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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. Nope. That’s reserved for things like dildos, vibrators, paddles, swings, and the like. Toys are external devices, and the man can’t quite be considered the parasite’s toy.
  2. I’d go 3+ just because, especially if the parasite is self aware. The appropriate tag for any content involving an alleged new president of the United States is actually NMP, Not My President, and might also require a WS tag along with Contro.
  3. Apparently, the Trumpian effect has struck. My son’s bus has managed to pick him up on time these week once. ONCE. I have set a record for the number of complaints filed in a single day, and I’m now going to drive the poor kid to school, because the driver is out and there isn’t anyone who can drive the bus.

    The ill-prepared nature of this bus company is breathtaking. Equipment breaks down? No problem. Wait for another bus to finish its route, and send that out. “These kids” aren’t really learning anything, so they can miss the morning at school. No driver? Same deal, wait for someone else to finish a route, and that’s good enough.

    1. pippychick


      *sighs* They’ve been useless for a while now. I don’t know what else to suggest except to keep complaining. Is it the school’s responsibility? Surely they must be thinking of getting some other bus company to fulfil the role by now…



    2. WillowDarkling


      We need a “no-like” button for updates like this… This is just horrendous. 



    3. pippychick


      I can’t get my head around how they can think it’s in any way acceptable to leave kids waiting around in the winter. It’s atrocious. :(

  4. Links for above: Glass Dragon by SnowFlight
  5. The author took it down to rewrite it.
  6. I’m a little unclear as to what you need. First, what was your old pen name, and did you make a new account? If you did, what is the new account, so we can merge them for you. Second, if you can point me to the subdomain for the new story, I’d be happy to check the disclaimer for you.
  7. The “search archive” function in each subdomain lists examples of how to limit the search requests to include only the desired tags. Just enter them in the correct format, or with the correct operators, and that should do the trick.
  8. Per Tosmail, this story is “bugged.” What it has is formatting issues from Chapter 2 until the end: http://cartoon.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=544187340
  9. Right here. http://anime.adult-fanfiction.org/index.php?cat=2070
  10. Through the Veil and Back Again by SpeedyTomato
  11. Are you requesting a category, or searching for a story, or issuing a challenge? If requesting a category, please follow the format. If searching or issuing a challenge, you’re in the wrong thread, and our forum moderator can delete this post. In any case, the subject line is not where we write a post.
  12. If this is the person who emailed, the story was called “Have Your Cake and Eat It Too”, but I couldn’t find any records of staff action regarding this story. If anyone can supply the name of the author, I’m happy to check further.
  13. You can search in the following: http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/index.php?cat=841 http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/index.php?cat=2122 http://books.adult-fanfiction.org/index.php?cat=2203
  14. Avernion removed all her stories, and as far as I know, has not reposted them.
  15. Are you trying to reset your password to the same one you previously used? That will generate an error. If not, then perhaps you are not responding to the reset email quickly enough. I’m not sure, but there might be a time limit for that response.
  16. What can I say? I’ve been doing this for six years now. I’m hopelessly corrupted and wonderfully deviant.
  17. Pretty much, yes, and to give me bishie flashbacks.
  18. I’m going by the more traditional usage of the terms, and even the expanded definitions don’t provide the clear age ranges I need as far as archive content warnings. Reading about a 16 or 17 year old having sex is one thing, but when the character is under 13, it’s a huge trigger for many readers. Even being under 18 can be a trigger. Neither shota, gay or straight, nor loli provide that clarity. I will grant you, in most of the shota I’ve seen lately, the boys are definitely falling into the Minor1 age range, so do we consider shota one of the major trigger tags, too? Loli got its name from the Nabokov novel, of course. That artificially enhanced young-girl image appealed to the ecchi audience, and it’s still a big part of the Harajuku cosplay scene.
  19. Nope. Lolicon is a very specific anime term, and can actually refer to someone indulging in ageplay as a young girl. The term “shota” was also coined based on a particular genre of manga, with older women being attracted to younger males. The Minor1 and Minor2 tags are both age-specific and not gender limited, and apply to any fandom.
  20. As I recall, the word “snuff” was included in at least two of the story summaries for the stories I removed. Were it not for the larger issue of fan fiction for profit, I’d have merely hidden the other four and asked that the warnings be made clearer if I did not think the current tags were sufficient. After 6 years moderating for AFF, I’ve been sandbagged by more than enough unexpected content to be well able to know when tags need to be added. I read things every week I’d not read by choice, but I do it because I value what AFF stands for in terms of artistic freedom. And yes, we try very hard to make sure trigger issues are labelled, but the answer isn’t always simple. For example, I do not consider the Shota or Loli tags an acceptable substitute for Minor1 or Minor2. They are not clearly defined by age ranges, and are anime-specific. Similarly, Noncon is never a substitute for Rape as far as I’m concerned, and I will not accept Noncon in place of the Rape tag. We actually don’t have much snuff fiction here, and while we all might have varying ideas of what constitutes Contro content, we have a clear label for BDSM as well as for SandM. I’m not sure how specific you want Torture to be defined, but I’d strongly suggest having to add tags for every possible act of torture ever conceived of by the human race would be exhaustive to create and not terribly useful. Despite a personal fondness for the Wicker Man, I can’t imagine Ritual Immolation would be a frequent tag choice. Similarly, I would not recommend free-for-all tagging such as I’ve seen elsewhere. It would completely negate any ability to search by tags, a feature we’ve recently been able to expand, and one which has been requested for quite some time. But in this particular instance, we were asked to review newly posted material because of unlabeled content. A larger issue was revealed, which resulted in the stories being removed from the site, and which disappointed other readers. The long and short of it is that we’re not going to please all the people all the time, and in this case, I’m not sure anyone came away happy.
  21. I only removed the six new postings from this week, which had the link to his Patreon. The rest of the stories were fine, and I left them in place. So, I can only surmise DeathStalker removed them. JD, snuff has never actually required a tag of its own, since MCD, Contro, and if necessary Violence more than cover it. So you were right. And DeathStalker is a wonderful writer, even if the content is sometimes not to everyone’s taste. I’m just not eager to see the site closed down for condoning copyright infringement.
  22. Yes, the query run to move the tags did truncate some. Our coder is correcting those, or at least some of those, at present, and we mods will tackle them as we run across them as well.
  23. If you read our Terms of Service, you will see the following: Further, the very nature of fan fiction involves the use of material whose copyright is not owned by you. In order for that material to be covered under the Fair Use provisions of US copyright law, you cannot make any form of monetary profit from that fan fiction, which includes soliciting donations to a Patreon account. You can read that here: The site can face grave legal consequences if we permit for-profit commissioned fan fiction to be posted here. That affects every member, and while you might have seen one person report this, please understand we investigate every report and base our actions on that investigation. In this case, it had nothing to do with the content. If the stories involved snuff and were clearly labelled, there would be no issue. However, accepting money for work based on a copyright you don’t own is illegal, and is not allowed here. You may note none of the stories removed were original works, and no story was removed unless it contained a link to the Patreon account and a statement that it was a commissioned work.
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