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Everything posted by InvidiaRed

  1. Never have done water-sports and tentacles might be fun. As for family, that’s why you use your personal accounts and not your public one haha.
  2. From JayDee on June 25, 2021 “Returning light” “Harry thought of good times with his best mates and he was rewarded with a bang” Filthy! Oh OH, right, wrong bang. Carry on. This one seems to be fairly optimistic! Ol Riddle coming across as a bit of a dick in Harry’s recollection which definitely fits in canon. I liked how he got the ol’ Patronus running around and had a nice sense of comfort from the light. There’s a quote, I think Terry Pratchett? “Sometimes it’s better to light a flamethrower than curse the darkness.” Anyway, good to get back into Harry’s head here and looking forward to the next part. Even if it is detailed laundry doing. To rise on the back of giants means you don’t have start from scratch. He’s got Dumbledore and others as examples he isn’t alone. Darkness has marked him but at his core Harry shines brighter for it.
  3. Its a badge of honor. Oh you liked them doing carnal fornication?! well then that’s what they’ll do
  4. http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600099588&chapter=11


    Just a quick update to celebrate my achievement of finishing and then I decided to do a Preview Hahaha. The world is grand <3 :D

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      The Return of the King also had a bunch of appendices too, histories, family trees, etc – clever way to info-dump without over-burdening the prose.

    3. InvidiaRed


      Lol I have the rest of my life to expand the verse as it were hahah.


      Now off to find a decent editor!!!

    4. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price


      Now off to find a decent editor!!!

      An indecent editor might be more appealing?

  5. Finally, my labor is nearing its ebb. 3k words left :cheers:


    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. JayDee



      How does it feel? I’m always torn when I make it to the end of something. I’m thrilled to be done, but never quite ready to let the little story go out into the world all alone… :lol: 

      You guys are making it to the end of things?


    3. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price


      You guys are making it to the end of things?  :blink:

      “End of things” … that does not compute.

    4. BronxWench



      You guys are making it to the end of things?

      I do actually make it to the end of things. I just never seem to get around to actually posting them. :lol: 


  6. 6k words let just wow. Home stretch is nearly in sight. I can’t believe it.

    1. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      One more chapter… one more chapter… words seduce, and you’ll have that million in no time!  :freak:

    2. InvidiaRed


      Maybe for my HP fanfic

      Tarnished Lion =p nearly 30k dragon prints and yet three comments so I assume people enjoy it? I’m pretty sure it’s almost as many words as order of the phoenix


      but I swore I’d be a full fledged writer by my birthday

    3. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      My potter fic (on AO3) stands at 927k – that’s short, right?  B-)    Not sure the best way to get people to comment/review, otherwise I’d be minting them myself.


  7. my spellchecker constantly flags grey/ gray. If I want to use them interchangeably I will
  8. I mainly ado full mage build. I should probably do that whole OP sniper archer everyone seems to do. The spells can be a little lack luster buts its hilarious when you can heal yours companions faster than they can get hurt.
  9. 12K words left and my wordsmithing is nearing its end :spank:

    1. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Lemme proofread… “12M words left” right?  :thumbsup:

    2. InvidiaRed



      No, 8k left since I essentially had to rewrite the entire novel almost from the ground up. So find another editor

      getting nervous tho. What if everybody hates it? ugh..

      How do you fellow writers deal with the nerves?

    3. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price


      How do you fellow writers deal with the nerves?

      Close my eyes before I hit the post button.

  10. I feel like there is a whole untapped subgenre of what happens when a zombie apocalypse gets worse.

    *Werewolf howls*

    or demons escaping hell or vampires going crazy as they try to find the last living humans before they go totally feral.

    or even suddenly it goes disaster movie.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. JayDee


      @GeorgeGlass Max Brooks*’ short story The Extinction Parade and the comic miniseries adaption pretty much matches that.

      *The World War Z guy.

