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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. Look in the menu bar at the top of the archive. If it says Log in, try it and see if it will let you in with the password you just set. I recall, back when we first changed the code enough to require us all to re-validate, there was a glitch which said we weren’t successful at reactivating, but we actually were. We just had to log out, and then in again. (And this is why non-coders like me resort so frequently to wine… )
  2. I’ll see if I can’t get some insight from our tech admin. I’m as baffled as anyone, since this seems to be a relatively recent occurrence to have so many passwords fail and be unable to be reset.
  3. The under 8 letters/numbers is going to be a problem when you reset, just as a heads up. I’m not sure how you were able to log in with it at all, frankly, since I had to reset mine back in 2012 when the requirement for a minimum of 8 letters/numbers was put in place. But again, I’m not a coder, so I can’t speak as to the mysterious ways of the archive code. Are you using the Password Reset link from the profile menu? I’ve not actually used that one, but I do share a direct link from the FAQ menu which has worked in the past for other members: http://members.adult-fanfiction.org/reset.php We recently changed things around in the archive to accommodate mobile device users, and the left side menus were disabled all over, except in a few limited areas, like profiles. I’m not sure if there’s any error in that bit of coding as a result of the changes.
  4. Hi, I’m not sure what’s up with passwords lately, but… just to ask the obvious, did you try resetting with the same password? That will blank the field and force another reset, which is not good if there’s already a problem. Also, did you use any special characters? Only numbers and/or letters are allowed, and the letters are case sensitive. We also discovered (the hard way) that passwords must be at least 8 letters/numbers long, but can’t be longer than 12 letters/numbers. Hopefully, DemonGoddess061 will have a few minutes to let me know what we can do to fix this. She’s been working egregious overtime lately,.so please be patient with us. She’s the database person, whereas I just know basic troubleshooting.
  5. It’s very unforgiving about date formats. I tend to use the slash automatically myself, and I’m pretty sure I remember getting that wrong myself when I revalidated.
  6. The format is extremely specific. It must be yyyy-mm-dd. That means, for a birthdate of August 7, 1992, you would input 1992-08-07.
  7. When you click on the author’s name, you’ll be taken to their profile. At the very top, in the url, there is a number at the end. That’s the author’s ID. The FAQ on that is here.
  8. I can so relate to this. I have so many things floating around in my head, but when I try to pin them down, they’re gone, or else the words are awkward, and don’t fit right. I know what I want to say—it’s right there, on the tip of my tongue—but then I try to define it, and the whole mess falls apart in my hands. I’ve decided it will be written when it wants to be written, and I can’t force it, whatever it turns out to be.
  9. I’m glad it was a relatively simple fix for you, and I think we all want an easy way to fix youthful writing.
  10. I *think* I see the issue. There were a couple of stories in Naruto which had the first chapter cut off, and they all had a note at the end of the summary: “Feedback: Constructive please (or glowing if you like) >. “ I’m going to guess this was a text emoticon, but the next symbol, “<” was misread by the archive software and the rest of the text was not displayed. Try editing that out, and see if the rest of the chapter reappears.
  11. I’m in, with details to be filled in, as soon as I can cudgel my brain into working properly. There isn’t enough coffee in the world for today…
  12. I can see the Art Room when logged out, and access the folders. I also think it’s not a bad idea to hash this out here. It’s not like we have hordes of other people chiming in. It’s really mostly staff, JD, and Des. But I do tell our members we take their suggestions under consideration, and I sort of like them seeing that in action, if you will. However, this is a forum matter, and I’m archive, so I leave it up to you two to decide how to handle it.
  13. Our archive code is a customized version of the original package, which is no longer supported, and we’re working within that framework to make the archive as user-friendly as possible. There are limits, however, as well as the additional consideration of trying to make the archive mobile-friendly. A lot of the functionality of previous updates has been reworked (and not always to the better) by that focus on mobile users. And yes, that is a grumble from someone who still likes her phone to be a phone, and who prefers a PC for Internet use. Perhaps in future, our coders will see a way to make that an easier process, but for now, that’s the best we can offer. After the initial work of adding a story, it really is a quick way to access a story or author’s profile, which would have links to all their stories.
