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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/02/2023 in all areas

  1. So, who’s tackling NaNo this year? *raises hand sheepishly* It’s been a few years since I dove in and drove myself to the point of insanity trying to cobble together 50,000 semi-coherent words, but I’m hoping it’s the kick in the pants I need to get back to writing regularly. Wish me luck, and don’t get between me and my Keurig for the next 30 days.
    2 points
  2. Keurig whimpers in terror. Little did it know that Halloween only marked the beginning of the spooky season, it was going to be enslaved for another grueling thirty days, without a prayer of overtime pay.
    2 points
  3. It is unfortunately way too late at night for me to post another review or respond to Invidia, but I will get to it tomorrow. In the meantime, please enjoy this dramatic reenactment of @GeorgeGlass’s story.
    2 points
  4. Wow, @InBrightestDay, you really captured the essence of the story.
    1 point
  5. GeorgeGlass

    NaNoWriMo 2023

    I’m going to do it sort of half-assed and try to finish—or at least make serious progress on—the novel I started with NaNo 6 years ago. I’ve finally finished the one I started after that (in 2020), so it’s time to get back to this one.
    1 point
  6. As the wheel turns and the veil thins, we honor those who came before. The blessings of Samhain to all! 🌖
    1 point
  7. How do I upload a story in the archive? The first thing you need to do is to ensure you're logged in as per the picture below: Click the option in the dropdown menu for Archives and a list of subdomains will appear. Find the subdomain that’s appropriate for your story (e.g. Harry Potter, or Originals) and click on the little green page icon to the right of the subdomain name. If you’re not sure where your story should be uploaded, look through the archive for your fan fiction and see where it’s uploaded. If you’re still not sure then don’t hesitate to ask a mod on the forum for help. Always make sure you’re uploading it to the correct subdomain before you upload it though! When you click on the icon to the right of the subdomain you want, it’ll take you to a new page. On the next page, you’ll first have to enter all the relevant information regarding your story, such as title, summary, disclaimer, etc, as well as content tags. It is very important that you choose all the appropriate tags relevant to your story. Click that field to open a dropdown with checkboxes for each tag. Failure to include tags will warrant a warning from a mod, and failure to correct it will cause your story to be hidden or removed. Towards the bottom of the page is where you’ll enter your story, usually be copying it from your word processing software and pasting it into the box provided. It’s always a good idea to go over it to ensure the formatting is correct. If all is good then click the “Post New Story” button. And there you have it!
    1 point
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