      Edit – https://www.amazon.com/Max-Brooks-Extinction-Parade-1/dp/1592912346

      “As humans wage their losing fight versus the hoards of the subdead, a frightening realization sets in with the secretive vampire race: our food is dying off. This is the story of the vampire's descent into all-out war with the mindless, hungry hordes of the zombie outbreak as humanity tries to survive them all! “


    3. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Suddenly, the thought came to my head… “The Zombie Dating GAME SHOW!”  I must be very disturbed.

    4. InvidiaRed


      I kinda want to write a zombie apoclypse that happens during a dating game show. hahaha

  11. Chemical burns tend to be worse because acids will continue doing damage until washed off/ neutralized.
  12. From JayDee on June 01, 2021 Part 2! (basically the DM comments!) In terms of fairly brutal helpless darkfic it’s pretty fucking solid. Some interesting ideas -I’ve listed a couple bits that stood out – and it seems to be pushing on your existing storyline. I always figured Lucifer’s big advantage was his cunning and brain though, bit like Loki really. Is he gonna take it lying down? Absolutely not, He’s more concerned with the fact that for all the hard work he’s done in keeping the status quo that he personally and his poker buddies have done essentially means nothing. Since the main body for the gods has quietly chosen to destroy man. So by securing the aid of pretty much the designated bastard. There’s some small glimmer that it won’t all end in tears. He may act eviler than he truly is but it’s an entirely different thing to be the sextoy and gimp of a god of evil. For the general MM content – I’ve written a lot less of this so you might be better asking someone with a lot more writing experience to look it over. MORE SPOILER LIKE COMMENTS This Zahhak snake guy is way less funny to be around than the snake with puppets dude! But, not a complaint, you’re going for darkfic, right? Anyway, seems like these bunker dwelling assholes probably had it coming. Generally good guys don’t get bunkers. So, fuck ‘em. Let the god of evil have his fun. This is very much a every dog has his day. In this case, while the world is reeling from waking up a year later and a pandemic the evil gods have all the chaos they need to put their plans into motion. “Lucifer's knee erupted in a shower of divine ichor.” – Nothing wrong here, this is a great line! Fuckin’ kneecappin’ the devil. Then knocking another couple limbs off, pretty brutal! Also really cool of having Lucifer undo that zipper with his teeth and get a cock in the face. That’s…. that’s something I’ve not seen before I don’t think. I’ve seen coming all manner of noxious substances, and oviposition, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen anybody coming fire ants, or other bugs. That’s a hell of good idea! Thanks Cumming swarms of vermin paints a vivid picture. Doesn’t it? Haha I kinda want to see you use it since I unironically love your writing. Its also something Ahriman really would do. Since canonically, He’s a god that chooses to be a bastard. ‘ It is not that I cannot create anything good, but that I will not. ‘ He’s very much the woke up and choose violence kinda guy. And nothing sounds as petty as losing your crops to a horde of locusts just because some random asshole wanted to rub one out. Lucifer having an Olympian buttplug in was also cool and this here: "You whore." Ahriman said, pleased that he didn't have to break in that unconquered hole. "You've been fucking an Olympian! Did they all have a turn? Of course, Zeus had a taste of you. You're going to catch something from that manwhore." That’s pretty funny. Solid bit of levity as he’s talking to his victim there. Of course, Zeus would fuck anything. I find it funny that Ahriman accuses of Zeus of having STI’s but here he’s literally giving luci vermin and likely exposing him to all the sexual infections. Ahriman is a god that sees the destruction or desecration of beautiful things as a beautiful thing. He finds beauty in ugliness and ugliness is beauty. He’s complimenting Lamashtu here because really does find her grotesque appearance wonderful. Growing the snake out to wrap it around Lucifier’s dick is another idea I really don’t think I’ve seen the like before. Really inventive! At this stage I’m not sure if it’s like a chastity-bondage device, or a living fleshlight. (Both, you say? Well played!) It was a multifold way to , prevent him from using his manhood and keep him randier than a bitch in heat and remind Luci than Ahriman’s pleasure is more important than his own. Lucifer is his gimp. His bitch. And since he’s filled to bursting with vermin he’s going nowhere for the moment. Pleasure venom swelling the balls is another cool image. It’s not like he’ll be using them and he has to feed that snakehead something haha. just the Antichrist chap and then the epilogue
  13. Updating Tags for Offering Sorrow

    inhindsight being a dark POV should of done that first :errm:

  14. Writer question

    Pen names are confusing af like you have to copyright it?

