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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. Count me in, with details to follow!
  2. My bloody Internet is acting up, and service can’t come until Wednesday, so if I go missing, that would be why.

    ::glares at modem::

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. JayDee


      Whenever the internet is working fine, I can take it or leave it, When my connection’s gone I really want to be on there!

    3. BronxWench



      Then again, I depend on a viable Internet connection for work, too. :lol:

    4. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      I tried disconnecting before for a weekend sabbatical once, lasted less than a few minutes….

  3. If the setting is unique, then you’d need to disclaim that doujinshi as one of the fandoms along with Naruto, so something like: “I don’t own Naruto or Futago, and I make no profit from this story.” The idea of genderbending clothing isn’t particularly unique, so that’s not an issue. Dungeons & Dragons has belts of gender change, just as an example, and I know it’s been done in various other books, games and anime.
  4. Are you using characters and/or the ‘verse from the source material? If so, you’d need permission from the creator of the source material to use their work as a starting point for yours. We’d need that permission directly from them, emailed to us to avoid any appearance of plagiarism. If you’re using the imagery as a jumping off point, simply as inspiration, and nothing will be used from the source material in your story, it’s fine.
  5. Thank you for the report. The tags have been updated to include anything required by content.
  6. Do I get brownie points for not plunging a fountain pen through someone’s carotid artery at a budget committee meeting?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. BronxWench


      I’m adding that to the wish list! This one man last night… him. Yes. Hard.

    3. Anesor


      Only if you are putting in an IV and they have rolling veins. I think some medical personnel get a kick out of pain inflicted.

      … besides that it would ruin a perfectly good pen you’ll need to autograph your books someday. You need something far more creative, think Edmund Dante!

    4. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      sure, I think some med personnel do.  I mean, Kinda like my last blood test.  Can’t find a vein?  Well, lets jab you in the back of the hand!  (Never mind, I need to type for my profession).

  7. We really do need you to follow the procedures for this section of the forum. You can find the format here, and you should start a new thread to list the story or stories to be adopted. While we appreciate many of the threads are old, we still need to follow the proper format so all the relevant information is available in one place. Otherwise, it’s just too hard to go back and forth when we need to transfer ownership of a story. Thanks!
  8. If CL isn’t reading or isn’t available, send the scene to me, and I’ll check. But even if the corpse is present, and gets a bit of evidence on it, I don’t think it qualifies as Nec since no one is actually having any sexual contact with the corpse itself deliberately.
  9. Nope, not unless a corpse joins the fun.
  10. You’ve hit the nail on the head as far as Clegane, I think. I can see him having that small remnant of what constitutes manners in Westeros, despite how much he loathes most of polite society (I harbor a suspicion he genuinely liked Arya and did not loathe Sansa). But among the wildlings, women are as fierce as the men, as Ygritte proved, and they take what they want just as easily, as Jon Snow learned.
  11. I can assure you the story is not in our records for a current infraction. I’m going to reiterate what Pittwitch said above. You should copy the chapter to your Notepad or Wordpad or whatever quick text program you have prior to posting. If you’re working from a mobile device, there are free text programs available for Android and iOS which will emulate Microsoft Word and allow you to keep a backup of your chapter. You can also access Google Drive from an Android device, which would let you save your work and access it from any of your devices. I’m also going to point out this bit of our Terms of Service: “You understand that while AFF makes every attempt to ensure no loss of data occurs, that AFF is not responsible if data is lost or corrupted. You agree that keeping a copy of your work is your personal responsibility.”
  12. DG is insanely busy, and understaffed as the hells at work.
  13. Oh, you have absolutely succeeded! As I read, I’m hearing the voices of the characters, and it’s brilliant how alive they are in your story. They aren’t out of character at all. This is exactly how I would expect them to react, and to behave. It’s perfect, really!
  14. Thank you! The story is visible in the archive again, and happy writing.
  15. It’s fine! We’re here to help, really!
  16. From our records, I’m seeing that your story was hidden earlier today for missing story tags. Once you’ve added the required tags, as per the email you were sent by one of our moderators, we can make it visible again. You’ll be able to see it in your archive Control Panel, of course.
  17. This link should take you to a page to request a new activation email. If it still doesn’t come, I’ll flag this for our tech admin.
  18. What is the pen name you’re using for registration?
  19. Family absolutely has to come first, and I’m delighted your absence was for all the right reasons. I’ll stop fretting quietly now.
  20. Seekah has an account here, but that story is not published on AFF, sorry!
  21. As far as I can tell, nothing’s been deleted in the Originals subdomain. Perhaps you can give me your pen name? I’m not finding anything based on your guest name on the forum.
  22. “Think so? Secret, browning the butter before making the dough. Most people don’t do that as takes up time.” – Hot Pie to Arya Stark
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