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  1. Bart the Ripper That feeling when you have to go back 14 years and five pages of Simpson stories to find a Bart/Lisa story you haven’t yet messily defiled yourself over and the author has wasted your arousal by having them at 18 and 20 instead of what gets you going and so, one handed, angry but resolute, you leave your feedback. Then, finding your edge again, you continue back further, ever further, to the old archives on stuttering servers, bytes dying, looking for the very earliest Simpsons smut, where Smithers was still black. ...thanks for taking the time to leave a comment!
    1 point
  2. Just wanted to say again I enjoyed the first parts of Wishful I checked out and the author notes showing more of the effort going into it are super interesting! Quality writing as ever Mr Glass.
    1 point
  3. Now posted: “Just One Rule” Chapter 8: Crushing It. Not exactly sure what I’ll post next, but it might be chapter 1 of “Rashomonster.”
    1 point
  4. Well. It took close to a year and a half but we finally know why I’ve been having nerve pain and numbness and struggling to stand and walk. The ‘why’ is not an easily fixed condition (...possibly not “fixable” at all, from the sound of it...) but having an explanation for the problem is the first step on the path forward. I can’t even express how relieved I am to have physical proof that what I’ve been struggling with wasn’t just in my head; the fact that such was bothering me as strongly as it was should say something about how folks with invisible disabilities are often treated in the US. I’m still stuck with walking with a cane for now. There are also orthotics, braces, medication, and routine specialist visits added to the equation now. I’m not crazy about that...but I’ll live. At least it’s not neuropathy and there’s a chance of some improvement with treatment, and so long as those two statements are true, I’m sure I can find a way to not whine too much. It’s a bonus that the medication I’m on now is helping with my bad knee (why I had the cane, to begin with) and I’ve got a very courteous and understanding doctor taking care of me. Maybe now that the testing and waiting are over, I’ll have a little more free time. If so, maybe I’ll be more able to use said free time for writing and updating. In the meantime, it’s good to be back on here even if only occasionally. Anyway. Dropping off the face of the earth without warning is kind of normal for me but...well...this is why I’ve been exceeding my usual DOtFotE statistics. In the coming months, if I get unusually bristly on here, say something unfriendly, or come across as short or rude, I apologize profusely in advance. I’m hanging in here the best I can...but...frankly, my nerves are compressed and sending pain and itching signals through otherwise healthy tissue, and there’s not a whole lot I can do when it gets really bad. There are days when it’s so bad I just want to cuss a blessed blue streak, cry, or both at once. Generally, I try to stay offline on days like that but they’ve snuck up on me before. If it happens, please be patient with me and let me know I’ve been a dick (because I probably won’t even realize it until later on when I’m trying to sleep) and I’ll apologize for it. Until next time, I hope everyone’s having a comfortable and safe spring, and wish y’all the best.
    1 point
  5. Got my first covid shot. I’ll have a second opinion in four weeks.
    1 point
  6. InvidiaRed

    Muggletum Finivi updated @JayDee

    Muggletum Finivi updated @JayDee
    1 point
  7. Some author notes for “Wishful” (warning: SPOILERS) The concept behind this story went through a few iterations before Jomahawk and I agreed on one. One idea was to make it like Heavy Metal, with a main character who becomes a super-stud when he is transported to a fantastical world of warring factions. Another concept involved an augmented-reality world. But I’m happy with the premise we ended up with. Most of the major characters’ names, appearance, choice of clothing, and sexual quirks, as well as several other details, were given to me by Jomahawk. One thing I really enjoyed about writing this story was contrasting the ways in which the Wishful and real-world characters speak. I like writing flowery speech, and it was fun to get into how Jace finds himself talking that way when he’s in his “King Jace” persona. The board game Coin of the Realm was inspired by Settlers of Catan, although the monetary units were taken from Dungeons & Dragons. In chapter 2, Alice mentions that one of her grad-school friends is dating a cop. When I was in grad school, I had a classmate who was dating a police officer. The Leporine twins’ dialogue and behavior were inspired by the Dee Dees (Harley Quinn’s granddaughters) from Batman Beyond. The Food 'n Fuel convenience store mentioned in chapter 2 is an allusion to Flip's Food and Fuel on The Loud House -- a show that both Jomahawk and I enjoy. Slave to the Grind, the coffee shop mentioned in that chapter, is the name of an actual coffee shop I once went to. People who are as picky as I am about language will notice that “Benata” and “Leporine” are capitalized but “kain” (Neva’s dog-like species) is not. This is because Benata and Leporine refer not only to a race but to a civilization. Kain, on the other hand, is largely a racial designation, because the kain do not have a unified government or culture; instead, they live in self-governed bands that do not necessarily share a language, religion, or traditions. The hierarchical Benata civilization is based on feudal China, while the kain were inspired by the Comanches of the American Southwest. The Leporines’ warrens are a set of loosely affiliated city-states and aren’t based on anything in particular. Of all the sex scenes in the story, the one I most enjoyed writing was probably the scene in chapter 4 between Jace and Alice. For one thing, it’s the first sex scene in the story that takes place in the real world, which ups the intensity. Also, once I had the idea of Alice essentially daring Jace to find all of her hot spots and turn-ons, it gave me clarity as to how the rest of the chapter should go, because I could use all of Lady Aliss’ hot spots and turn-ons as a guide. It also enabled me to keep ramping up the action without either character feeling the need to stop and say, “Wait, we’re siblings, should we be doing this?” In figuring out Valerius' origin story, I did a little research on Roman concepts of the afterlife. It turned out that a lot of Romans -- especially those in the cities -- didn't believe in an afterlife at all and therefore didn't worship a god of the underworld. So I chose not to mention any specific gods when talking about who judged Valerius when he died. When I was writing the part of chapter 8 where Angelica talks about wolves and incest, I looked up animal incest to make sure I wasn’t just talking out of my ass. It turns out that wolves and other mammalian species have mechanisms that make incest rare but don’t prevent it all together.
    1 point
  8. Marge's Debt – one of the Simpsons flashfics I wrote back during my year of 52 weekly prompts! This one and the Pegging one were the two basically wholesome ones, while the Mindy and Comic Book Guy ones sure weren’t. Been years since I saw a new Simpsons now. Used to really enjoy it tho, up ‘til 2000 at least I don’t think I saw many bad episodes. Thank you for the review! I appreciate it! You know, I had a funny feeling that as short as this one was you might get something out of it. Tick off a few of your faves, that sort of thing, especially, yes that last line . Looking at it now I wonder at just what Fat Tony thought when the idea was first put to him but at the end of the day he’s probably had odder proposals in a town as wacky as Springfield. Thanks again!
    1 point
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