    1. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      IANAL, however, I think trademark applies to pen names.

    2. BronxWench


      I never copyrighted my pen name, actually, but no one else has had the urge to use it as far as I know. :lol: 

    3. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Google search later, pen names may be trademark-protected, but aren’t copyright-protected.  Though, more practically, I think other writers (& lawyers) may gang up on somebody poaching another’s name.

      A scorched-earth option, make your writing sufficiently notorious so nobody dares to be associated with it.

  15. From JayDee on May 17, 2021 Well that's dark! Dismembered and still defiant there for that prisoner was kinda cool - solid description on the heart pulling there. With the mention of the drowned roosters I was making smutty jokes in my head - "It's an AFF story and cocks get wet" etc but I'm guessing that's completely unintended with the dark tones. Well, fuck them gods right? Down with ragnarok! Those wolves are fun too. Just a badass pack doing wolf stuff for mama. Mama does not fuck around when it comes to family she plays to win. Everyone else at best falls into the category of acceptable losses if they’re even considered at all even Duncan himself isn’t safe. She will deprive Asgard of that fated glorious last stand even if it means she has to kickstart another apocalypse. If her children live it will have all been worth it. The next chapter however, Ahriman is providing a challenge, I’ve never written an utter bastard before so I might PM you to at least look it over. @JayDee you portray evil characters so well.
  16. A grouping of humans is called a tribe

    1. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      And a grouping of crows is murder.  :)

    2. InvidiaRed


      A grouping of raven is an unkindness- I love how the naming are so amazing.

      Bears- Sleuthe

      Tigers- Streak

      Hippos- Pod

  17. Heads up Offering Sorrow

    is a dark antagonist’s POVs.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Aw, a more clear-cut evil for the sake of evil?  Most of my original fiction “antagonists” could be written as protagonists if you switched POVs – ie, they think they’re protecting society from the evils my typical main characters “represent”.

    3. InvidiaRed


      Sometimes you don’t need a complex motivation other than

      I’m going to destroy everything!- Angra Mainyu

      Angrboda’s primary motivation is family. She genuinely loves her children Fenrir, Hel and Jormungander and wants them safe on earth is understandable. Wanting to avenge her own murder is too,  Conspiring to get humanity to nuke Asgard less so.

    4. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      True, sometimes it simply takes a divorce to bring out the worst in people.  Have fun writing whatever the heck you want to write!

  18. One of the wierdest vids I’ve seen.

  19. Sequel to Southwestern Wind should be ready.


    Offering Sorrow should be ready by Sunday :D

  20. https://mypen.name/#generate-names


    I find it weird that they all start sounding like Roger’s personas



  21. @BronxWench 4k word count is the smallest amount acceptable for individual chapters for quite a few publishers :blink:

    So now I gotta



    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. InvidiaRed
    3. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Well, suppose you could torture them with a brick by brick description, along with blueprints, see how long it lasts until they’re throwing stones… :)

      I’ll second @BronxWench with her method, similar to how I do it.  Describe the basics, leave the rest to their imagination, unless there’s something important, like a loose brick.

    4. InvidiaRed
  22. “Any god that demands worship is by definition a tyrant”

    going through my 1st year college stuff and its cringy

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Strange_idea


      jewish lore on this one is actually quite fascinating.

    3. InvidiaRed
    4. Strange_idea


      The jewish people believe in debate. A LOT. To the point where there's an old joke that if god himself joined in a debate between priests, that'd only make the vote two to six.

      They emphasize things like moses whittling the commandments down to ten (which is also in muslim tradition) and Abraham bargaining to find ten honest men (although some argue that's so that he can see for himself how futile it is). And in a famous story (have to track it doen, sorry), the rabbis actually beat god in a talbot debate and he celebrates his 'childrens' accomplishment.

       To them, the relationship with god is a pact, one where he has to fullfill part himself. Theyve succesfully argued terms of worship a number of times, within reason because god needs to get something too. And yes, he asks for worship, but it's closer to a parent wanting to be in your life, if im understanding it righr. Does that make sense?

