewel2656
  17. Hi! That’s a feature many of us would love to have, but at the moment, our archive code doesn’t incorporate that feature. What I do is list the story in my archive profile as a Currently Reading item, so I can at least find it quickly, and it moves to the top of my list when it’s updated. Alternatively, some authors maintain email lists for updates, and you can always see if that’s available, or they might use the Promote a Story thread which you can follow, and get email notifications that way.
  18. I believe this is the account: http://members.adult-fanfiction.org/profile.php?no=1296770069 You can reset your password using this link: http://members.adult-fanfiction.org/reset.php It must be at least 8 letters or numbers long, and is case sensitive.
  19. I’m not sure why you can’t even email us. That’s beyond anything I’ve encountered, and the only reason I can think of is if you’re using a service provider who’s blocked adult sites, or US sites, or some such thing. Our code is proprietary, and can be a bit wonky, but our email has never been an issue. If you have an account on FFN, you can PM me there: BronxWench Or you can just type our email address into your browser. I’ve gotten a report this morning about the contacts links being broken, which is why those aren’t reaching us. Copy this from this post and paste it into the To: line of your email: tos_team@adult-fanfiction.org
  20. Hi! Sorry about the broken link, and hopefully our tech admins can get that fixed. In the meantime, you can email the details to us at tos_team@adult-fanfiction.org. Let us know any individual AFF accounts you have, or individual emails if you don’t have separate AFF accounts, the name for the joint account, and the email for the joint account. We’ll get that cleared for you as quickly as we can.
  21. That is the email address to reach AFF. You don’t Google it. If you aren’t able to email us, that would explain why you can’t create an account, because you need a valid, working email address to join AFF.
  22. This is an email address. Copy it and paste it into an email to reach me: tos_team@adult-fanfiction.org. It’s not a link, which I can’t generate. This issue is most likely browser realted, but I also can’t clear your browser’s cache, history or cookies for you. I can only check to see if we have an account associated with your email address, but it’s not wise to post your private email address in this forum. If you email me, I can get your email address that way, and I can check, but that’s all I can do without some help on your end. I don’t have database access to check deeper, and I can’t resolve anything unless I know what’s been done so far by you. I know it’s frustrating. But we do need to eliminate the things we know cause problems before anything else. I don’t even know if you’re using a computer, or a phone, and that makes it so much harder to help.
  23. Let me try making a link for the email: tos_team@adult-fanfiction.org This way, I can check to see if there is any existing account associated with that email address.
  24. Okay, this works better if you use the format indicated in the pinned thread. Subdmain: Cartoons Category: Rick and Morty Do you have a story?: Yes
  25. Okay, let’s try a couple of things. First, what browser and operating system are you using? For example, I use Chrome on a PC running Windows 10, and both are the latest versions. Second, since you mention being a reader here for some time, have you tried clearing your browser’s cache, history, and AFF cookies? We have instructions on how to do that here for most browsers. A corrupted cookie string or out of date urls in your history and cache can cause a great many peculiar issues. You need to clear those, close your browser completely, and then restart the browser software. That should reset everything nicely. If all else fails, I ask that you email me with your email address. You can reach me at tos_team@adult-fanfiction.org. I recommend not posting your email address here, since spam bots can read posts here and you do NOT want to encourage them.
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