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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. Given their oral tentacles, you have some potential there, too.
  2. My personal take was to assume they have the usual hominid genitalia, since other than their lovely oral attributes, they seem fairly standard.
  3. Checking back, that was indeed the issue, so if you repost it without asking people if they want you to continue, we’re fine. You can always ask people to leave a review and let you know what they think, of course. And if you choose to make a forum thread for review replies, you can ask people questions there freely, including to gauge their interest. Readers don’t need a forum profile to read and respond to threads in that area of the forum.
  4. Let me point out that we do not allow anyone to solicit or to offer hard copies of stories here on AFF, unless it is the actual author of the story making the offer or request. If a story was taken down, for whatever reason, we respect that here and we will hold our members to that standard of behavior.
  5. I’m mainly on a desktop, so I can scroll with my mouse. On my phone, I can use the touch screen and scroll that way—I don’t even see the scroll bar on the phone (Android OS, Chrome browser)
  6. I will not pretend to know how they do it, but even without blades, they cool and circulate the air quite nicely. I thought it was all a marketing thing until I saw it in action at my friend’s cottage. It was nearly 100F, and her place was perfectly cool. I’m thinking of getting some at the Dyson store on Ebay, if they’re cheaper than my big old air conditioner at the lake. Here in the city, my electric is part of my monthly common charges, so I don’t care one way or the other. But at the lake, I get the dreaded electric bill, so...
  7. I’m not a fan of cold, but neither am I fond of humidity. I do better with drier heat, but even as heat tolerant as I am, there are limits. I know they can be stupidly expensive, but the Dyson cooling fans are utterly brilliant. I don’t know if you have them in Australia, or if there are similar fans, but they are far more energy efficient than air conditioners and work extremely well. A friend of mine got one for her lake cottage, and almost never uses the actual wall mounted air conditioner she had put in. The Dyson cools the place very well, and it’s comfortable—not freezing like air conditioners can be. They’re also portable, so can be moved from room to room. It’s a thought, to help you and mum. If not for this year, think about it for next year. You might catch sales at the end of summer.
  8. I lose the list when I go to the scrolldown bat itself, but I can scroll through the chapters if I stay in the middle. It’s not a fix for the scrolldown bar, but it’s a faster workaround than using the right hand side menu to move around.
  9. ::peruses WIPs:: Well, shit. I have no Bobs or Bobbies, but I do have lots of dangly bits. Oh, well…
  10. No, no, because when you don’t get that rejection, when they say, “Yes!”… it’s like nothing else in the world.
  11. Posting here is hard. Sending the email with a manuscript attached is agony, and then I spend two weeks looking for the rejection email before I promise myself not to look every ten minutes. And if I do get an email from whoever I sent the manuscript to, it takes me five minutes to click on it to read it. It’s not gotten better, either. I still shake like a leaf every time I hit the send button.
  12. For me, it depends on the world. If I’m writing for a fandom, such as Lord of the Rings, or Dragon Age, I look to the fandom’s naming conventions. Tolkien resources abound online, nd for Dragon Age, each realm corresponds to a degree to a country in our own world. Ferelden is English/Scottish. Antiva is Spain. Orlais is France. So, using names from those countries works well. As far as original work, however, that’s part of my world building. I absolutely agree with Des that you do need to adjust for balance. And for how it sounds. Say it out loud, because I promise you, your readers will, and if it sounds wrong, it takes them right out of the story.
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