  23. From JayDee on April 18, 2021 Glykon is best boy! Riding around like a goddamn feather boa on a giant! Healing the heck out of the big ol’ fluffer. Literally every time Glykon is speaking or doing something is awesome. I wanna see the further adventures of the snake with the puppets. This isn’t exaggerated hyperbole, Glykon really is great and you’ve done just amazing with the character, his dialogue and actions. Glykon was a genius to invoke the same being who envenomed the great wolf. I wasn’t sure if the double negative near the start – ‘mother didn't not have serpent eyes’ – was intentional. She’s a being that doesn’t quite fit in either place. Hel doesn’t quite fit either being a goddess of the old and the infirm, the normies who couldn’t die gloriously on the battlefield and head for Valhalla they all end up at her hearth. In a sense she’s the original Helga Hufflepuff. The one who got everyone else but cares for them all the same. Of all the asgard she is the closest to humanity. The old and the infirm like to talk and so she is aware of things happening on midgard second to Odin. Asgardians tolerate her but they have all heard the eddas from the skalds of old. They all are very aware on how the story ends. So much fear because of prophecy. Prophecy is being broken is irrelevant. You could say she’s outgrowing her role.There is fear there who will she become… Or who did she became? After all, it could be the way Hel thinks of things, and similarly when there’s the mention near the end of part 2 of the warship having IBMs – was this meant to be ICBMs or is there an IBM weapon I didn’t know about? (I had an image of it showing up with some old 386s running Doom, although IBM have made much more than that) Techincally one doesn’t have to put the C. I’ll fix it Duncan having a lawyer and that lawyer working with Hollywood to appear in the exorcist movies was kinda an unexpected twist. Has this been stealth Exorcist fanfiction all along? An ancient god was flattered that humanity remembered just don’t bring up the sequel lul. He messed with the cast when he could’ve done so much worse(The actualy movie set had enough spooky set going on that it was considered Haunted Is there any cocksucking in Hel or is she more of a ladies Goddess of Death? Putting a label on a deity is a bit hubristic but Hel fell for a being that similar to herself. Someone who could understand her dualistic nature and Melione in particular is both Olympic and Underworld, A goddess of madness,nightmares and of the restless dead. Hel is sterile and can’t have kids but like her mother she is loyal to her partner.( In that sense she’s the closest to Duncan) They got catching up to do. Fenrir was a strong second favorite character here – badly wounded, just getting the fuck on with it without complaining. Getting your assbeat and seeing your own death tends to cause reflection. He found a being he couldn’t overpower. He knows more than Hel who while in the dark isn’t daft. The world serpent however beats them both on knowledge. Did the orb of venom get taken anywhere for a purpose or was it just a bit of toxic waste “Chuck it in a pit and forget about it” disposal? Its primordial nature lent itself well to creation. That’s where most of Glykon’s power went. Changing it into a palm tree, Fun fact, the palm tree is the desert version of the tree of life. Glykon couldn’t cure the venom so he merely made it something else. Something much less dangerous but also showcasing that this supposedly dead goddess isn’t quite gone. (Aka another incarnation of Duncan) “She was a monstrosity, Lucifer would absolutly and resolutely admit he had never been so flaccid in his life. The sight of her alone made Lucifer feel like he should try dick.” Lamashtu is ‘the” original bogey man the goddess of sudden infant death syndrome. A monster of the ancient world grown mighty and unbowed and one of the few surviving children of Anu. No one not even the angels themselves at their strongest ever managed to get close to killing her. Lucifer is a hedonist and while he may not like humanity. The easy life and comforts humanity has invented and or provided means Lucifer is very status quo. Unwilling to allow his creature comforts to perish. He’s very much in denial but in his heart of hearts. Prohuman no matter what he says to the contrary. That line coming out of nowhere was both awesome and hilarious. Fuckin’ nice work! So… yeah, only negative as before, a bit choppy. Could use maybe a spellcheck. Otherwise some good characterisation and lines bringing it through! Could you show me where the choppy bits are?
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