  14. We don’t have a button to mark a story as a favorite. However, in one’s archive profile, one can add a story as Recommended Reading, or note an author as a favorite author. That lets you add the link to the author or stories, so you can access them very quickly.
  15. The spoiler tag just hides the image, but it still loads, as far as I know. We have the Art Room thread. Maybe we need to confine all images there, so people can avoid the image-laden posts altogether if they choose? It would be easy enough to moderate that—delete any post containing an image other than an avatar if it’s posted outside the Art Room. If you need to provide illustrations for your challenge or request, do it in PM, or email it. Does that work?
  16. Well, given that it’s not an option, the Web being as politicized as anything else in this world, I think we need to make a conscious choice in favor of protecting our members. To that end, we need to disallow embedded images on the forum. The archive doesn’t allow for members to even post clickable links within stories, and I’m completely fine with that.
  17. Actually, I don’t want most NSFW images to pop up for me at home, which is where I do the bulk of my work. I shouldn’t have to close my browser window whenever the bell rings. The other consideration is how child pornography is defined here in the US, which is visual. Pictures of under-18 characters in flagrante delicto is actually illegal here. Someone may love the idea of Harry and Draco getting it on while still first years at Hogwarts, but photoshops of Daniel Radcliffe and Tom Felton while they’re still under 18 are an issue for me. I don’t need that on my browser history, thank you ever so much.
  18. Honestly, if we could remove the auto-embed option for the forum, that would do the trick. If I want to see something, I don’t mind the extra click, honestly, but I really, REALLY don’t always want something NSFW to pop up on my monitor when I’m checking a thread.
  19. When you get back, I’m going to ask that you email me with the password, so I can see if there’s something in it which might cause a problem. I don’t want you to post it here on a public forum, and guests can’t use the forum’s messaging system, but our staff email is not public. You can email me via tos_team@adult-fanfiction.org. I check that email daily, so I’ll see it. In any event, a very happy Thanksgiving!
  20. Okay, that helps a lot, actually! Your last access was back in September 2012, and you have re-registered under the revised archive code. That’s the good news. You don’t need to re-register. What I’m going to recommend is that you do the clearing of your cache and browser history, and get rid of all the AFF cookies in your browser as well. I suspect one of the cookies is corrupted, and that will create issues with resetting your password. Once you’ve cleared everything, close the browser completely, and you might even want to restart your computer to make absolutely sure that data is gone. When you restart your browser, you should be able to reset your password using this link: http://members.adult-fanfiction.org/reset.php Let me know if this works, and if not, we’ll explore more options.
  21. Hi, If you can tell me your pen name, or give me the url to your account, I can see what I can do to troubleshoot this. We’ve had a lot of changes recently, from the revision of the archive code (more than once) right up to a domain name change. One of the things we recommend before trying to re-register is to clear the browser’s cache and history, back to the beginning of time, and also to remove all AFF cookies which might refer back to the old domain name of adultfanfiction.net. The redirect expired, and those lead to all sorts of odd places now. As far as passwords, we do have a new requirement there of no less than 8 letters and/or numbers, and no more than 12. Special characters and symbols aren’t allowed, and the passwords are case sensitive. The good part is you don’t need to know the old password to reset it, but you do need access to the original email address used to create the account, and you can’t reuse the current password when resetting. That blanks the field and forces yet another reset. If you don’t have access to the original email address, we can update that for you in the database, and you can then re-register. That’s the off-the-top-of-my-head stuff. We’ll get you back into your account, though.
  22. I completely agree, as far as the forum goes. The archive doesn’t allow for embedded pictures, which is a relief. Truly.
  23. The author was kotikzhenshchina, but the author profile and all stories were deleted. I’m not seeing any indication this was done by staff action, so I’m going to assume it was by author request that the account was removed.
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