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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/21/2019 in all areas

  1. Recently, someone asked me “What do you want to accomplish in the next ten years?” They probably expected something entirely different than what I answered. Some folks, surely, must answer that question with “I want to be promoted in my job” or “I want to get married,” or even “I want to own my own home and not have to deal with my bitchy landlady anymore.” My answer perplexed this person, and honestly, it confuses me, too. I want to be truly finished with pieces after I’ve written them. I don’t want to spend hours, days, weeks, and even months and years wondering how I could have improved them. I don’t want to wake up in the middle of the night and realize I left a huge-ass plot-hole somewhere, spelled someone’s name wrong, or got chapters out of order. I don’t want to go back, read over my stories, think “My GOD that’s crap,” and spend the next several months agonizing over how I can improve the crap. I want to write, proofread, make final edits, and be done with the piece, able to move on without worrying I’ve made some horrible mistake...and no, I’m not just worrying for nothing. I do make horrible mistakes and find them months down the line, frequently enough that it’s given me some nasty recurring writer’s block. Improving your craft can make you so much more critical of yourself. When I first started writing (we’re talking single digit ages here) I never looked back. Now I have decades of experience and years of education behind me, all geared toward improving my writing...and I can’t stop looking back long enough to look forward. Maybe it’d be more realistic to say “I want to win the lottery without ever touching a ticket.”
    2 points
  2. I might have a story. I’m thinking I want The Spider House to be something you can find from my profile page, but I have a story already started (it just sort of popped into my head one night and I wrote part of it; JayDee’s seen what I have) that I’m calling After Party that does feature the same couple and is set, as the title implies, just after a Halloween party. I’ll see if I can get it done in time.
    2 points
  3. What is an OPossum? An Irish Possum?
    2 points
  4. BronxWench

    Possible troll

    Wait, The Pit has standards?
    2 points
  5. It was a quality chunk of text!
    1 point
  6. JayDee

    Possible troll

    They have (had?) purges of the unclean from time to time was what I was meaning. The rest of the time no, no they do not.
    1 point
  7. I had been expecting to post chapter 2 of “Flesh” some time this weekend. However, I’ve now realized that what I was planning to post as chapter 2 really ought to be chapter 3 and vice versa. So it will be a while longer. Nothing else is particularly close to ready yet. What I’d like to finish soonish is chapter 9 of “Make It All Better” and chapter 4 of “Wishful,” closely followed by my story for the Halloween jam. But then, I’d like a lot of things.
    1 point
  8. Not really, but given that the story is thoroughly tagged and starts with a warning describing it as “creepy and rapey,” I’m afraid you have no one to blame but yourself. I’d suggest watching some old SU episodes to wash “Splinter” out of your head. Or reading my other SU story, “P.F.A.S. (Post-Fusion Attachment Syndrome),” which is pretty much the opposite of “Splinter.”
    1 point
  9. JayDee

    Possible troll

    A quick google shows fanfiction.net also has a copy. Their standards for adult content sure are flexible sometimes!
    1 point
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