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Everything posted by InvidiaRed

  1. Well as they say. There’s no party like the Donner party.
  2. Yes. If you play Vampire The Masquerade you have to understand what blood means to a vampire. It is their drug of choice, the means to extend their unnatural life, their rejuvenation and continued immortality. To a vampire is is their drug of choice, Its sex, drugs and rock N roll all rolled into one. No matter, how genial and good nature-ed a vampire is. They are still bound to it like a junkie needing their next fix. They will still tear you part if you get in the way.
  3. :pissed: Swimming back to middle earth is on a whole new spectrum of jumping the shark.


    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. InvidiaRed


      Glorfindel would have required as you said a vast cinematic universe of LOTR of multiple movies. Since he’s the only elf to essentialy be upgraded to maia after slaying a balrog no less.

      I can see why peter jackson had to cut certain things, the one I’m grateful for is no tom bombadil.

      That said the movies are light years of this bad abomination. I’d call it fanfiction but fans actually love the world.

    3. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Brandywine to Bree could easily have been a movie – think they could’ve made Tom Bombadil a good tale.  Ditto for Bree to Rivendell.  However, I suspect the actors might’ve objected to a 12 movie commitment (aside from the niceties of job security).

      Also fun to consider the other roles the actors had.  Sam is also Mikey from the Goonies.  Bolomir is Ned Stark.  And Elrond...Elrond… had a tough time on my first viewing separating him from the Matrix :)

    4. InvidiaRed


      Omg halfway through the season and they finally did a decent scene! Its a miracle… I mean aside from hitting rock bottom and finding a basement beneath but hey whose counting?

  4. No, the dream thing is the fastest way to lose trust of the audience. People want an experience, not want all of it shucked into the mire of lies last second rendering it all moot. The prevalence of subversion others mistake for wit has been a disaster for the medium.
  5. Personally I think it would have been a little too soonish for people to handle. Considering 11th was still fresh in the mind of everyone.
  6. I’m sure his prequel soundly thrashing that rings of power abomination is a consolation prize.
  7. Multiple Endings are interesting in my view. As long as they’re consistent and you aren’t too much of a stickler on which (if any) are the one true™ ending. If one has more potential go for it.
  8. Its either a single sentence, or a few thousand words no inbetween.
  9. Welp back to job hunting though I don’t want to worry anyone


    noissecer si ereh

  10. !Taiw t’nod og ew evah seikooc
  11. When someone is ready let me know here. <3
  12. As promised! ;D
  13. Two gifts I have for you, Something Old, and Something New! Sequel to Vampire Gynoids From The Future! Am proud to present Precise Shot An impossible shot from a doomed dying future, They say the right person in the right place can make all the difference in the world but can a desperate shot millennia hence too late alter the fate of the world? Nandis’s facility is invaded. (Violence, NoSex,) Paradise While the world was looking out towards the vastness of the blackness of infinity. They forgot that space was in parallel looking and in response in that dark gulf that holds the stars and all. Preparations begin and Something is being made ready.
  14. The taste of autumn has begun to tint the air. The cycle of seasons ebbs and flows where it goes nobody knows! Come one, come all to this festival of fall! Celebrate the changing of the leaves the beckoning of the well tended harvest. Welcome to my house, Come freely, Go safely: And leave something of the happiness you bring! One Shots Under 45K Include all appropriate tags at the beginning of the story Horror/ Halloween theme Original Fiction The harvest moon cometh full and round Illuminating what once was hidden Hospitality freely given, come rest a spell! Celebration is the cure for weary bones Close your eyes and do as you are bitten bidden The wolves are just beyond the tender hills as we prepare our solemn feast. The herd is safe under the shepherd’s crook, the lambs are fat and ready for shearing. “Listen to them- The children of the night. What music they make!”- D I do so solemnly declare that Halloween 2022 is open!
  15. Ooooh! You have my curiosity. I think I’m going to for for something different as well.
  16. I’m gonna post Halloween 2022 tomorrow.
  17. Going to take that as a yes.
  18. So uh first time I’ve been hired then released within the first day. So either it was a fluke or the economy might not be doing well.:pissed:

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. BronxWench


      Seriously, that is exceedingly unprofessional to make you come in to be told you were let go. What industry is this in?

    3. InvidiaRed
    4. BronxWench


      Well, shit. If it’s a hotel chain, let me know, because I won’t stay with them in future. Same thing if it’s a restaurant. 

  19. I was thinking of putting up 2022 Halloween early. That way people have some lee way incase they want to do it?
  20. okay 3 chapters left. I’m going to to try to find a better job so I can nip another problem in the bud. The grand irony of all. Money.

    1. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Yeah...writing’s not a rich endeavor for most.  A few lucky ones strike it rich, and who knows, your number might be drawn and your stories land in every household, and you’ll get a dozen block-buster movies made of them.  There’s always hoping.

    2. InvidiaRed


      Lol, not sure I’d ever let hollywood within a lightyear of my characters. xD

  21. Tomb of Horrors Is the only reason to have Red-Shirt Syndrome. Ah! Memories! Hahahaaha!
  22. I do enjoy when characters pick on it a little too late. It helps blunt the blow a bit when they do fall to traps. Bard: Does this room smell like chloroform to you? The sorceress sniffed the air for a bit. “Why am I not surprised with you?”The rest of the party’s faces paled in recognition as the sorceress suddenly bolted towards the door that had quietly bolted itself behind them.
  23. Four Chapters left to fix. :tomato:

    1. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Why did I start thinking “use-fix-a-flat” here?

    2. InvidiaRed
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