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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. Melrick, I think these are perfect for the “Unofficial Guides” section. Honestly, I love these!
  2. Fan fiction written for paid commission is not permitted on the site at all. The stories have been removed.
  3. Rant away. Honestly, the fanpoodle troll just reveals new levels of ignorance, which will remain uncorrected since I’m not going to dignify their drivel with a response. Suffice to say, they’ve never handled an actual bullwhip.
  4. There could be something like the Stargate technology, where the receiver for the transport beam was left behind on Earth. It might not even resemble anything we’d associate with transport. Perhaps it’s a flat stone with peculiar glyphs, which are needed by the shipside end of the beam as a cosmic QR code, if you will.
  5. The troll isn’t even registered on AO3, and it certainly feels like they’re just stirring up trouble for enjoyment. I think ignoring them completely is the best course of action, really. The original troll is a college student with more ambition than intelligence, and the grammar skills of a 5th grader, who’s wondering why he doesn’t get adoration for his present-day AUs containing LotR characters who are so out of character as to be unrecognizable. This is our future, may the gods be good and take them quickly.
  6. I actually have to side with Des on this. Report it, repeatedly if necessary, and if they continue, report the new content. Don’t let up until you get a response from the site. But if you respond on their comments, it will only incite them.
  7. Links for above: What a Witch Needs by Petalsoft
  8. ::snerk:: I’m not even celebrating birthdays in years any more. I do decades, which is curiously liberating, actually.
  9. Mine is: “Find a publisher who isn’t going to go belly-up.” Oh, and lose 25 pounds, because my body dysmorphia is playing up again.
  10. You had your hands full on this subdomain, really.
  11. Chapters are truncated. Story Profile
  12. Email me with the correct email address and password, please. I’ll ask DG to verify that what we have matches. I just don’t like putting member emails out here in an open forum, so drop me an email at tos_team@adult-fanfiction. org to keep your data private.
  13. The newer account was the account specified for the surviving account after the merge. I have this: http://members.adult-fanfiction.org/profile.php?no=1296894525 DG reset the membership date to the older date, but the email and password would be the same as the newer account.
  14. From my family to your, the brightest blessings of this holiday season, and all the best in 2017!


    xmas lights.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DemonGoddess


      My son is cooking today!  Happy merry to everyone!

    3. BronxWench


      I did most of the cooking last night. The lasagne is prepared and only needs baking (2 pans of it), and the filling for the steak, mushroom, and onion pie is done. All I need to do is prepare the pie crusts, fill, and bake. I have Italian bread, salad, and lots of nibbly things, as well as a case of wine, hard cider, Guinness, beer, and Campari. The place is mostly tidy, and I’m ready! :D

    4. JayDee


      Mary seasonal thingies all!

  15. From my house to yours, the very brightest of holiday seasons, and all possible joy in the year to come!
  16. Try opening your browser settings. Clear your cache and cookies for AFF, make sure you have third party cookies enabled, and then clear your browsing history. Close the browser all the way, so that the data clears properly. Then restart your browser and see if you are able to comment again.
  17. Can you be more specific about what’s happening? For example, when you click the review button, do you get a new window with a little Rich Text Editor box, and a recaptcha at the bottom? Or is it an issue with the recaptcha? The more information you can give, the quicker we can identify the problem and solve it.
  18. You have to actually share a Google Doc with someone deliberately. You can invite them to edit, or share with them by naming them when you click the blue “Share” button in the corner. So, unless you’ve opened up the document, it remains private.
  19. Okay, so… Subdomain: Anime Category: Yuri!!! On Ice Do you have a story for it? Yes/No
  20. I quite like Google Docs. I do use it now for collaborative writing, and it does have some distinct advantages in the auto save feature as well as the ability to access your documents from anywhere you have internet access. It has a word counter, spell checker, and I’m not sure about double words. LibreOffice is also very useful, and free, and definitely mirrors Word’s functionality.
  21. What’s the subdomain, please, and do you have a story for it?
  22. That was it. Now that I have both accounts, I can ask our tech admin to merge them.
  23. If not, let us know what you tried, and what happened. We’ll figure this out.
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