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Everything posted by InvidiaRed

  1. Mine Time hath come, As it always has, as it always will! For to be even is not to be odd! 44479!
  2. From GeorgeGlass on November 05, 2024 "Tears of a Deadworld" by InvidiaRed I like the idea of a decoy cockpit on the ship. And I liked the contrast between “gardens of tasteful bone” and “forests of gore.” I guess everything's relative. I wanted to have a twist. The decoy I’ve always wanted to do! The gardens of bone is closest to bonsai pruning. I wanted to showcase how while amelio is human, he is from an entirely different…. Flowering or branching off if that makes sense. Human but completely alien mindset. Humanity did not spring up all at once. In all likely hood the ice age probably wiped out the unluckier earlier groupings, as did predation and the other homid subspecies who were better suited to megafuna oriented environs. Amelio found it incredibly easy to infiltrate as aside from one complete indivisible difference, Nothing short of an in-depth genetic analysis would turn up anything. The ability to create, manipulate and alter supernatural phenomena. Magic. Amelio’s people simply had another option on the tech tree and aren’t as dependent on mundane tech for solutions. Some really are reality warpers. This is a case where their power is closest to Marvel and the Dresden files. Amelio’s colony that he presides over made him the best candidate as they have successfully managed to blend Magic and Tech into Magitech. While humanity has managed to populate the solar system, they would be dismayed to learn, not only are they not the first to leave their cradle world. They aren’t even remotely close to catching up to their brethren and their vast territories. These nearest colonies such as Amelio’s could be considered the rearguard and the protectors of their cradle world.
  3. I do hope you revisit the setting and characters ❤️
  4. 44429! Behold the glory of 11/01!
  5. 44419! Behold the odd once more!
  6. Will review it when I get a day off! So far I love it ❤️
  7. 44409! Behold the lesser infinities!
  8. 44399! Behold the star of odd!
  9. 44393! the beauty of odd is that it isn’t even!
  10. Hate when i get hit with so much inspiration and prompts but I also want to finish stories when the ol noggin goes oh hey, you know what that’d be cool!

    Quick write them or or post them so you don’t forget!!

  11. 44363! Behold! the dividing line between 1 and 0 there and back again, the truest prayer!
  12. 44361! Poor Unfortunate Souls! In Pain! in Need!
  13. Review place! Or perhaps its the other way round? Place Review!😆
  14. This where they’ll be!🥰
  15. https://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600110477 A little late! 🥳
  16. 44335! Behold the harbinger of ODD!
  17. Life has been crazy lately, between my car being totaled, granny having a brain bleed ER managed to staunch to having a minor stroke directly in in the ER. Alot is happening all at once. 😅

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. InvidiaRed


      Yeah, I’m fine the back of the car is gone and the truck and the idiot responsible fled onto the reservation. So that’s gonna be fun.

      Granny is fine, apparently directly in the ER under experienced medical supervision and veteran doctors and nurses is the best place to have a stroke who knew? Lol.

    3. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Ouch and yikes, life seems to strike :hug:

    4. GeorgeGlass


      Wow, that’s a lot. Indeed, the ER is the best place to have a stroke, ‘cause they can give you those clot-busting drugs right away. Glad she’s doing well.

  18. 44315 Tis Eye of ODD
  19. 44297 Ah! The beauty of seven!
  20. Tears of a Deadworld As the opening shots of an intersystem war kicks off, a space freighter crash lands on the planet on the very edge of the system.
  21. Surprise! Halloween 2024 is early! :D

  22. The harvests of fall are grand indeed crowned by autumnal hues! Life is to be celebrated, the harvest bounty to be shared wealth is more than glittering gold Strangers to thy hearth can be more than they appear. Come All, Come One to the communal festival! One Shots Under 50K Include all appropriate tags at the beginning of the story Horror/ Halloween theme Original Fiction As we give thanks for the fruit of our labors! The Hearth is warm, the fire bright, the shadows long and dancing. The night yet bequeath welcome tender veils with hint of winter’s delight Eat. Drink and be Merry! For oft the horrors of day, surpass the crimes hidden by starlight.
  23. Anybody know why modern book covers tend to be well… Bland and boring?

    Like we had these amazing sword and sandal covers and now its well bluh.

    1. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      I’m guessing everybody’s using the same generic open-source-art & slapping their title/name over top of it?

    2. BronxWench


      I think @Desiderius Price has the right of it. I was lucky enough to have a publisher who didn’t rely on basic open-source art or awkward renders, and the cover artist did an amazing job for me. After all, the cover is what catches the eye right away, and makes you want to pick up a book and read the blurb...

    3. Wilde_Guess


      Hi, all.

      Just an opinion from someone who can observe human behavior and isn’t in the business.

      Sometimes, the publisher is “mailing it in on the cheap,” like @Desiderius Price has pointed out.  In other cases, they might be trying for something that was far more eye-catching in their minds than it is on the actual dust jacket or paperback binder.

      In a rare few cases, the author themselves might be at least partly to blame.  A “new author” won’t have a lot of leverage to use against whatever the printer calls their “dust jacket department,” so they’ll get what they get and give thanks that they’re getting paid instead of printing through a “vanity house” and having to sell their books out of the trunk of their car for the next twenty years to get their money back. 

      A “proven winner,” on the other hand, has a lot more leverage on what their dust jackets will look like, even for reprints of their initial best-sellers.  Some authors make good use of this leverage.  For others, they sell their books because of the story inside, in spite of the weak-sauce dust jacket or paperback cover.

  24. It finally rained in AZ! the first whisper of fall y‘all

    1. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Rain in Arizona… who’s been praying to the rain gods?  :)

    2. WarrenTheConey


      I live just outside of Pheonix, I went for a walk to one of the fast food places, when the wind had just started.

      Ten minutes later I was having lunch, watching the rain and wondering how I'd get home, without getting wet.

      Luckily it didn't last long. :P

    3. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      When I had lived in So Cal, took a year and a half to realize there was a leak in my apartment roof (simply because it hadn’t rained for so long)

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