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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. Hi, Your account isn’t blocked, and I’m showing your last login on December 6, 2016. Let me run through some possibilities. If you’re resetting the password and using the same password, that causes an error which blanks the field all over again. Passwords now need to be at least 8 letter and/or numbers long, with no special characters. They’re also case sensitive, so if you used a capital letter anywhere when creating the password, you always need a capital letter in that spot. The login needs to be from the email address associated with the account. If you’ve updated your email address but haven’t updated it here, that can cause the login to fail because we won’t recognize the new address. If AFF isn’t loading at all, that’s another issue entirely, and I’m not sure why that would be, if you’ve cleared cookies. Perhaps clearing your browser’s cache would help. You’ll need to close the browser afterward, and restart it to make sure the deletions go through.
  2. Can you give me the url for your new account as well, please?
  3. If I’m not mistaken, Cordelia Kingsbridge removed all her stories from the internet to publish them.
  4. And the email was returned to me as undeliverable, which would clear up the issue. Please email me at the above address with the current email address you’re using, because the one we have of record is apparently no longer valid.
  5. Hi, I’d rather not post an email here in a public forum, but the email I have of record is what I’m using to email you, to test it. You should see something from tos_team@adult-fanfiction.org in your email, which would be me.
  6. Dragon prints are visits to the story, so each time someone visits the story, it will add a dragon print. Flipping through multiple chapters in a story will not add dragon prints, however. One per visit.
  7. Futanari is an anime-specific term, whereas hermaphrodite refers mostly to the medical condition of having genitalia of both genders, although it may or may not be functional, and most are infertile. Warm and Fuzzy Feelings is the overly happy-ever-after trope, the neatly sewn up, everyone has cake and tea and loves each other sort of thing. Like kittens on the internet, and puppies.
  8. I don’t believe it does. It’s just opening the story that does it.
  9. They’re individual hits, each time the story is accessed. So, if I come back to a story daily, every visit counts as a new dragon print.
  10. Angst: If it’s just a brief scene, it isn’t necessary. It’s for those stories that are non-stop angst, really, or where entire chapters are devoted to it. HC, Hurt/Comfort, again, if it’s just a small amount, it’s not a required tag.If it’s the predominant theme, yes, we need it. Herm applies to characters with dual genitalia. Futanari (dickgirls) is a specific trope, and doesn’t quite cover the actual medical condition. Hum. Humanoid: I wouldn’t insist on this for elves, actually, but definitely for orcs, trolls, and bugbears. Spank is generally used in relation to sexual gratification, but it’s not meant for use if a character spanks a naughty child, unless the character doing the spanking is getting off. It’s often found in conjunction with Ds or Ms, when those don’t quite reach BDSM levels. On the whole, we try to be reasonable in our tagging requirements. We’re always happy to let you know if a tag is required, and you can email us at tos_team@adult-fanfiction.org, or PM me.
  11. I’m quite sure Glorfindel will be over his head with that pair, no matter how well trained!
  12. Links for above: State of the Union by Duchess
  13. What browser are you using? It’s not so much the operating system as it is the web browser. This FAQ covers Chrome, Firefox and Microsoft Edge.
  14. Because it apparently escaped notice, let me restate what heads up each search thread on the forum: “ If you know the piece of fiction that someone is searching for is removed from the site, but you retained a personal copy, please do not pass the story around. If the story is taken down either by the Author or Moderator staff there is a reason behind it that must be respected. ” Please refrain from offering to share saved copies of works removed from the site.
  15. Oh, you are a wicked tease! But I know you won’t keep me waiting too long!
  16. Isn’t that the best part? The Noldor were not so very peaceful and civilized then, were they? Quite the difference from Elrond.
  17. Ah, Des… you know we’re sticklers for that! But it’s really better to err on the side of caution. I’ve tagged for rape when it’s been no more than an offstage event garnering a brief mention in dialogue. Better safe that sorry when it comes to the more fraught tags.
  18. Most of the folk I know who are Asatru don’t get too wound up about the Marvel version of their gods. I honor them, of course, like a good little pagan, but Thor isn’t one of my go-to gods (although Loki, well… if he really looked like Tom Hiddleston, I might be seriously tempted...).
  19. One thing we’ve thought about, but haven’t implemented, could be something like a “like” button, or the kudo feature on AO3. The only option is to leave a positive nod, eliminating the spite downvotes we dealt with in the old system. To be very honest, ratings tend to be so subjective, they can’t be relied on as a marker of quality. We had stories rated 5 here which were not very well written, not beta-read, and formatted dreadfully, BUT they were for a pairing that was popular, or contained a trope that was beloved of the fandom. Seeing a bunch of positive indicators for a story could be as subjective, and would indicate nothing more than readers liked it for whatever reason, but it would at least give shy readers a way to comment/review/feed the author. As unlikely as it sounds, when I first found AFF, I was very nervous about leaving reviews, given the passion of some of the other reviewers in the fandoms I was reading. (Obviously, I got better. )
  20. It might be one of Keith’s stories.
  21. That’s what the forums are for. We can let it out, talk about an idea, hash out a sticky plot point, whatever we need. We’re all banging our heads on the same brick walls, and mine has a pretty deep dent right now. But it’s getting better as I remind myself NaNo is over, and I can edit as I write again.
  22. This is definitely the right place. I will say, while I find AFF to be an incredibly supportive place in terms of being able to talk to other writers (and readers, too!) here on the forums, there isn’t a lot of review feedback outside the more popular fandoms. I imagine if I decided to write for Harry Potter, or Naruto, or one of the many anime fandoms, I’d probably get more reviews, but you know, those just aren’t my thing. I like my bit of original stuff, my game fandoms, and the LotR collaboration I have with pippychick. But I do get the lack of motivation thing. Between one thing and another, finishing NaNoWriMo this year was like pulling teeth. I did it, but it was probably the hardest one yet. But it will get better after the holidays, when I can find more time to write again. (And when my muse, who bears a startling resemblance to a Pembroke Welsh corgi, stops demanding attention every time she hears my keyboard.)
  23. Honestly, he’s a terrific writer. I’m hoping he’s publishing somewhere, and if so, I’d love to know! I’d buy his books in a heartbeat!
  24. As much as it pains me to ask this, if you’ve purchased books from Torquere Press, please don’t. They’ve stopped paying authors, editors, and cover artists. While we’re all trying to get our rights reverted back to us, our books are still listed for sale on Amazon, Torquere, Smashwords, Barnes & Noble, Google Play Books, and All Romance, to name a few. Check before you buy: if the publisher is Torquere, please don’t buy. We won’t get paid.

    Writer Beware post

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. BronxWench


      They are based in Arkansas, making it unlikely I’ll go down there to sue them. I’m not going to get any money out of this. I’ll settle for my rights back, and I’ll go peddle my stories elsewhere. They’ll find a good home. :)

    3. JayDee


      That’s pretty shitty. Hope you’re at least able to get your rights back.

    4. BronxWench


      I’m just waiting for that countersignature on the Reversion of Rights letter, and then I’m off and running. We’ll see what else shakes out. I’m not owed enough to pull my hair out over that, but I want my hard work back.

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